Apple Ux Emotional Design
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DownloadApple UX emotional design
Emotions in humans cause a great effect on their decisions, responses and motivations, there are even studying that are responsible for communicating as some evolutionary approaches go along with aesthetics and the emotional results that come from it, and asThese have motivators about human behavior. Now, although we will not focus on the aspects of human evolution regarding emotions, it is an interesting fact to contribute and how these emotions with their different responses being generally pleasant or unpleasant are caused by cultural products, where in our case the case would enter theApple products, being able to be the iPhone, the MacBook or the Apple Watch, among many others, and how these products can evoke many types of emotional responses and such as those answers incite and have influence on a customer towards which product select.
"The Felt Tendancy Toward Anything Intuitly Appraised As Good (beneficial) or Away from Anything intuitly appraisted as Bad (Harmful)" Arnold, a psychologist and researcher known mainly to create a theory of emotions, in this definition you can comment that it can comment thatemotions can be used as an instrument. To facilitate the study of emotional responses towards Consumer Products Desmet and Hekkert created the "Model of Product Emots" that represents the process to determine if a product will have an emotional response.
- Assessment: In the case of products there will always be an evaluation where there are three answers: the product is beneficial, harmful or not relevant, and these answers can be read as a pleasant emotion, an unpleasant emotion or an absence of emotion
- Concern: the products that coincide with our concerns are considered beneficial and those that do not coincide with our concerns as harmful
- Product: The fascination that creates, the fantasy we have about what a product can mean for us
- Emotion: relationship between product and emotion.
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Product emotions can be divided into: aesthetics, social, surprise and interest
Emotional design application by product behavior
Human behavior + emotional design + UX
When a human interacts directly with a product, he must carry a planning, which involves how the user uses the product to his daily life and work, this is what is called product behavior. To create a product with which you can interact and attract attention, it is important to know the user’s objectives, but also understand their limitations, this is something in which companies such as Apple relate and study very well, where designers create the product , or their interface or even applications that support users where they are weak and empower them where they are strong, it is one of the strong that this company has, and not only the time to create any of the things mentioned above, but until later That you have in hand that product will learn the behavior of the person who possesses it, a good example of this concept could be something that we use daily, the keyboards and correctors of our mobiles as they are used learn like that Person responds, interacts and speaks to the point that predicts which words or expressions will be used in the conversation, an excellent application that has this issue of knowing and The behavior of the person to whom it belongs is the Swiftkey keyboard for Android, offers the best prediction of the following word and intelligent autocorrection, to others that unlike many other keyboards if the person who uses it usually uses two languages is not necessary the change of language of the keyboard, something in which the Apple keyboard lacks; Another example is to be the Keychain Access option from Apple, where a cloud unites iPad, iPhone and Mac to have user accounts and make easy access to all its social networks, accounts, etc. In addition to being very easy and fast. Posting up again so that the product can be helpful and considered, it must remember important things about the person interacting with the.
Direct manipulation
In Human Interface Style Guide of Apple says, "users want to feel that they are in charge of computer activities" this is basically what is defined as direct manipulation, where it is promoted that people perform a task themselves and without anyintermediary like a computer. This is a process that is covered by almost the entire electronic products industry since it is simple, direct, easy to use and easy to remember.
Most direct manipulation interactions are divided into seven categories:
- Pointing out
- Selection
- Drag and drop
- Manipulation control
- Palette tools
- Manipulation of objects (such as positioning, modeling and size change)
- Object connection
Designing good behavior and human design
"SHOULD BEHAVE Like Software A Considate Human Being" About Face Pag 249, commonly interactive products are irritable because they are not considered, creating a product that behaves more humanly can be one of the most practical objectives if organized correctly and without forcing them. If you want a user to want a product, the idea would be to design that product so that it has a behavior similar to that of a pleasant person. This can vary from product aesthetics to your interface.
Apple can be considered one of the most valuable companies for its human approach, and since since its inception it has taken advantage of these emotional aspects extraordinarily and its ability to incorporate these human details did not cease after the original Macintosh, with a proportional monitor together with the entry of thehard drive to the right imitating a little smile and the possibility of saying hello. But we will focus on some examples of these emotional touches that Apple brings to its most modern products:
- A small function but that is surely very recognizable is the small and delicate intermittent light that indicates when the laptop, MacBook Pro or Macbook Air, has gone to resting state, the interesting thing about this characteristic is what is precise that it is since it imitates the rhythmof human breathing during sleep, where light clicks between 12 to 20 times per minute giving a calming effect.
- To have an idea of how complicated it is to integrate these delicate touches, we have as an example Dell, whose computers also have a rest indicator, but it has 40 repetitions per minute, which is equivalent to the breathing of an adult exercising. Apple customers praise the relaxing brightness it emits, while Dell’s version is uncomfortable, this serves as a reference that is not enough to add only human features, but to carefully incorporate it doing it in a desirable way
- Another human integration that is very subtle is on the iPhone unlock screen. If the access code is written incorrectly, the points on the keyboard that refers to the pin will be stirred from left to right, imitating a gesture that is known worldwide, the negative movement with the head.
- Also applied in its advertising campaigns, with the iPod, where they present it as a pocket friend giving you the music "of your life". Say hello to iPod advertising.
- And finally in this section is developing products with personality, there is a whole field dedicated to what this discipline would be, so Apple is not the only technology company that develops products of this style.
Combining interactive design, usability, psychology and technology, HCI and UX experts add personality to all brands and products, thus giving humanization to industries that may be more automated, in order to give them a more familiar approach.
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