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Applicable Strategies For Learning Made Of Video Games


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Applicable strategies for learning made of video games


This research project consists in the search for a kind of nemonic formula applied to educational technology. By identifying those elements that make a video game attractive and interesting, their application will be sought in learning strategies. As well as a nemonic formula can be applied to each context, in the same way the application of these strategies in any subject that is taught is sought. Everything arises following the pandemic at the upper average level, this exhibited a series of problems as far as the delivery of a distance education. It is expected that at the end of this research, such strategies can be used in distance education, in the classroom with ICTs and in the classroom without ICTs. For student learning evaluation, it will be based on the Kolb method, which attaches to the purposes of this research.


We cannot leave drifting learning, nor can we let distance education arise on its own. I speak from a context focused on higher secondary education. And I mention it following the pandemic, since it was precisely at that time when the activities were suspended. Such an unfortunate moment that I bring out a great digital illiteration, let’s not talk about what corresponds to educational technologies;Those seem non -existent.

Far from surrounding the matter in question, we know that learning is fundamental, as Padde says in Ways of Learning (2014) learning is an activity in which each of us has been involved.

Wait! Applicable Strategies For Learning Made Of Video Games paper is just an example!

It is also known that learning is not merely exclusive to the education system, but it seems that they have really disregarded it. To such a degree that when secondary to upper secondary level apprentices enter, they arrive with low performance and without any strategy to develop and generate learning. All this clashes with the reality mentioned by educational systems. Corresponding to learning through educational technologies, we run into an apprentice who believes he knows himself felt in the subject. They know how to download applications, they know how to play video games, it seems that they know everything, but … it is difficult for you. They are part of different social networks, but they do not have the culture of saving their password or requesting the change of it. Apprentices do not understand the dynamics of distance education, the mystical repudiation of everything educational and the idea that learning will not be possible through the Internet governs them in an overwhelming way.

On the other hand we find activities of activities that do not generate the fascination in the apprentice such as those of a video game. What I am looking for is not to make a vile learning show, so why all other areas use different strategies to attract more people? Are educational technologies aimed at having cold designs, regardless of the user’s impact? Isn’t it the purpose of educational technology to use the best tools to get to the student and generate learning? The museums are suffering a great adaptation, they ceased to be the great chests that presented relics away from the visitor. They apply interactive elements in order to generate learning in the visitor. They open to new opportunities;interactive devices, multimedia, with VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality), use of tic´s among other actions. They manage to wrap the visitor in a world that offers an approach to any knowledge topic. Alderequi, S, and Pedersoli, C. In his book education in museums. From objects to visitors (2011), they mention a series of interactive devices of science and art, focused on their content objectives: enhance observation, facilitate reading, establish dialogues with the context and explain phenomena and processes. These devices are oblivious to higher education? Do not video games share the same?

Roberts, k. In his book the future beyond the brands. Lovemarks (2008), mentions that emotions are dominating the world. We live an era focused on the emotional and sensory of the subject, this comment will sound away. However, generating a positive reaction is precisely what seeks meaningful learning. Would it be a mistake to take those learning strategies? Awakening the interest of the apprentice in a matter should be seen as an opportunity to generate the necessary skills in the. Nothing away from this reality is the didactic-curricular approach mentioned in Lujan, M. and Salas, F. (2009), which is focused on the curricular development of the media. That takes into account the following aspects: attitudinal, practical, training and organizational issues. Returning to the central point that the teacher should not be an alien subject of the new media.

The proposal presented in this research is to generate a design and application guide of strategies using educational technologies based on video games for PC. These strategies must have base elements to be applicable. Hassan, and. (2006) Take into account the usability and satisfaction of use and a design focused on non -frustration of use. Important characteristics to be able to make the apprentice a connection with the activities presented. Where all activity is included in a constructivist approach. This is how it seeks to obtain what Carrión mentioned, r. And Padilla, to. In its article Web usability: thinking about user’s well -being;It is nothing away from looking. The lack of strategies that can be applicable in different contexts could present a complexity when applying a correct educational technology in distance education. But fortunately Manovich, L. (2005) reminds us that the “(…) object of the new media is not something fixed once and for all, but that it can exist in different versions, which are potentially infinite.”Reference to the principle of variability, which shows us again as educational technology can have a wide range of adaptability to each context, as long as it focuses on the line that is desired to give. In our case I mean “Applicable strategies for learning taken from video games for PC."


General objective

Identify the strategies that make video games attractive and apply them in a learning strategy.

Specific objectives

  • Search and choose 3 of the most popular video games for PC.
  • Analyze video games chosen through interviews with area specialists.
  • Evaluate the strategies that each video game applies.
  • Evaluate the level that apprentices present to educational technology.
  • Choose the learning activities in which the strategies analyzed of video games will be applied.
  • Apply and evaluate the activities presented to the apprentices.
  • Collect information and present data and conclusions.


In the present investigation two areas will be analyzed. The first focuses on obtaining the three best videogames for PC. Once obtained, the next task will be to analyze them to obtain what are the strategies they use and because they are so attractive to users. Focused on video game analysis, we will observe the gameplay, complexity, history or plot and the inventiveness of the game.

The second line will focus on analyzing apprentices to know how their performance is referring to educational technologies. For our next step, we will rely on the learning style proposed by Kolb, since it adapts to the variables that we will identify in the apprentices when applying the learning strategies based on the video games analyzed analyzed. There will also be a recognition of the level of use they have in their subjects that are studying, in order to observe the changes they have had.

Already analyzed our two main elements, we will proceed to the analysis of the video games and observe what aspects of the Kolb style are more marked than others and in which moments. These items will be obtained through interviews with specialists from the video game area. Subsequently, the strategies adapted to educational technologies will be carried out to be able to start applying them to apprentices. Each applied strategy will be followed up and if necessary, the corresponding corrections will be made. The purpose is that strategies can adapt in any subject.

Given the elements that will be analyzed in the investigation, the methodology approach will be mixed. Since predetermined instruments will be applied to evaluate the learning styles and instruments that are valuted by refining for the valuations of the educational technologies applied in the apprentices.


From the mixed methodology, the quantitative results, which were applied in the delivery of the strategies;They must throw, how many students improved their average. Qualitative results will be analyzed in the attitude that students take by getting involved in strategies. In general, the learner’s performance-class will be analyzed, without leaving behind the Kolb model to follow up on the learning styles that will be present at all times of the elaboration, application and evaluation of learning strategies.


At the time, the valuation and results obtained will be taken.

Discussing its application, adaptability to the context and acceptance of apprentices.

Here can go another idea of the document.


At the end of this project, a series of strategies that allow the delivery of distance classes through the use of educational technologies are expected. Contemplating the hygienic factors: functionality, accessibility, finding, objective usability and motivating factors: utility, aesthetics, credibility, subjective usability;mentioned by Hassan, and. (2006) In its article web design factors oriented to satisfaction and non-Frustration of use. In addition to these qualities, they must also generate correct accessibility with the following principles that Griol, Callejas and López (2013) in Salas, R. (2015): That they are noticeable, operable, understandable and robust. Strategies are expected to have the principle of variability cited in Manovich, L. (2005), where when applied, they can adapt to the context that are presented to them. In another words, to be able to adapt to any subject that is taught in higher secondary education.

References list

  • Alderoqui, S and Pedersoli, C. (2011). Education in museums. From objects to visitors. Buenos Aires. Paidós.
  • Carrión, r. And Padilla, to. (2014). Web usability: thinking about user’s well -being.
  • Hassan, and. (2006). Web design factors oriented to satisfaction and non-eating use. Spanish magazine of scientific documentation. 29, 2, April-June, 239-257.
  • Luján Ferrer, Manuel, & Salas Madriz, Flora (2009). Theoretical approaches and definitions of educational technology in the twentieth century.
  • Electronic Magazine ‘Research News in Education’, 9 (2), 1-29.[Date of consultation June 28, 2020]. ISSN: . Available at: https: // www.Redalyc.org/article.OA?ID = 447/44713058004GIARDINE, B., Riemer,
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  • Pritchard, a. (2014). Ways of Learning (Third Ed.). Chapters 1, 5 and 7. Roberts, k. (2008). The Future beyond the brands. Lovemarks. Barcelona. Saatchi & Saatchi.
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