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Applying and Sharing Evidence to Practice.


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Proper oral care is important for non-ventilated patients in hospitals as it helps to overcome the possibility of a person acquiring NV-HAP. If proper oral care is not undertaken, the bacteria remain in the oral cavity and are likely to cause diseases as time progresses. Nurses face barriers like staff knowledge gaps, challenging patient behavior and resource constraints while trying to adopt a systematic high-quality oral care schedule. Oral care can affect the self-esteem of individuals, and therefore the nurses should take it with a lot of seriousness. Nurses burnout is a problem of for many health institutions across the globe. Burnout leads to a reduction in the energy of nurses that stems from being frustrated by the leaders, lack of motivation, and emotional exhaustion leading to low efficiency of nurses. It has been caused by a shortage of medical experts in the health sector that results from high turnovers rates. Consequently, there has been a decrease in the number of skilled nurses thus leading to an increased workload.
Keywords: NV-HAP, oral care, burnout

Applying and Sharing Evidence to Practice.
The findings of the study indicate that there was an improvement in the comprehension by the nurses on the relationship between eating, drinking, and swallowing and provision of regular oral care. It is because the staff was already aware of this relationship even before the introduction of the education intervention program. There was an improvement in how the staff documented oral care performance.

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According to Jenson, Maddux, and Waldo (2018), patients under NPO (Nothing by mouth) had a high risk of getting Non-Ventilated Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP). I would share this information with my practice since it helps to improve oral care by emphasizing on its importance. Consequently, there will be fewer cases of NV-HAP, less patient stays in the hospitals. The enhanced oral care will also help limit multi-drug resistant pathogens from developing. The information will also assist nurses to examine the ability of patients to care for themselves and provide education to them where necessary. The nurses will understand the importance of prioritization of oral care among the other functions of nursing. Also, they will take oral care seriously since they will be aware that oral care affects the self-esteem of individuals.
Nurses burn out is mainly caused by a shortage of nurses in the health facilities leading poor work conditions especially due to excessive workload. Others causes may include unsupportive leaders, low collegial support and inadequate resources. Leadership in healthcare helps to create a positive work environment by providing employees with freedom of making decisions related to work and ensuring employees are confident by expressing confidence. An important factor which plays a critical role in the caregivers’ feeling of burnout is the work environment (Mudallal, Othman &Hassan, 2017). There are several ways that can be used to share the information with other peers. One method includes holding discussions with them through this method, they will understand the evidence since they will be speaking as peers. This method is very interactive and therefore offers the best way of sharing the information. The other method is the utilization of technology, for instance, mobile devices, and websites to share information regarding burnout in nurses. There has been a rise in the use of technology, and therefore this method can be very effective.

Jenson, H., Maddux, S., & Waldo, M. (2018). Improving oral care in hospitalized non-ventilated patients: standardizing products and protocol. MedSurg Nursing, 27(1), 38-46.
Mudallal, R. H., Othman, W. A. M., & Al Hassan, N. F. (2017). Nurses’ Burnout: The Influence of Leader Empowering Behaviors, Work Conditions, and Demographic Traits. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 54, 0046958017724944.

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