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Argument Analysis – John Stuart Mill


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Argument Analysis – John Stuart Mill
Philosopher John Mill tried to explain utilitarianism using the concept of higher and lower pleasures. He attempts to offer a critical analysis of the reasons for the difference in the different desires. He addresses the questions that have arisen based on comparing the various values of pleasures. Mill states that due to quality, there exist both higher and lower pleasures. He associates more moderate pleasure with bodily pleasure which can be experienced by both man and animals and classifies intellectual pleasure as being a greater pleasure, one that solely focuses on intellectual development. In a bid to factor in this understanding, it is best to ask how particular preferences are superior to others since both bring the intended happiness to the doer, concerning the theory of Utilitarianism.
I do agree that the grouping of the distinct pleasures cannot be in the same category. For example, reading a book on Psychological effects of poverty on an individual does not give the same pleasure as eating ice cream on a sunny day. They totally differ in the aspects of ease of access and the lasting effects of the joy. In looking at this example, it is easy to understand why Stuart would classify pleasures into two groups. There are counter arguments that state that it is not possible for him to try to compare actions that are not alike, but John argues that based on their utility.
It is evident that in his classification, he considered the ease of access to an absolute pleasure before classifying it as a higher or lower pleasure.

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In their youth, human beings have a lot of enthusiasm to gain intellectual satisfaction through learning, creativity, and imagination. However, with an increase in age, the interest starts to fade away, and they start to focus more on physical pleasure which is readily available to them. Habitual laziness has resulted in human beings inability to become creative and innovative and thus they are unable to attain even the least bit of intellectual pleasure. They have thus opted for physical pleasure which is within their reach, unlike intellectual pleasure which they consider to be out of their grasp. John states that the fact that most people choose to pursue one type of pleasure simply because they are unable to attain the other kind of fun.
Putting into consideration the lasting result of a given type of fun, those that have a lasting effect on the mental development of an individual are considered to be higher pleasures while those that have temporary effects are deemed to be lower desires. Intellectual pleasures need constant exercising and results in the growth of a person’s mental capabilities, and they start to fade away when there is no reinforcing of proper nourishment. It has lasting effects and has led to various societal contributions. Physical pleasures are however only temporary, and no public development attributes to this pleasures.
It is evident that few only appreciate intellectual pleasures, and it is thus considered to be a higher comfort. It brings about a sense of superiority to those who engage in it, such as Socrates. Those who appreciate it are always feeding their minds with the right information in the process of learning. Since majority enjoy physical pleasures, it is considered to be a lower form of satisfaction. Men lose their desire to learn and grow mentally and begin to associate themselves with inferior pleasures which are accessible to the majority. Therefore, it is evident that there exist difficulties among human beings to be able to combine both forms of pleasure and it was thus necessary for Stuart to come up with a distinct line that distinguishes the desires based on the qualities.

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