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Argumentative Essay on Legalization of Prostitution

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Argumentative Essay on Legalization of Prostitution
The current century has been marked with many modifications in the people’s views on the universal civilization. Diverse bodies have been involved in campaigns to champion for the moralities of people who are involved in acts that have always been seen as anathemas for many years. The actions include human cloning, abortion, physician-assisted suicide, rights for the same sex, prostitution among many others. The reason behind this is because the democratic world allows each person to choose the kind of lifestyle that they need wish to emulate. Therefore, a lot of controversies have been raised in the current world on the issue of legalization of prostitution. The act has been taking place in many countries, but very few countries have legalized it up to date. I believe that the demand market for prostitution is generated by some cartels who buy a woman’s sexuality for their gain and inclination. The occupation has used many women and children who have made some people reap enormous profits for organized crime in many nations of the globe. We live in a society where many women and children are trafficked from both developed and developing nations as a form of the sex trade. Hence, I view this type of commerce as a contemporary slavery, and it is expanding at a higher rate. Consequently, this paper shall discuss the controversy around the legalization of prostitution, and support the stand against prostitution legalization.
Prostitution epitomizes a falsification of common ethnic values, defilement of religious moral lessons and a venality of humanity.

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It embroils profit-making sex, where people earn a living by engaging in intercourse with diverse associates. According to the integrities of numerous convictions and cultures, this is a wicked deed. Consequently, permitting it will be decriminalizing promiscuity which may make many families fall and bring societal volatility in many countries since most patrons are wedded men (Yoo, n.p). On the same note, the legal action will lead to degradation of the morals accepted in societies and consequently exposing children to unethical practices at their tender age. Therefore, if this act is legalized, it may lead to a break of the tuneful liaison that exists between régimes and religionists.
The major effect caused by prostitution is the increase in health problems. The act shall lead to an escalation in STDs in the society, and this will make the national governments spend much money in trying to curb the banquet of such diseases like HIV/AIDS, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Chlamydia, and Syphilis (Thappa, Singh and Kaimal 69). The cause for the increase in the diseases is because many people flout the usage of fortification when partaking intercourse with sex workers. In most cases, prostitutes engage many sex cronies and, thus they perform as an itinerary for transmission of diseases. Similarly, the diseases may be conceded to guiltless individuals like couple spouses who were never involved in the act, and they may end up being infertile and reducing their life span. Henceforth, if the diseases end up being irrepressible and incessantly being spread, then the degree of health care in many communities of the world will be in the jeopardy zone.
Prostitution has relations with crime instances in the society since the industry is highly connected to crime groups like Triad. The act leads to the production of criminality issues like assault, alcoholism, theft, kidnapping among many other crimes. Instances of human trafficking can be on the rise if prostitution is legalized (Swanson, 599). If vendors of prostitution organizations run out of alacritous prostitutes, they may end up forcing young teenagers into the practice. On the same note, some other minors may decide to be part of the profession due to financial distresses. Therefore, I believe that if prostitution is legalized, it will not only increase the rate of crime but also it will profusely increase in the global world.
The advocates of prostitution claim that act is a good way of aggregating the government income. Therefore, they say that if the sexual trade is permitted it will generate jobs, and upsurge levy proceeds for the state. On the same note, those who champion the act believe that prostitution should be permissible since it is an innocuous act. Hence, this shows that if it is legalized, the government will be in a position to rheostat the spread of STDs and teenage sex workers through inverse psychology (Zeegers and Althoff 370). Conversely, the state has abundant options for generating employment prospects for its people without infringing the principles of the communities. Therefore, the government will be in a position to raise its taxes if it encirclements such alternatives without sacrificing the decorum of its citizens. Similarly, prostitution is harmful since it distresses the relatives of those involved and poses them to health risks.
In conclusion, I believe that the above-discussed factors are the reasons on to why prostitution should not be legalized. The act upsurges exploitation of culture in the global world since it emasculates social morality and obliteration of human integrity. Therefore, if cultures are corrupted, people in different nations will not enjoy living in a nonviolent and comfortable life. Henceforth, I support the stand against legalization of prostitution.
Work Cited
Swanson, J. “Sexual Liberation Or Violence Against Women? The Debate On The Legalization Of Prostitution And The Relationship To Human Trafficking”. New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal 19.4 (2016): 592-639. Web.Thappa, DevinderMohan, Nidhi Singh, and Sowmya Kaimal. “Prostitution In India And Its Role In The Spread Of HIV Infection”. Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS 28.2 (2007): 69. Web.Yoo, Sook-Ran. “A Study On The Effects Of Legalization Of Prostitution On The Social Integration Of Migrant Prostitutes In The Netherlands”. The Journal of Migration & Society 1.1 (2008): n. pag. Web.Zeegers, Nicolle and Martina Althoff. “Regulating Human Trafficking By Prostitution Policy?”. European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 2.4 (2015): 351-378. Web.

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