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Aristotle’S Political Idea


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Aristotle’s political idea

The search for an "impeccable" society, the ambitious desire to obtain power, the perfect state, the different forms of government, the objective of man as a sociable and political being, the conflicts that have been forming thanks to the search for saidPerfection, and the feeling of happiness reflected in the people, are issues that were addressed throughout the essay to be abletransforming over time, as disclosed, and how these ideas develop in a political environment.

It is important to know the thought that the author wants to convey in a more accentuated way, knowing the ideas and beliefs of other philosophers makes us have a complete panorama and a broader concept of what politics is in different points of view, comparing and analyzingThe most convenient and interesting judgments without losing the touch of a personal point of view. The issue that will be addressed is not just knowing the doctrine of the book ‘Politics’ has a meaning beyond what is read and analyzed, because not only of happiness, virtue, men with these characteristics,Or about how divine it is usually what is customary to relate when talking about philosophy, the issue has a very interesting combination about politics, state, administration, together with the values and interest of living in a state’neat’ and blissful.

The themes to be treated will be backed by authors such as Garcés Garaldo Luis. In "Aristotelian justice" where points about justice will be clarified, and how it is related to virtue and morals.

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Azcarate Patricio is another important author, where he talks about the government, the different objectives, and the division that existed in these governments. The State is an issue that highlights the thought of Aristotle, which is why the author, Paco Reinforza, in his work "Aristotle politics and the State" poses this subtema clearly and concisely, finally, the author Omar Guerrero in theWork of the "Camarales Sciences" will help link this issue with the policy of Aristotle united with the Cameralist Seckendorff who also talks about the state in a way similar to that of the author of ‘The Politics’ .

Man is cataloged as a social being, a political animal, where he lives in a community, and this man is characterized by his way of being, of acting, his faculty of analysis and understanding, and this makes him alive in a society, allWe are social beings by nature, nature drags us to be it, but not only for being a political person who lives in community makes us sociable entities, virtue is a value that is what defines us and makes us those people withAbility to live in a community, and all this set of characteristics can be defined through habits or customs that a man has constantly throughout his life, that is, if you want to be a good and fair man, you will have to performactors where these intentions are reflected, gradually creating a habit that leads us to the good and fair, it is here where I quote the author Garcés Garaldo Luis where he tells us about fairness.

“Of the Aristotelian virtues there is one that is responsible for perfecting the socio -political nature of man: it is justice, as a practice of fairness. This virtue is derived from the dike or reality of fairness. The actions that provide or safeguard happiness and its parts for the political community are called fair ”.

In other words, justice is determined as virtue and everything that leads to being a virtuous and fair man, for the scope of happiness, justice must be natural and legal, its purpose is to order, administer and coordinate to reach theobjective. Man is forming through his life to be this fair and virtuous person, and for this he needs the community, where he is no longer only one person, now he becomes a “we” and through this keyword he iswill build politics.

The State is a very important issue at a personal thing that stands out, since it is the maximum degree of association and is the union of several villages around laws, a fair state is indispensable to achieve happiness, the StateIt is practically a form of social organization and has a political objective and is called self-sufficient, which reinforces this thought, the State as a political tool is a means to achieve the idea of citizens’ morals and happiness. According to the author Paco, the State in the Aristotle text The policy and the State “is characterized by the self-sufficiency determined by the associative and economic development of the human being. And for human rationality because it is the sociability of the human being, the State is an organization with a political objective ”

Unlike man who is an entity, not self-sufficient, since he needs the community, otherwise the State is, as the previous author mentions and is characterized by being self-sufficient, and this is defined as a “realityNatural ”since it represents the nature of things, one of them is the social, the State is defined as a“ perfect ”community, and only within this community can exist life, so it intervenes in the social sense and there isTo ensure that society lives well.

Another author who can support this idea is the Cameralita Seckendorff, presented the conditions that defines the well -being of a State as the basis of achieving the happiness of the subjects, “happiness understands a pregnant idea of eudemonism, man is happy because he hasHealth, food, comfort and recess ”, these are the categories where a“ perfect ”state can be pointed out.

Camarales sciences are a very clear example, of a teaching path for state officials, in the issue of Aristotle policy, man as a political entity, recognizes the best ways to achieve happiness and well -being of both the State and theof the population and act in favor of the increase in power fairly and the force of the State.

The forms of government is a very interesting issue because there were different ways of governing, but none was perfect, and certainly the forms of government that occur, are not the most suitable for them to be established in the state, and fulfilled the purpose of havingA fair and good mandate.

The government structures and the criteria determined by those who would govern were totally different and before reaching the opinion of these forms of government will be explained to have a basic knowledge, how they worked. There are a number of people who govern and in addition to that, they are directed towards certain people, and is called as a pure form that are outstanding elements, of excellence, and the impure form, which are the forms of corrupt and immoral government.

The pure forms of government where a person sent and that was for all was called monarchy, the government that was for many was called an aristocracy and in the end was the government that was for all called democracy, these structures in general was pure forms or pure forms"Correct" for a State to be happy, the against part of this was that there was the impure, the government of a single person for herself, called tyranny, that of many, oligarchy, and the government that was for all demagogy.

The author Patricio Azcarate supports this theory in the text "Divisions of governments" explaining the divisions of governments more directly. The deviations from governments are: the tyranny that is from the reign the oligarchy that is of the aristocracy;The demagogy that is of the Republic. Tyranny is a monarchy that only has the personal interest of the monarch;The oligarchy takes into account only the particular interest of the rich;demagogy, that of the poor. None of these governments think of the general interest. Each government division has different objectives, and different types of regimes, some more convenient than others, with the difference that in the end is none considered “perfect” to be established in the people.

Of course, pure forms were more favorable to rule in society, so that later they could improve and implement an extra, more concrete and free form, where everyone had the opportunity to be part of it, a more stable government, where there would bea balance between society, have a mixed government, where the people can be heard and taken into account.

What does Aristotels mean with politics? It is a very broad and very interesting topic, where it covers very important issues for politics to be in depth, a point of view is not enough to explain what the author wants to refer, not addressing this issue, it could beMore complicated for analysis and understanding, perhaps not all readers can be in favor with the relationship of the political with humanitarian values, or that the State in an important factor for the proper functioning and scope of society’s happiness.

It seems very attractive to the fact that at the time of Aristote he had a new vision and that he would seek the well -being of the people, being and working as a fair and virtuous man is very valuable. I consider that investigating more on the subject opens the imagination and interest in knowing howfavor of the way in which, justice, man, the State, the Government, I think they are events and events that were evolving.

It is a state was the issue that marked my way of understanding politics, which acquired the most important character in the text and was the basic influence to find happiness, and be based on hundreds that coincided in everything, even though the State wasjustified with totally different arguments, they had some truth in every idea or intention. It was considered the power of common interests, as an instrument of regulation, also as a measure to justify particular interests to the general interest, and was also understood as an instrument for redistribution of social wealth, and as a means to cushion class contradictions andharmonize differences.

Aristotle’s political idea made a new era flour. Perhaps a combination of virtuous people who were not necessarily lineage, with intellect, knowledge and understanding would have been a perfect way of knowing.

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