Art Movements: Basic Elements
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The arts allow people to express themselves in an original way through basic elements such as body, space, time, movement, sound, color and shape. THE ARTISTIC EDUCATION PROFESSOR V. Lowenfeld thought that social, physical, intellectual, emotional, aesthetic and creative growth was reflected in the art of students, in his book Creative and Mental Growth he refers:
The child who uses creative activity as an emotional escape route will gain freedom and flexibility as a result of unnecessary tensions discharge. However, the child who feels frustrated will develop inhibitions and, because of this, he will feel that his personality is limited. The child who has developed freedom and flexibility of expression can face new situations without problems.
They are a structured aesthetic language that makes perceptible in the world, dreams, experiences, thoughts, feelings, positions, ideologies and reflections that are part of the psyche of artists. Managing to create something that can delight, excite, teach or move those who perceive it. Currently, one of the most appropriate ways can be considered to refer to art, it is the artistic experience.
The concept of art in our day is not the same as in past times, since the idea of art can depend on its time, time and context. What does not vary, are the elements in the communication process, necessary for the exchange to occur. Berlo, D, K.
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In his book communication networks define these elements:
An issuer begins the communication process by building a message and sending it to a receiver, this in turn analyzes the information and reconstructs the message in the light of their own background and experiences, which will serve to synthesize the information received. The receiver analyzes and reconstructs the meanings of the message, synthesizes and builds meanings and becomes an issuer when responding to the message that was sent.
We can find different definitions for the concept of art that do not allow them to differentiate them from other aesthetic-communicative manifestations that coexist in our culture. Teachers are interested in that the condition of the arts, and the purpose of their products, in the teaching process is creative expression, as mentioned by the New Educational Model: “The realization of artistic projects seeks to give continuityto artistic practice as a fundamental part of the classroom experience, deepening at the same time in the elements and characteristics of one of the four arts ”.
Moreover, point out that the arts are related to their historical context, and that they also propose a singular knowledge of man, transforming his sensitivity. Acha in the book Expression and artistic appearances, defines the concept as: a sociocultural phenomenon, whose production and appreciation are specialized. Its production is done in different media and requires different materials, techniques and procedures. Artistic practice aims to perform images, sounds, and movements that are capable of producing aesthetic effects.
Visual arts can encompass the traditional ones, including drawing, painting, engraving and sculpture, as well as expressions that incorporate new technology oriented to unconventional elements, also called art of new media, including: art: artdigital, fanart, photography, net. Art., Videoarte, abstract art.
During the centuries V a.C. to the XVII d.C., When trying to integrate art into education programs, the student was not taken into consideration only to the technical aspects. In the plastic arts they were copied the works of great artists, and only highlighting the outstanding students, leaving aside others. The general problem was that they were not taught to express themselves, be creative, to see and appreciate.
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