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The Spanish development of a Spanish dialect The first inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula of which you have news spoke various languages; Celtic, Ligures, Iberian, etc. But the k...

The Philosophy of Education and its evolution With the passage of time, the term ‘education’ has evolved and with it, the practice too. What involves education? What exactly is...

The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche Introduction Friedrich Nietzsche's life coincides with great social, cultural and political transformations in Europe. The history of the old co...

THE ORIGIN OF EARTH SCIENCE Introduction In order to understand how we have lived as we do today, and why we must protect the different life forms of our planet,......

The new understanding: Effective Communication and Culture Introduction. In which we live from the particular vision that each one has in the world, but we act as if we all......

The new artistic manifestations As long as we talk about contemporary art we can realize that there are many different opinions and thoughts about their meaning and evolution. Many...

The memes from the humorous point of view Introduction The memes will be analyzed from the humorous point of view. Therefore, from the scope of linguistics and, in particular, the....

The meaning of racism The official narrative of the history of constitutionalism has been hiding the legal - political status of the groups that were excluded from the political co...

THE MAJESTUOUS BOREALS Introduction Norway is a wonderful destiny, special for nature lovers and for those curious who want to be surprised with natural landscapes and phenomena th...

The Labyrinth of Soledad by Octavio Paz The labyrinth of loneliness is a literary work in which Octavio Paz seeks to explain the reason for being of the Mexican, which......

The impact of inclusion on university students Introduction The educational change processes require their cultural installation and community participation in visions, objectives ...

The human being related to science Introduction It is clear that, for a long time, it has been believed that science has no limits, that the human being if it......

THE HUMAN BEING AS NATURAL BEING   Human beings for a natural tendency usually relate to others, we lack instincts (since if we had them we would be tied to......

The firmness of women before society Introduction The participation of women in society has been truncated since its inception after the primitive community to the present day due ...

THE EVOLUTION OF GLOBALIZATION There is no doubt that the world is increasing. Globalization can be defined as the relationship between all countries of the world in all areas such...

The development of microorganisms Introduction In veterinary medicine together with current microbiology, it needs crops for microbial identification, and are followed by the evolu...

The deontology of the lawyer and the professional practice of law The lawyer in the strict sense is a professional empowered to exercise defense, consulting, resolve conflicts and ...

The decriminalization of abortion in Ecuador for victims of rape Introduction In ancient times, the concept of abortion had different positions throughout history, where it was acc...

The culture and cultural heritage of a nation   Culture is an abstraction, a theoretical construction from the behavior of individuals in a group. Culture refers to specific behav...

The cultural industry: loss of identity We say that communication is the exchange and coding of codes that allow the construction of common meanings, it is somewhat innate to human...

The concept of web accessibility and its importance Introduction According to the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), it specifies that web accessibility is the possibility that every...

The concept of 'multiculturality' history of the United States As we advanced in the previous section, the concept "multiculturalism" arises from the union of two terms: ...

The concept of culture in policies and cultural management Culture has developed a conception according to the time space that it has occupied, with its various nuances;However, it...

THE COMMITMENT OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Introduction In the following report the relationship between the story "The hugs of Eduardo Galeano" will be presented with the c...

The birth of the media the radio in Colombia On April 12, 1923, as part of the official inauguration ceremony of the new Telecommunications Station, Colombian President Pedro Nel O...

The art of grammatical translation Introduction Have you ever studied Latin? Ancient Greece? Sanskrit? Linear b? If so, you probably used the grammatical translation methodology. Y...

Study on culture, cyberculture and dance The following text has the purpose of knowing how culture has been transformed over time, the implementation of technological and communica...

Special Education for Deaf People As we have indicated above there are two ways to guide education in deaf people, and this creates a controversy between oralists and manualists. I...

Spanglish in cultures and languages Introduction A person naturally wants and seeks to identify with other people or a group in society. He wonders himself, who am I? Or where......

Song Analysis Until Even Carlos Puebla Commander Analysis of a Latin American song Throughout this essay I intend to analyze and discuss the different themes that are within the so...

Sociology in the context of globalization Globalization, according to sociologists, is a continuous process that implies interconnected changes in the economic, cultural, social an...

Security benefits and correct food Introduction Correct food is the fundamental basis for enjoying a healthy and dignified life, which is directly linked to the right to health, bu...

Rights of sexuality and invisibility in society Introduction This essay is about the importance of sexuality as an opportunity for dialogue, from a reflexive and active position, e...

Religious Conflict: Secularization Introduction It is understood as secularization, that phenomenon or process that entails the differentiation between the ecclesiastical and relig...

Reasoning of Philosophy Introduction Mythology, as a science has to be taken into consideration, began to be seriously accepted in the highest academic circles during the last half...

Rafiki A film that is played between awards, censorship and even prison Introduction Rafiki, a film of African origin directed by Wanuri Kahiu who at 38 adventures with his second....

Racism in the Mexican nation Introduction Mexico where the nation extends beyond the physical borders of the country since in the United States, Mexico occurs as a historically dis...

Racism in the educational field in Ecuador Introduction Have you ever been humiliated by the simple fact of belonging to a country, culture, ethnicity or skin color different from ...

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Racism as hatred and discrimination in Peru Introduction When we talk about racism we know that it is a type of discrimination that arises because of the hatred originated between....

Racial representation in Marvel Superheroes cinema The racial representation has varied throughout history both in quantity, that is, the number of films produced that include blac...

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