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As Propaganda Helped Adolf Hitler To Climb To Power


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As propaganda helped Adolf Hitler to climb to power

The following history project aims to analyze the ideology that Adolf Hitler inserted in German society to impose his thinking. Each of the anti-Semitist concepts that formed their ideals of conquest will be announced. To do this, it will be aimed?

To carry out my research, primary and secondary sources will be taken into account as a work written by the main protagonist of World War II, "my struggle" what will allow to know the reasons why his thinking was influenced, and the book "The origins of totalitarianism ”, which will serve as a reference to analyze the impact that Hitler’s ideology determines on German society from his promotion to power in 1920.

Source 1: Book "My fight" (Hitler A, 1925)

The primary source, "My fight", first book and autobiography of Adolf Hitler, with German origin and published on June 8, 1925, being the main collaborator in the creation of the Nazi party. The work is intended to explain Hitlerian thinking and the influence of its ideology in German society, so that it is understood why the need to maintain a clean and perfect race, in addition, has great historical value, because it makes us knownThe facts that influenced him for the creation of different ideas which would later give way to an extermination ideology that for several authors has been valued as a meaningless thought against Judaism and communism, which served as an instrument to instill hatredto the German people.

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The work contains limitations because it is an objective narrative where its anti -Semitic, militaristic and totalitarian thinking stands out, rejecting the ideas of German society.

Source 2: Book "The origins of totalitarianism" (Arendt, 1951)

The secondary source is the historical novel "The origins of totalitarianism", published in 1951 and written by Hannah Arendt, German philosopher and political theoretical of Jewish origin, who after a while was nationalized as American. It was one of the most influential personalities in the twentieth century, the author’s purpose isHowever, it makes a slight emphasis on the socio -cultural and political context. The work has a social value because it exposes in a descriptive way what really happened in the stages of Germany and thus directly addressing the Jewish people, therefore, it makes the consequences known after the implementation of various horror ideologies, each oneOf them identified with names of anti -Semitism, imperialism and totalitarianism, which in their due time were presented to the world as a new way of life.

Limitations such as the shortage of dates and scenarios are found, in turn the presence of other ideologies of other dictators in which totalitarianism and militarism are evidenced.

How did Adolf Hitler’s ideology influence German society from his promotion to power since 1920?

The German society today has been characterized by the ability its citizens have to plan and organize, both their time and their day -to -day activities, generally their lifestyle is governed to rules and discipline, so that there is a coexistencequiet among all inhabitants. Its neatness, and order make it a Pacific Germany, being also very inclusive and open from the different points of view as it refers to sexuality, ethnic and education, however, it was not always the case, the time from 1920 to 1945 leftA strong brand in country history.

Once the First World War is finished in 1918 and having abdicated the Kaiser Guillermo II, Germany is at the mercy of the victors. Although its infrastructure did not suffer damage because the country was not invaded, Versailles’s treaty condemned her to a heartbreaking economic situation. (Araiza, 2015)

Germany was in crisis after the First World War due to the strong costs of combat, in addition the population was dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles, all this caused instability in society causing the German people to be easily influenced by socio -political ideologieserroneous, taking advantage of this panorama, a new character named Adolf Hitler, born in a small city of Braunau Am Inn;Located on the border of two German states, an unsuccessful painter and a war messenger, who would later become a political leader, thanks to his way of thinking and conquering the attention of the "masses", a term that would uselater in his book "My fight".

In 1919 Adolf Hitler joined the political party called "Deutsche Arbeiterpartei", in Spanish, German Workers Party, but in the year of 1920 the name changed to "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" translated into a German National Workers’ Party, in the course, the peopleI call it Nazi party.

The president of the party, Mr. Harrer, believed not being able to support my initiative as to the elected moment and decided, consequently, as a correct and honest man, to leave the presidency. Anton Drexler was the successor;I personally reserved for me the organization of propaganda, resolutely putting myself to the work. (Hitler, my fight, 1925)

In July 1919 Hitler was appointed intelligence agent in order to influence other soldiers and infiltrate the German Workers Party. During that period, Adolf was impressed with the anti -Semitic, nationalist, anti -capitalist and anti -mumist ideas of Anton Drexler, who would become his political mentor.

In the 1920s the Nazi party had grown up to 100 more members, once Hitler influenceA time would become head of propaganda of the party. In February of the same year Hitler designed a symbol, which would forever characterize the party, "a swastika inside a white circle on a red background". His ideology began to transform the party, but in 1923 he was sentenced to jail for 5 years, in that course he wrote the book called “My fight” (Mein Kampf) where he explained that “the preservation of the original racial elements that confer culture and culture andThey create the beauty and dignity of a superior humanity ”(Hitler, my struggle, 1925) Adolf H. I wanted to imply that the Jews were a lower race to them, therefore, he began to look for "masses" that approves the idea.

During 1922 and early 1923, Hitler founded two organizations that would have a high relevance during the war, the coordinates was;"Jungsturm and Jugendbund" "(Hitler youth) and the second;"Stabswache", (Schutzstaffel "SS").

It is then when Hitler, in an attempted coup d’etat in 1923 is prosecuted for trial for having committed high treason, but it was not until 1924 that he was really judged. On April 1 of the same year he was convicted. During his time in prison in Landsberg he begins to develop a political strategy and write his book, imposing erroneous ideals that later the Jewish and German population would not approve.

On December 20, 1924 Hitler received an pardon, it is here when he launched his various matches and in the parliamentary elections of Germany of 1924 he is victorious, this was possible for the Nazi propaganda to capture its spectators and listeners, which whichI would use as a strategy during Barnat scandal. Once the power was in his hands Hitler began to implement anti -Semitism:

How many preconceived ideas also had to modify in me by changing my way of thinking about Christianocial movement! And with it I also changed my criteria about anti -Semitism;This was undoubtedly the most transcendental of the transformations I experienced then. This cost me an intense interior struggle between reason and feeling, and only after long months the victory began to put the side of reason. Two years later, the feeling had ended up submitting to it, to be, from now on, its most loyal guardian and advisor. (Hitler, my fight, 1925)

Although at first I did not agree with the idea and he made it known, “from time to time I also read the Volksblatt, by the way, a much smaller newspaper, but that in these things seemed more sincere. I did not agree with his recalcitrant anti -Semitism, although sometimes I found reasoning that moved me to reflect ”(Hitler, my fight, 1925)

After deepening his thought, I conclude that Judaism was not a religion, but that it was an attempt to impose a new world dictatorship, he thought that the Jew "Azuza the worker against the bourgeois" since his bases were theMarxism and socialism, later he would expose them as a human garbage “if the Jews were the exclusive inhabitants of the world, not only would die drowned in dirt and because they would try to exterminate each other, taking into account their indisputable lack of spirit of sacrifice, reflected inHis cowardice ”(Hitler, my fight, 1925), implying that they had no capacity or intelligence to build or manage a territory. However, years later, a Jew Hannah Arendt, who lived "the holocaust" during his childhood, would argue in his book "The origins of totalitarianism" that anti -Semitism was nothing more than:

Anti -Semitism, a nineteenth -century secular ideology – whose name, although not its argument, was unknown until the seventies of that century – and religious hatred towards the Jews, inspired by reciprocally hostile antagonism of two creeds in struggle, isobvious that they are not the same thing;and even the degree to which the first derives his arguments and his emotional attractiveness of the second. The notion of an uninterrupted continuity of persecutions, expulsions and killings from the end of the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages and the Modern Age to reach to this day, frequently embellished by the idea that modern anti -Semitism is nothing more than a secularized version ofMedieval popular superstitions is no less fallacious (although, of course, less harmful) than the corresponding anti -Semitic notion of a Jewish secret society that has dominated, or aspires to dominate, to the world since ancient times. (Arendt, 1951)

Obviously I wanted to explain that it was nothing more than something ridiculous, an erroneous idea that Hitler accepted only for acquiring power “the same anti -Semitism was used for subsequent purposes that, although in their instrumentation they pointed to the Jews as the main victims, they left all behind everyoneThe particular issues of interest both Jews and Antijudíos.”(Arendt, 1951) . Although its purpose was to understand the mind "Nazi" ended up performing a deep analysis for each of the terms that would lead to a World War II. During the next nine years Hitler would captivate the minds of the Germans with their opinions about points of "utmost importance" such as:

Blood: where it states that "it is a duty to the most sacred watch over racial purity", proclaiming and confusing that "race" and species should not be mixed "every animal is rigged with a congenere: the bee with theBee, the pinzón with the pinzón… ”. It was so much his obsession with the "Aryan Superiority" that announces: "Surely the first stage of human culture was based less on the use of the animal than on the services provided by men of lower race" "threat to the white race", and in what referred to children of the mestizos, he recognized them as "monsters, half man, half monkey". According to him a more pure blood and better capacity. "It will be the most precious treasure of the nation".

The 1st World War: in his book he dedicates several pages to explain that the "German army" was defeated by a "stab in the back" by the "Jewish-Bolchevique" revolution of November 1918 in Germany, so much was his discontentthat called it as "the most miserable and vile act of German history, the lowest betrayal of the country". However, for historians such as "Antony Beevor", he considered that the defeat of the German army was already predictable after the battle of Amiens and the offensive of the hundred days. It should be noted that Hitler tells his participation in the war as a fighter on the front line, however, he only served as a war messenger, this is constantly exposed by historians like Thomas Weber.

For Hitler the territorial extension was indispensable since: "Only a sufficiently wide territory can guarantee a people freedom and their life". His idea was to conquer militarily, because the economic one seemed ridiculous, according to Hitler:

The foreign policy of the racist State has to assure the race that constitutes that State the means of subsistence on this planet, establishing a natural, vital and healthy relationship between density and increase in population, on the one hand, and the extension and the extension andthe quality of the soil in which it is inhabited by another. (Hitler, my doctrine, 1925). His anachronism was so ridiculous that his argument was "pre -industrial", he only had the foolish idea of earning the territory at the expense of Russia from the geographical and demographic point of view.

With respect to the "agreements" with other countries, Adolf thought that "the inexorable mortal enemy of the German people is and will always be France";"Russia can’t be ally. There can be no two continental powers in Europe ”and“ we only have a possible understanding and that is with England ”. According to him, a pact was strategic, because he needed Germany to expand along the continent, so that the British were left maritime and colonial domain, since "supposedly" they were not interested. Further Rudolf hess would announce that it was a failure and arrested him.

What gives nationality for the chancellor was nothing more than a classification of inhabitants, and convert them as appropriate, either into citizens, subjects and foreigners. I had the idea that at birth in Germany it was only subject and that the citizenship letter was the most valuable on earth, for this, it was necessary to have "racial purity" and perform military service. As far as women were concerned, they could only acquire it if they married.

Disability for Adolf was seen as a danger to race. He considered a government task to avoid "a unique opprobrium: engender being sick or being defective". Therefore, the idea of a "forced sterilization" was one of the ways to improve citizenmental would not only free humanity from that immense misfortune, but would produce a situation of hygiene and health that today seems almost impossible, "the total destruction of" shortcomings "in his" German blood "would allow him to have a perfect and clean society.

Also, education was only to improve the ARIA race, which leads him to increase two hours of physical education in schools, emphasizing boxing: “There is no sport that fosters like this the spirit of attack and the facultyof rapid decision ”its purpose was to create a balanced spirit in the young Germans, although, the matter of" ideological indoctrination "he considered it a basis for being German.

Although culture detected initially, because it considered that Cubism, Dadaism and Futurism was follies: “It is a duty of the authorities to prohibit the people from falling under the influence of such follies. Such a deplorable state of affairs should one day receive a fatal, decisive blow ”. Therefore, fixed as an objective only to support those that form the mind "all artistic and literary tendencies belonging to a genre capable of contributing to the disintegration of our life as a nation".

With the syphilis in apogee and booming prostitution, sexuality was a problem for him, since it did not avoid the "opprobrium" of prostitution, so I consider that marriage at an early age would prevent young people from going to mencebías,"We refer above all to men, because in those affairs the woman is always passive". Homosexuality was considered as an insult to German men.

In several of the speeches, religion was infallible, making several evocations to God, often as "the creator" "divinity" or "the Almighty". Later, with his rise, I bet on a "positive Christianity" of which he never gave details. Promised the freedom of the practice of religions, as long as the "national interests" are not affected. Alan Bullock, was a historian who argued that Hitler despised the values of Christianity, and that he was only "suitable for slaves", however, at the time of writing "my struggle" was very careful not to offend Catholics and Protestants.

Although Hitler does not announce Charles Darwin in his book, repeatedly makes use of his ideas such as: evolution and natural selection, where he only argued with racist theories, stating that: “The extermination of the weakest represents the life of the strongest"Or ‘The eternal laws of life in this world are and will always be a struggle to the death of the same life’ ‘.

Later Hitler would admit that Marx was a headache, after reading the Jew’s work he reached an erroneous conclusion, where he exposes: (Hitler, my fight, 1925) “Karl Marx was, among millions, really the only one who with a vision of vision ofProphet would discover in the mud of a gradually debased humanity, the germs of the social poison, grouping them, which a genius of black magic, in a concentrated solution, to be able to destroy, with greater speed, the independent life of the sovereign nations of the orb. And all this only at the service of your own race ". I would also use it as a propaganda method: “What gave Marxism the amazing power over the crowds was not in any way the written work, of a Jewish nature, but rather the huge avalanche of oratory propaganda that in the course of the years of the years of the yearsHe seized the masses ". Later he would expose that the world of bourgeois was only Marxist.

His hatred for Marxism was more than evident, therefore, democracy caused him an immediate rejection, where according to him, the government was "beggar of the occasional majority". He considered that "responsibility practically ceases to exist".

Finally, genocide, was the basis for the elimination of those individuals who stained society: "We demand the ruthless persecution of those whose activities are harmful to common interest". It should be noted that one of the objectives for which the book was written was: "That the State annihile both the Jew and his work". He aimed to do it as follows: “If in the beginning and during the war he had undergone the test of the suffocating gases at about 12.000 or 15.000 of those Jews (…), the sacrifice of millions of our compatriots in the front lines would not have been fulfilled ”.

Adolf Hitler crowned a prominent place in the first years of the party existence. As one of the best speakers in the party, I consider being the leader to help everyone, therefore, threatened to abandon him. Once his dictatorship was approved, he gave way to use violence in order to achieve his political objectives, so the work was given to recruit members who shared ideas and the same desire. After the publication of his book Mein Kampf ("My fight") he had the opportunity to reach a broader audience. At the end of 1920 and the beginning of 1930, the "Nazis" acquired several electoral support and thus become the largest political party in Reichstag, over time we would weaken the Weimar Republic.

“But, a pure race town, aware of their blood, can never be subjugated by the Jew. This can only be bastard dominator. This is how, systematically, tries to lower the racial level through an uninterrupted poisoning of individuals. Politically, the Jew ends up replacing the idea of democracy with that of the dictatorship of the proletariat. In the organized mass of Marxism, he found the weapon that democracy did not provide him and that allows him the subjugation and government of the peoples by brute force, dictatorially ”(Hitler, my struggle, 1925)

In this sense, the ideological victory of racism and communism over all other isms was decided before totalitarian movements seized precisely these ideologies. On the other hand, all ideologies contain totalitarian elements, but these are only completely developed by totalitarian movements and this creates the deceptive impression that only racism and communism are totalitarian in their character. The truth is, rather, that the true nature of all ideologies was revealed only in the role that ideology plays in the totalitarian domination apparatus. Seen from this aspect, three specifically totalitarian elements appear that are peculiar to all ideological thinking


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