As Youth Deviates Towards A Violent World
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Every year, more than 1.6 million people worldwide lose their lives violently. Violence is one of the main causes of death in the age population between 15 and 44 and the person responsible for 14% of deaths in the male population and 7% in the female. For each person who dies due to violent causes, many more are injured and suffer a diversity of physical, sexual, reproductive and mental problems. WHO defines violence as: the deliberate use of physical force or power, either in a degree of threat or effective, against oneself, another person or a group or community, which causes or has a lot of chances of causing injuries, death , psychological damage, development disorders or deprivations.
We have seen that in the course of the years in Peru, violence has been present, since the invasion of the Spaniards, the terrorist attacks to the present that are the multiple cases of femicides. Violence generates lack of control in society, also fear and above all generates what is a high amount of homicides committed daily.
We will begin this work talking about the most strong violence case committed in Peru, the era of terrorism, also known as the internal armed conflict of Peru, occurs between the 1980-2000 years.
Shining path and the Túpac Amaru revolutionary movement unleashed violence, strong social inequalities and the great absence of the State in many places facilitated the expansion of these terrorist groups in the country.
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During this time the Peruvians suffered violence in different ways, many were kidnapped, tortured, killed and missing, others were only injured. Many women and some men suffered from sexual violence, were orphaned children and suffered from psychological injuries that unfortunately the State does not support and the entire country did not sympathized in an adequate way.
Shining path emerged basically as a product of the meeting that took place in Ayacucho, especially at the University of Huamanga, between a provincial and mestizo intellectual elite and a university youth also provincial and mestizo. Let’s add that the PCP-SL is a political organization that assumes as an ideology a "pure and hard" version, increasingly fundamentalist, of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
The Maoist influence in Gonzalo from his trip to China in 1965 was one of the engines of the Revolution. According to Maoist doctrine, the objective of the revolution focuses on destroying institutions and forms of social organization completely to later replace them with a completely new structure.
Guzmán had a strong admiration with the Maoist revolution, however, the revolution he wanted to have in the country was in a more disorganized way and in general he had a mostly political eagerness, very different from what Mao proposed. Guzmán founded the Communist Party of Peru, the Shining Path taking as a reference the student slogan “by the Luminous Path of Mariátegui” used and popularized by the students of Huamanga.
In 1970 he was founded Luminous Path under the command of Abimael Guzmán, who opted for the pseudonym of Gonzalo, being known as Camarade Gonzalo. SL took advantage that the education sector was abandoned in order to expand, the universities, colleges and institutes were the places of imprisonment of their militants, and this is because they took a speech to the young people to obtain the support they were needing Clearly with deceptions they convinced students to join their ranks. The first terrorist attack emerged on May 17, 1980, burned the electoral amphorae in Chuschi-Ayacucho. From the attack on the day before the elections, Path continued to perpetrating small attacks throughout the country (especially destined to the theft of explosive materials and light armament) directed by the so -called “main regional committee”, being the most notorious of these the assault To the Penitentiary Center of Ayacucho on March 3, 1982.
These first years of trail activity were aimed at the creation and consolidation of guerrilla commands throughout the country, thus initiating a kind of lightning war that forced security forces to take emergency measures to delegitimate them before Peruvian society.
The guerrillas strategy paid off since on December 3, 1982 Path announced the creation of the so -called "popular guerrilla army".
The terrorist act that left the population with fear was the one that occurred on January 26, 1983, the Massacre of Uchuracay, was the murder of 8 journalists, 1 guide and 1 commune to which they confused them with terrorists and this declined to his death. On May 31, 1982, the MRTA was founded, the assault on a credit bank branch began with the assault.
The attacks of the terrorists were acts of violence too hard for the country even for more than 600,000 people to leave their homes, fled to the hills, went to other homes or even others left the country because of the fear of losing their lives. Mostly those affected by these attacks were those that lived in rural areas, it was the poorest population. They even dominated a community, the Ashaninkas, the children were forced to take weapons and integrate part of the fight and the women were enslaved.
Another attack of great significance was the one that occurred on November 13, 1984 in Socos-Ayacucho, a marriage was being held that was interrupted by the Civil Guard since in their income they sexually abused women and murdered 8 children and a pregnant woman , what causes shock is that the authorities of the order themselves were able to perpetuate violence to high magnitude. Continuing with the numerous attacks of terrorism we can point out that they caused terror in the Peruvian population by resorting to bomb cars, genocides, armed strikes, blackouts generated by the terrorists themselves, destroyed high voltage cables, among others. Terrorism had difficulty growing in areas where there were organized civil associations, these were supported by national and international institutions. The churches were also against violence. The terrorists initially had the community members on their side, but when they began to commit acts against humanity against them and led to fear, they were willing to decline to support them, because their lives were in danger and they did not agree with the acts. that hikers used to suppress them, since as they had fascination with the Maoist revolution they applied as is the measures taken in China, for example, they hung dead dogs on public roads, this act for the Peruvian community was badly seen and caused that little by little they move away from hiking ranks.
The years passed and the capture of the main leaders of terrorism was getting closer, thus giving the recapture of Víctor Polay, head of the command of MRTA on June 9, 1992. And finally with the capture of the main leader of the Shining Path, Abimael Guzmán, captured on September 12, 1992 by the Special Intelligence Group in Surquillo.
After Fujimori’s fled to Japan and leaving the Peruvian presidency Valentín Paniagua had a transition government between the years, in his mandate the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was created, the CVR said that the conflict had charged 69 280 deaths and disappearances, 75% of which were speakers of native languages, 79% peasants, 56% dedicated to agricultural activities, 68% with primary or minor education; There were 20,000 widows, 40,000 orphans, 435 communities were razed, countless displaced, 1.5 to 2 million directly affected and, in the end, greater poverty. (Garmendia, 2016). He did his work from the direct contact with the victims of violence of violence, testimonies of people from all sectors of the country were collected.
Another point of violence as initial auto -inflation violence and violence towards minors, who can lead to fatal consequences in their future and how we can prevent a bad decision from them. Physical violence is “action or behavior, which causes damage to body integrity or health. The mistreatment of negligence, carelessness or deprivation of basic needs, which have caused physical damage or that may cause it, regardless of the time required for recovery ”is included. Likewise, psychological violence, which usually accompanies the other forms of violence and also based gender inequality, is defined in Law No. 30364 as “the action or conduct tending to control or isolate the person Against its will, to humiliate or embarrass it and that can cause psychic damage.
We can see that mostly violence is directed towards women, and this can be taken into account because we are still living in a macho society and that denigrate the work of women. Although there are marches against femicides and for social equality many cases of violence are still seen, it could be improved if only basic respect in homes would begin so that there are not so many abusers or abused in the future.
The abuse can also be linked to the relationship in families since, if a child lives surrounded by abuse because it will grow with the mentality that it is normal both to cause violence and receive it, and it is not that there is good mental health In Peru, since that is another index of the violence generated, we see that the authorities themselves let out many complaints of the victims and that is wrong, since they hope that the person is practically in a situation where he can no longer so that once they can attend it, suffering many damages. The State would have to continue improving in the aspect of the complaints given by violence. A study of the complaints received, then the image. Complaint rates are going up, and this has to be stopped at once, it is not good that these figures are still increasing. The origin of this is in families and from there you should start working, providing psychological advice and talks.
It is necessary to take into account exactly what femicide is, it is defined as the murder of women perpetrated by men for the mere fact of being women and whose basis is based on gender discrimination. It is the most serious manifestation of gender -based violence and is a fairly widespread phenomenon, which is systematically increasing in the country and in the region. Often the media present the murder of women as "passionate crimes", which distorts their character and contributes to reinforce the stereotypes that place women in a position of subordination and devaluation against men.
It is clear that not only femicides are highly given in Peru but also in much of Latin America, being the same modality of killing women for the unique fact of being a woman. That should be stopped since we live in society and this cannot be stained with murders or violence, because it entails not to the decrease in this if not, it will continue to increase more.
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