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Assignment – Professional Design Practice


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Professional design Practice
In coming up with an agreement to form a company, it is essential that there is consideration of the nature of the business so as to arrive at the right kind of company. This view emanates from the understanding that; there is uniqueness in every kind of business depending upon the type of product or service to offer. In coming up with the design company, there is consideration of many issues unique to designing, and also in connection with the focus that there is in ensuring the provision of the best services to the clients with a far-reaching effect of sustaining and increasing the number of customers.
In coming up with the design company, there is consideration of the process involved. The first step would entail putting down the prevailing circumstances. The important aspects here would include the financial status, the mutual goal held as well as the extent of the readiness of each in putting all the necessary effort to see the success of the company. There is also identification of the motivating factors. The background knowledge on professional design practice forms a high motivation because it offers the basic knowledge on the best modes of practice in the profession, (Yanchar, Stephen & Melissa, 428).
The next step is taking an inventory of the skill set. This phase is a crucial step because it has a basis on the refutation of the assumption that as long as one has the background skills on an aspect, they are ready to go.

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The background on professional design practice provides the bones of the engagement, but there is a significant need for other business related skills to ensure success in the venture. For instance, there is a need to have exceptional skills for handling business money as well as modes of enticing and retaining customers.
The other step touches on designing the venture. This step entails defining the specialization of the firm. From there, there is the creation of the portfolio for the company. In this step, attention should go to quality rather than the quantity of the extent of the operation. Setting the pricing for the engagement is another crucial step. This move is succeeded by the efforts of finding the right client from the prescribed pricing and the ability in providing the need of the customers. From there, the next step is just to engage in work.
Company selection
In consideration of the prevailing circumstances, the right company to engage in with the colleague would be an unlimited company. The arrival to this conclusion comes from the review of the pros of this type of business; which augers well with a company for two people as a start. The unlimited company provides that the owners of the business are liable for the debts and liabilities, (Gokus, 197). Such conditions offer the motivation for working hard to sustain the firm.
A comparison with other types of companies proves that those other models have pros still, but the cons outweigh the advantages for a company of two. For example, a private firm would require having at least one director; which would mean that there would be a need for some employees, though there is an advantage in the potential of expansion. The public company would offer the advantage of the high likelihood of getting strong financial support from willing investors. However, there would be a limitation in the sharing of the profits.
Design brief
In dealing with the customers, there is drawing from the reservoir of the background knowledge on the brief designing. To come up with the right brief, it is essential that there is understanding of the importance and functions of a design brief. The importance and functionality of a design brief cannot get overestimated. This document is used to outline the deliverables and the scope of the project. These aspects are set out in details to provide a smooth implementation.
The outlining of the deliverables and the scope of the project helps in ensuring the correct timing as well as budgeting for the project. The design brief is also paramount when it comes to evaluation of the effectiveness of the engagement. The measure of the effectiveness is enacted during the creation of the project and also after. It is an activity that ought to engage the designer and the client and gets guidance from design brief. The brief also helps to maintain accountability in the whole process, right from the designing to the full implementation.
In designing a brief for a client, the best practice touches on the ability to follow the main steps in an orderly manner, (Rodesiler, Carrie & Joan, 26). The best practice would touch on main issues such as the goals whereby there is the attainment of clarity. There is consideration of the company profile such as the name and specialization. Problem statement such as budget is also an important element. When writing the design brief, the designer gets guidance from the client as they are the ones that have the final say. On that basis then, it is essential that the designer asks relevant questions. These may include what their goal is as well as the extent of their knowledge and finances.
Service level agreement
In engaging in a business of the kind such as a designing company, there is bound to be engagement in a service level agreement. This notion refers to a commitment to the client and the designer towards fulfilling their roles in the process of having a design. The developer commits to offering the right service while the customer commits to providing the right information and also paying promptly upon the completion of the task of the designer.
The service level agreement is essential because it outlines the timings in the engagement. It shows the days and the hours of the commitment of the designer and the client hence, prevents loopholes of weak schedules. The service level agreement also shows the extents of the problems which guides in the commitment of each entity. The service level agreement governs in settling a dispute in the event where a commitment has not been honored for one reason another, (Abawajy et al, 4291).
The client agreement has to contain the commitment that they have in the project. The agreement also has the payment details as well as the implications of the failure to honor the commitment. The reason for engaging such commitments in the client agreement is to ensure that there are cooperation and smooth running of the designing process.
A keen observation reveals a close relationship between the design briefs and the service level agreement. The link emanates from the alignment of the two documents in ensuring completion of the task in an honorable manner. The design brief ensures that the designer works with the guidance of the stipulations of the client; while the service level agreement provides that the customer keeps their part of the deal, by offering the right information and honoring the payment.
Legal issues
In undertaking the process of producing the work for a client, various legal matters are likely to come up. There cannot be a shield from the arising of such legal matters by the mere virtue of having the right education background concerning designing. What such experience can provide is the awareness of the existence of such legal issues that could arise and also the provision of the right knowledge concerning models through which a practicing designer can handle the matters when they occur. One of such issues touches on the copyright and the design right. This aspect becomes a legal issue because; although the designer is the one producing the work, the idea is from someone else, who happens to be the client. The developer receives the payment under the prior set agreement; the legal service agreement.
If such agreement stipulates that the copyright belongs to the client, then it is essential that the producer does not engage in the usage of such entities such as the logo or any other material that is bound by the copyright. There have been many cases of designers falling to the temptation of making use of the copyright for their clients. Although there has not been much implication of such designers, it is a loophole in the legal realms, but in agreement with the design profession, such is a serious violation of the law and designers worth their salt should avoid such engagements by all means.
In a bid to avoid falling victim to the legal matters that may arise in the process of designing, it is essential that a professional designer notes the things to be aware. There is much connection between the legal issues and the intellectual property, (Abawajy et al, 4291). This aspect denotes the protection of the intangible assets of an individual. Such a property, such as copyright, is transferable to another person upon payment of an agreed amount of money just like in the transfer of physical properties such as a house. The straight way of avoiding the legal pitfalls is simply by sticking to the service level agreement. Since the document stipulates the conditions for the engagement, the designer, by sticking to it makes it highly possible for them to fall prey to the legal loopholes.
In the efforts of delivering the right services, it is essential that a designer embraces the right tools for use in the development of briefs and work for clients. Te double diamond is an excellent tool for ensuring success. This tool touches on dividing the work of designing the brief into four phases. These include the step of discovery, followed by defining. Then there is development stage and finally the delivery. This tool helps the designer to ensure that there is the provision of high-quality work guided by the discovery made from the market.
Another tool is that of user journey mapping. This tool entails the consideration of the user’s service, detailing the key stages, in a bid to ensure production of a design which gives total satisfaction to the target user.
Works Cited
Abawajy, Jemal, et al. “Service Level Agreement Management Framework For Utility-Oriented Computing Platforms.” Journal Of Supercomputing 71.11 (2015): 4287-4303. Academic Search Premier. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.
Gokus, Omer. “The Moderating Roles Of Company Structure And External Environment On Market Orientation And Business Strategy Types.” Academy Of Marketing Studies Journal 19.3 (2015): cxc-ccix. Business Source Complete. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.
Rodesiler, Carrie A., and Joan M. McGuire. “Ideas In Practice: Professional Development To Promote Universal Design For Instruction.” Journal Of Developmental Education 38.2 (2015): 24-31. Professional Development Collection. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.
Yanchar, Stephen C., and Melissa N. Hawkley. “Instructional Design And Professional Informal Learning: Practices, Tensions, And Ironies.” Journal Of Educational Technology & Society 18.4 (2015): 424-434. Academic Search Premier. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.

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