Assistive Technology – writer’s choice
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Date:Assistive Technology
Health problems affect different people in the society irrespective of their financial abilities; this reflects that the presence of third party philanthropists in the society is important. For instance, my neighbor that is 56 years has been suffering from stage 6 dementia. He is currently experiencing severe symptoms of dementia that are barring him from executing his daily tasks. The man has spent a lot of money for his treatment and currently he is unable to meet his treatment and care expenses. Recently, his family took the man to an AT professional that recommended the patient to acquire technological equipment that can boost his memory or help him manage himself. In this regard, the patient is seeking financial support from Turn2us organization to acquire the recommended assistive technology tools.
The AT professional established the following procedure to determine the suitable assistive technology for the patient:
The Problem
The dementia patient had been suffering from the condition for more than 12 months such that he is unable to perform his daily routines. Some of his chores included instructing psychology at the neighboring university and playing golf during the evenings. He also had a routine of going for a morning jog. However, the condition made him lose the ability to perform the daily chores. The family has to remind him the time to attend to the tasks during the day.
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Additionally, the university recommended that the patient should stop lecturing for some time until his memory becomes stable.
Relevant Data
The patient has strengths and weaknesses that are portrayed in his dementia disability condition. For instance, he has strength in recalling the location of the golf field. He can recognize his close friends despite forgetting their names. He knows members of his family and signals them by pointing a finger to alert them for any support. His weaknesses include he does not remember his task at the university and cannot drive himself. He does not recognize the variation in time and needs to be reminded when to eat, go to the toilet, stay in the house and sleep. The family members also claim that the patient is socially disoriented as he cannot interact with people that talk to him.
Potential Solution
The patient needs an automatic pill dispenser that works through sending a message when the patient’s time for medication is near; in this regard, the message will act as a reminder for the usual schedule to take drugs and the dosage requirements (The TUP Par. 3). The messages are automatically sent to the patient’s personal mobile so that he can access them and respond accordingly. The automatic pill dispenser also sends messages to the carer in case the patient is unable to follow his medication procedure.
The patient needs a tablet computer in which personalized software will be installed containing his daily schedule. The program will outline the tasks such as the time to wake up, eat and sleep (The AS Par. 3). It will contain the time and place to obtain food within the house in case there is nobody at home. Additionally, the software will have a list of the names and pictures of the patient’s close friends; this will assist him to observe the pictures and relate them to the names. Therefore, during interaction with familiar people, he will be checking the pictures and reading the names. This kind of procedure will assist him in identifying friends and socializing. The program will also enable the patient to make short notes regarding any discussion he makes during the day; therefore, afterward he will be able to have a related conversation with the respective person.
The tablet computer can also have an installed procedure for the patients teaching the program at the university; in this regard, the program will contain the notes and discussions for the day and the tasks that should be assigned to students. The university timetable will also be provided to inform him on the specific class to attend and when to leave for home. With the tablet and the necessary software, the family and healthcare providers will be able to request the university to reconsider his teaching post and reassign him some psychology lessons at the lower levels as they evaluate his improvement with the application of assistive technology.
AT Trials
The AT professional tasted the workability of the tablet computer through using the hospital device that had a modified program to fit the basic schedule of the patient. He was given training on the usage of the equipment for one week. Close monitoring was conducted on the patient that proved he was able to use it effectively. The patient responded to his daily routine such as going to the toilet, eating and identifying the names of his close friends based on the pictures in the tablet program. The patient was also assessed through being exposed to a virtual class in the healthcare facility where he taught consecutively for two weeks. The content was evaluated based on the objectives outlined; this was found to work effectively and the patient improved his normal life significantly.
The automatic pill dispenser for the facility was programmed to fit the medical procedure for the patient; during the first week, he experienced difficulties locating the messages sent to the phone, but after some basic training, he responded positively through accessing his mobile and reading any notification; this resulted in accurate medication that improved the memory ability.
Funding Requirements
Well Researched Issue
The assistive technological equipment for the patient is a well-researched and tested strategy of improving his self-reliance. The family members have been suffering taking the patient to the toilet, reminding him to eat and sometimes forcing him to sleep. However, the assistive technology will simplify this procedure and instead the patient will be working towards self-reliance.
Problem Causing Factors
The patient problems are manifested through the symptoms he is experiencing. For instance, he is unable to determine the time to eat, sleep and/ or wake up. However, the major cause of his problem is the poor memory that cannot recall most of the things he has done in the recent past. In this regard, the patient should be given financial support to acquire the assistive technology equipment for better life.
Relevance to the Community
The current disability of the patient is causing the problem of dependency to the family and the community at large. Therefore, funding him will result in his independence such that he will be able to resume teaching psychology in the university.
Relevance to the Individual
The funding will enable the patient to resume his work schedule and be able to execute personal responsibilities such as going to the toilet without being reminded or assisted by another person or carer. The assistive technology will also enable the patient to socially interact with his friends and family thus eliminating the instances of loneliness.
Objective of Funding
The objective of asking for funds from Turn2us is to enable the individual to regain self-support. Also, it will be a strategy of notifying the community that there are organizations and individuals that are willing to help patients with disabilities to acquire assistive technologies that can make them self-reliant.
Funding Cost
The funds required to access the assistive technology for the patient accumulates to a total of $ 8 000. The highest expense involves the development of a customized program in the tablet and setting the automatic pill dispenser to match the medical procedure of the patient. The cost is reasonable and accurate.
Turn2us is considerably favorable for funding of this patient since it is able to offer support through online application (Turn2us Par. 1). The organization gives priority to the people that are disabled or have an illness condition that prevents them from carrying out their normal activities. However, the individual patient must be able to prove his or her financial state in order to receive funds; in this regard, only people that have financial problems are legible to acquire support. Based on the dementia patient, he has a financial problem since he is not currently working and has been suffering for a long time. The family is also destabilized financially from the illness. Turn2us also wants to publicize itself in the community and support the patient with $ 8, 000 that will be used in acquiring assistive technology equipment.
Works Cited
The AS. Assistive technology – devices to help with everyday living. Alzheimer’s Society. Retrieved on 12/16/16, from HYPERLINK “”
The TUP. Assistive Technology Assessment – Find the Right Tools. Technology to Unlock Potential. Retrieved on 12/16/16, from
Turn2us. About charitable funds and grants – Who can apply for help from a charitable fund? Turn2us.Retrieved on 12/16/16, from
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