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Da Vinci: a genius of the Italian Renaissance Introduction Throughout the investigation, the invaluable contribution of reasoning to the evolution of knowledge could be appreciated...
Words: 1013
Pages: 4
Civilizations transformed by man Introduction Within the first urban civilizations they evolve from four periods, which these periods evolved due to three phases that intervened in...
Words: 1973
Pages: 7
The truth and reason Leonardo da Vinci Introduction The Renaissance was a time of rupture of the established structures and currents where the cultural approach ceases to be theoce...
Paradigma: Every end has a new beginning Each historical era goes through a set of facts, values, knowledge and events that leads us to formulate paradigms that are currently capab...
Words: 1755
Pages: 6
Alfonso X Rey de Castilla, King of Spain Alfonso X of Castilla "El Sabio" was one of the most important kings of the medieval Christian era of Spain between the......
Bilingual intercultural education in Ecuador Introduction Ecuador being a multicultural country, in 1970 it crossed a struggle aimed by indigenous movements, to achieve the use of ...
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Pages: 7
René Descartes's mentalities crises Introduction René Descartes was a philosopher born on March 31, 1596 in France. He would begin his studies at the La Flèche school, school wi...
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Pages: 2
Time management: Evolution Introduction In the course of time it is worth mentioning that knowledge has evolved with respect to the time since the time were implanted to test the.....
Aristotle, the intellectual multifaceted Aristotle, the multifaceted intellectual. The Greek philosopher Aristotle is recognized as the founder of western philosophy with his teach...
Life and discoveries of Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 in the old Italian city of Pisa and died on January 8, 1642. His parents, Vincenzo......
Words: 679
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Women in the workplace during the maternity period The maternity period has, as well as breastfeedClear ones of this case are the unjustified dismissal, marginalization, undervalua...
Words: 2362
Pages: 9
Trigonometry in everyday life Introduction. A branch of mathematics that studies the relationship between the sides and the angles of the triangles, the properties and applications...
Words: 1139
Pages: 4
ARCHAEOLOGY RESEARCH JOURNAL J2 a-e Student’s Name Course Title Date J2a: “Jomon Hot Spot: Increasing Sedentism in South-Western Japan in the Incipient Jomon: Archeological sit...
Words: 1375
Pages: 5
Brief history of the mathematics and small biography of Alan Turing The application of mathematics in our daily lives If there were no mathematics, our life would be boring, very.....
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
Computation, Alan Turing, and the cognitive era Computing is a synonym for computer science. Study, value or broad technological and digital equipment. As well as the computer pr...
Words: 598
Pages: 2
Galileo Galilei and his contributions in physical science Contributions of Galileo Galilei Few individuals have had such a deep impact on science as the Italian physicist and astro...
The Lights Century With the term illustration it is usually called the philosophical, literary and scientific movement that developed in Europe and its colonies throughout the thir...
Words: 4108
Pages: 15
Name Institution Professor Course Date Questions 1 Hotter stars are bluer whereas the cooler ones are redder in color. A hotter star is the one which is more luminous than......
Student’s Name Tutor’s Name Course Date Taking a Dim View “Taking a Dim View” is the title of the article I have chosen to write about under Astronomy magazines. Summary......
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The Republic of Plato In the sixth book, after a long discussion, they establish the difference between what philosophers are and what they are not, the government will be granted....
The origin of philosophy in Greece Introduction Philosophy is a discipline that is responsible for the study and reflection on fundamental questions of existence, knowledge of life...
Words: 791
Pages: 3
The origin and beginning of the universe Every story has a beginning, even the universe. Approximately 13.7 billion years ago after an explosion the universe was launched, the mome...
The navigator James Cook and the southern seas Introduction James Cook is in his own right one of the greatest navigators of all time. A true adventurer who as a......
Words: 765
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The importance of mathematics in aesthetics in architecture In the ancient Greek, Byzantine, Egyptian, Islamic and Roman societies, mathematicians were architects and architects we...
Words: 1283
Pages: 5
Scientific missions in the 'Red Planet': Mars On the other side of the lens Mars, an out of reach planet, with more than 50 million kilometers away from our land,......
Words: 1045
Pages: 4
Science and Torah in Jewish religion Bioethics in Jewish religion: In Judaism, unlike in the Catholic Church, scientific knowledge was conceived as an aid in the application of cer...
Pythagoras of Samos: life and work The life and work of Pythagoras of Samos is something uncertain by the absence of testimonies of the time- they have been written about......
Words: 1812
Pages: 7
Plato and his philosophy of thought Although Plato's works cover virtually all areas of philosophy The thought of the Greek author is deeply oriented towards political and ethical ...
Words: 3250
Pages: 12
Origin of the scientific revolution in the 16th century For the 16th century, one of the characteristics of the time was the curiosity of man to discover the world;restlessness tha...
Words: 792
Pages: 3
Mayan civilization: art and architecture Introduction. The Maya were a very large civilization that began from the 300 BC to 900 AD occupied southeastern Mexico, Guatemala and Hond...
Words: 662
Pages: 2
Leonardo Da Vinci: The Renaissance Sage Introduction Leonardo the man who saved science. Leonardo Da Vinci grew up in Vinci in rural Tuscan. Whose purpose was to understand the nat...
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Leonardo da Vinci: Great advances at the time Introduction Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Anchiano, Italy and died in France at 67 years. It was......
Words: 1505
Pages: 5
Isaac Newton Impact on the Scientific Revolution Introduction During this work on the forum, I will be presenting information about the scientific revolution. We will identify two ...
Words: 792
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Influence of the Church in Mathematics as Science Introduction From its origin, science seemed to agree with the Bible and its different beliefs in some or mostly of theories. Beca...
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
History and changes in education in Colombia Education has always been a constant concern at all times, from medieval education constant and significant changes that have transform...
Words: 700
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Hammurabi codes laws Introduction “In the New World of Amore Dynasties, Babylon was just a kingdom of medium dimensions. And there, in 1792 to.C., a new ruler named Hammurabi ”...
Words: 431
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Gravitational lenses to study dark matter Receive gravitational lens to that highly massive object that has the ability to produce the attraction of gravity. This goes back to the ...
Words: 456
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Cleopatra and the history of its four loves Introduction The story of Cleopatra attracts a lot of intrigue for what it was I did during his reign period in Egypt,......
Words: 1818
Pages: 7
Charlemagne and the Renaissance of the Carolingian Empire The Carolingian Empire, historically located in the High Middle Ages, began since Pipino the brief was crowned as king ...
Words: 1863
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Characteristics of the philosophical thought of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages In ancient Greece, the first approaches of thought were philosophical, and with it different ori...
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