Atypical Values Of Our Early Stages
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From our childhood each gesture or comment has a great influence on the formation of our judgment and we also learn to differentiate the theory and practice of values. This is the beginning of our values.
When we become students, we begin to feel social pressures and pressure from different values to ours, through the relationship with other people. The strength of the values that we form at the beginning in our homes is tested.
Many parents aspire that in schools the values that were not formed at home are formed, but that is a wrong aspiration, teachers have the possibility to strengthen what is formed at home, but not replace it. If the values, beliefs or convictions that are formed in the house are not solid, they will soon be exposed to intense social competence with other beliefs.
When you are a child, our character and personality is molded with the attitudes and behaviors of the people who raise us, either parents or other relatives. What they do have the main weight of what later becomes our most important personal principles and beliefs.
It is arduous and complex task to elaborate and expose what is meant, what is intended to be transmitted when we talk about "values", since "everything good or bad is a value", or to "an object, of any kind that is, acquiresValue when an interest is given, of any kind that is ”, from which it follows that the value refers to everything that may interest an individual.
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(Maxwell, 2008) mentions that “from the point of view of social psychology and sociology, the value is understood as all those beliefs or ideas of each society, of each culture, ideas and beliefs that will influence thebehaviors of people and in the particular norms of each society: what is accepted in our culture does not have to be accepted in others, and can even be harmful, to be valued negatively."
The values would be composed of the characteristics that individuals, events, places, things, animals, events … and that deserve to be taken into account, considered, considered,. These people, elements or situations obtain our consideration, sympathy and affection because they enjoy valuable properties for us, while other situations, people or elements obtain our censorship and aversion since they do not have valuable features
We have to resolve conflicts through the actions and behaviors of each of us, behaviors based on values, education that is necessarily normative in our day to day;Its function is not only to instruct or transmit some knowledge, but to integrate into a culture that has different dimensions: a language, some traditions, some beliefs, some life forms.
To educate is, thus, to form the character, in the most extensive and total sense of the term: to form the character so that an essential socialization process is fulfilled, and form it to promote a more civilized world, critical of the defects of the present and committed toThe moral process of social structures and attitudes.
(Camps, 1994) “The mission of education is to transmit integrated knowledge in a culture and an ethical dimension. This leads to educating in values, but not either (aesthetic, political, economic …) but ethical, those that form character and allow to promote a more civilized world."
To that, to the formation of character, it is what the Greeks called "ethics". Ethical values are "simply human" values, that’s what the value of humanity is recovering.
However, ethical values are in crisis. Values have always named defects, faults, something we lack but we should have. Today, economic growth has made us believe that only what money is worth. We say that economic prosperity is nothing more than a step, necessary but insufficient, to achieve greater human fullness.
Does the school correspond to school the teaching of ethics? There are no ethics specialist teachers. Education in ethical values is the task of all who act on students. Society are all and of all is the responsibility of improving it, improving the behaviors of its members. Everyone must act in unison, but the most typical spaces of education are family and school.
School is a place where more than teaching is done. Students learn civilized behaviors, according to the criteria that guide them. It is inevitable that some behaviors be approved and others disapprove.
The gesture, the voice, the look, clearly demonstrate what we think or feel, more than a thousand words. As human beings we record that favorable or unfavorable reaction to behavior, we assume that behavior and transmit to the people of our environment those aspects of our world that we would like to keep.
(Boecio, s/f), wrote: “Man stands out from the rest of creation to the extent that he recognizes his own nature, and when he forgets it, he sinks below the beasts. For other living beings, ignoring what they are is natural;For man it is a defect. "
If we do not discover what we are, we will not discover what values we agree. The better we perceive our nature, the more easily we will perceive the values that belong to it.
The values are those guides that by our own conviction we adopt and commit ourselves to take, to feed, even to defend to ultranza, against whoever it is and as necessary, although we could, in between, to be risking our integrity.
Knowing that values are deep convictions of human beings that determine their way of being and guide their behavior. They involve our feelings and emotions, relating to our attitude and belief that something is preferable and worthy of appreciation.
Each person builds their scale of personal values, this means that people prefer some values to others. The most important values of the person are part of their identity, guide their decisions in the face of their desires and impulses and strengthen their sense of duty to be.
The values of a society are important, but unfortunately those values are being lost. Many people are less interested in keeping them and are replacing them with another type of value, they are giving priority to less valuable things, such as success, power, money, influence, pleasure, etc. Every day we see how the transmission channels of the values of our social structure deteriorate, and the influence of the family, the Church and the school have been disappearing.
The reasons are many and different but we see that the acceptable and the good, no longer comes from the hand of our parents and grandparents, teachers or the Church, but of the massive influence of different media: the written press, thetelevision, radio and the Internet. People through their lives have worried more about keeping their image, based on appearances, than for their true way of being and for the truth of himself. When there is a change of thought there is a change in attitude.
Attitudes and values are a condition and a result of learning. They are a condition of learning because although cognitive variables are necessary for learning, they are not enough.
The presence of motivational variables among which are the attitudes that are responsible for the activation, direction and persistence of behavior are also necessary. The values are correct actions that society has established through time and actions are the particular form of each person to act in certain situations, these can be correctly or negatively. For example: students with positive attitudes towards school and learning pay more and better do their activities, with greater attention and effort. The acquisition and development of attitudes must also pursue the development of attitudes considered adequate and necessary for individuals to develop satisfactorily in the personal and social plans. Towards knowledge and learning, the hope that individuals develop attitudes that lead him to be interested in their community and social needs and accept their civic responsibilities.
These two elements are similar since to develop a good attitude they can be put into practice wholesale values, otherwise the same occurs, when developing a value an attitude is created. Teaching values both in school, home and work is the best way to completely develop people’s personality and prepare them for life.
They are correct actions to act, however so that they really acquire a value of importance must be applied in all the actions that people perform in our daily lives, otherwise they are only said, words that will disappear. In this way we verify that the values are related to the actions to the extent that to act in a good way values are needed and so that the values acquire value and importance, attitudes based on the values are needed.
Values are worthless when written in a book when talking about them in claspositive in their daily lives and not alone in their words give a good personality of the being that puts it into practice (the person is spoken well for their facts) .
With good attitudes it can be said that we are people integrating in values and good actions, when one aspect is missing, the positive effect that is intended to be achieved with the applying values is incomplete;that of a personal and collective well -being that avoids unnecessary conflicts to access progress. When you have a situation, values can go out for our liking or for our interest, although sometimes they are spontaneously put into practice when it is for desire, gentlemen, friendship, love and respect. Some of the values that every human being should put into practice to have a good attitude are:
- Respect
- Modesty
- Honesty
- Self-control
- Loyalty
- Fidelity
- Justice
- Responsibility
- Tolerance
- Peace
- And above all and very important the value of assertiveness
A value is dependent on a favorable attitude and attitude is a term that refers to the disposition towards a class of objects, these are distinguished from feelings and features.
Values have hierarchical places whether lower and higher, order should not be confused with the classification, since a classification does not necessarily need an order. To determine the order of the values, it is given with the preference that the human being needs, almost always preferring the superiors although sometimes the inferiors are chosen by various circumstances determined by the user.
"Values that darkly influence our behavior and our preferences, it is the task of every cultured man".
We have seen how values determine the attitudes that govern our behavior. But the attitudes we take in different situations in our daily lives have been studied very deeply from psychology. These are manifested in three types of responses: affective responses, based on feelings that react to a person and take an attitude in a given situation;The cognitive responses, based on the beliefs and values that a person has as a reference in his life. The beliefs that people have about themselves and the world around them originate attitudes;and behavioral responses, based on a more physiological dimension, on the behavior we have in a situation. For example, a positive attitude towards an object allows favorable behaviors to predict. The acquisition and change of attitudes is a process that takes place within society, and specifically within the social groups to which we belong. Within the family, especially in interaction with parents, it is where the child acquires their first attitudes, many of which will persist throughout their lives. Then is the school another framework of social relations extremely important for the formation of attitudes. Later, individuals come to be part of other groups that will configure the structure.
That a person is integrated into a group does not mean that he shares his attitudes and values or that he is identified with him. It must be distinguished between two groups. The integration group is in which it is registered or belongs as a member. The reference group is that with whose objectives we identify even if we are not members of it. It is clear that each person is perceived responsible and affected by the answers achieved from their behaviors, therefore there is an obvious relationship between values and attitudes.
Values are great support for our attitudes to be as positively as possible, the development of these positive attitudes will contribute a lot to our personality.
That there are many values does not mean that we must take importance from those who sometimes do not put into practice. We must think very well how to carry them out so that in development of values they contribute to the personal attitude. Finally it remains only to say that values only acquire value and importance when applied, when we handle positive attitudes based on them. You cannot believe that a person has values because of the simple fact of knowing them, it is necessary for them to apply them at all times with all people regardless of the situation.
The affirmation "is not easy" affects us all, but not all equally. There are many ways to react to what has been said, and lately we can hear it a lot between our environment.
Some can afflict, others may even feel discomfort or fear. For others instead it is a way of starting at the beginning, in a challenge, in a motivation.
Being positive is to be brave, it is not getting carried away by bad news and the possible obstacles of the road. Being positive is that when they tell you "it is not easy" do not abandon and that sprouts an idea in your head that invites you to try. Being positive is the attitude par excellence because the other attitudes will want to do company, it is the first step.
It doesn’t matter if our situation is difficult if we have the attitude of wanting to change it. In addition, the optimistic attitude is reflected in other skills. The clearest example is the ability, an optimistic or positive person will always have the aptitude of being able to overcome and overcome the possible obstacles of the future in the same way, a positive person is easily related to aptitude, that is, the ability, ofbe practical, creative and proactive.
If we truly want to maintain that attitude that directly benefits our mental part, we should not allow negative things to influence our lives;Being happy and enjoying every moment lived is the key..
Indeed, negative things will never disappear within the environment that surround us but, if we can avoid them doing simple and easy to practice things that will help us that our positive mental attitude does not disappear by taking our attention in the great things that life has to show us.
And although we live in a world of constant change and that if we stop, we escape the rice, sometimes we have to stop and reflect because life has fantastic things, spectacular moments, that because of all tablet it seems that we don’t even see them.
Not everything is happiness. There are many very hard moments that we are going to live: diseases, loss of loved ones, run out of work ..
And many times it happens that when life gives a blow of these is when you suddenly stop and think, and realize what is important. But why does something bad happen to realize that?
- Camps, v. (1994). make reform, the values of education. Spain: Argenta.
- Jose M. Mestre Navas, R. G. (2000). Fundamentals of General Psychology. Spain: Mc Graw Hill.
- Maxwell, j. C. (2008). Only gold. United States: Nelson .
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