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Avances De La Manipulación Genética O Ingeniería Genética: Ejemplo De Redacción En Español Gratis, 1491 Palabras


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Avances de la Manipulación Genética o Ingeniería Genética: Ejemplo de redacción en español gratis, 1491 palabras


En este ensayo de la manipulación genética se podrá apreciar desde el punto de vista ético y científico las distintas practicas sobre una de las ramas de la ciencia moderna mas significativas y controversiales que existen: La Manipulación o Ingeniería genética, cuyos grandes avances han revolucionado cientos de métodos médicos y también nuestra manera de ver los seres vivos. Como era una ciencia nueva y con un campo de experimentación tan abierto, surgieron prácticas que ciertamente les faltaba ética y que en la ahora se consideran crímenes contra la humanidad. El propósito de este ensayo será que el lector pueda descubrir aún más a fondo para poder contestarse a si mismo dudas que rodea a esta ciencia y que reflexionemos en este importante tema para lograr comprender la historia y la actualidad de esta importante disciplina.

La Manipulación genética es cualquier cambio hecho en el material genético de seres vivientes. Es una serie de técnicas que permiten la trasferencia programada de genes entre distintos organismos. Por ejemplo, entre los años ochomil y mil antes de cristo se domesticaron y se utilizaron para diversas tareas animales como los caballos, camellos y numerosas razas de perros. Para poder verificar, con mucho cuidado, la relación entre la nueva genética y los derechos humanos, es necesario partir de la existencia, de dos grandes sectores de trabajo científico:

Wait! Avances De La Manipulación Genética O Ingeniería Genética: Ejemplo De Redacción En Español Gratis, 1491 Palabras paper is just an example!

  • El ámbito de la información genética u obtención de datos a partir de los genes
  • The field of genetic manipulation or direct work with genes, modifying them or inserting them in the same organism from which they have been extracted or in another.

(Valencia, 1997, p. 112 et. This would be the result of the development and application to the genetic analysis of all new molecular techniques -Pretriction or fragmentation of enzymes, hybridization, nucleic acid sequencing-. This has determined the possibility, not only of study.


The main fears, at that time, were due to the little knowledge of the possible pathogenic effects that modified organisms could have on the human being or the environment. Such concerns motivated that in 1975 the famous International Asylomar meeting will be held in California, in which debate was opened for all these matters. Some of the main problems posed by genetic engineering have to do today with allergies that certain manipulated foods can produce in human being. If the genes taken from a plant are able to cause allergies in certain people, when they are manipulated and introduced into another they will continue to preserve their ingredients that cause allergies for such people. This is what happened with certain transgenic beans. Currently, after almost thirty years of genetic manipulation, it seems that the risk is not as great as previously thought. Thousands of controlled releases of environment -manipulated microorganisms have already been made and, the truth is that there are no news that ecological disasters have occurred.

These are some of the areas of medicine that uses manipulation or genetic engineering, in the pharmaceutical industry currently plants and microorganisms that constitute the basis of certain medications are being genetically modified to create better vaccines, more effective treatments, enzymes or hormonesat a low cost. In clinical diagnoses, medical research has received from genetic engineering the knowledge necessary to identify genes that produce catastrophic or incurable diseases. These genes can be diagnosed early and cured or avoided, depending on the case. In medicine (gene therapy) gene therapy is a technique that allows to isolate healthy genes to insert them directly into people who have diseases caused by genetic malformations, thus achieving effective treatments. Cystic fibrosis, muscle dystrophy, hemophilia, cancer or Alzheimer. Forensic research (genetic footprint) is a kind of micro cell phone fingerprint that allows the identification of each individual. Forensic medicine has been able to identify suspects of crimes or victims from samples of blood, hair, saliva or semen. Genes manipulation aims to understand their functions and create disease models. And it is a technique that allows precision gene surgery in human cells. There are many purposes since with these areas in which it is used they are very open, as well as to create medicine or treatments and to identify diseases and individuals.

One of the greatest controversies in genetic engineering was that of a Chinese scientist named He Jiankui who was the one who created the first genetically modified babies in the world to be resistant to certain diseases using the genetic editing technique. The controversy began when specialized publications such as the American magazine Mit Technology Review echoed the study of scientist He Jiankui, who began to spread videos on YouTube yesterday in which he claimed to have modified the genes of twins. According to the Chinese researcher, the girls, Lulu and Nana, "they were born health. Among others there four risks that should be evaluated: health, ecological, socio -political and referring to human nature. In any case, it should be said that the controversy is still huge days and there seems to be no unanimous consensus about the use of genetic engineering for this purpose, as well as its moral character. 

J. Riechmann said that even among scientists who defend the transgenics, more and more voices rise asking for more research on human health risks, and the introduction of monitoring systems that allow the early detection of possible problems.

Some examples of genetic engineering in medicine are, insulin for diabetics, factor VIII for hemophilia A, factor IX for hemophilia B, human growth hormone erythropoietin for the treatment of anemia, three types of interferons – fight against infectionsViral, several interleukins, stimulating factor of granulocyte and macrophage colonies, tissue plasminogen activator to dissolve blood clots, adenosine heartbreak for the treatment of some forms of severe combined immunodeficiency, angiostatin and endostatine for the tests of drugs against cancer andParathyroid hormone. Another is gene therapy This type of therapy consists in the use of normal genes to complement or replace defective genes. There is also the recombinant DNA that is the process of extraction of an organism and its insertion in another organism, giving new features.


In conclusion, manipulation or genetic engineering in medicine is very important, but at the same time risky. Genetic manipulation is the modification of the natural characters of genetic heritage and can be applied both for the cure of diseases and for the modification of features and personality, intelligence, character and strength of the individual. Cloning provides the possibility of genetically obtaining an individual identical to another and can be the most elaborate strategy against life. This if used with due precautions can greatly help through science both for research and to create medicines and treatments. These are also well used through this you can both discover diseases and create priests for the same. Science offers humanity a growing number of discoveries that renew the hopes of creating a better world. As is already known, science can be used both to do good and for evil depending on us the use we will give it.

In my opinion, genetic engineering is a very extensive and very careful issue. Since who is doing the practice does not carefully cause many problems. Today we live in the world which day after day we have more updates and news both in medical science and in everyday life. Today many advances for many diseases that had no cure and many treatments for diseases that had no remedy thanks to science and these discoveries many people have more hope to lead a full life. That is why I think that if they must continue with these investigations to be able to create a better world. Of course as long as they make good use of the same.


  • Palomeque, t., Martínez, m. And Lorite, P. (2001) Recovered: Genetic manipulation: Methodology, Applications and Bioethics. USA CASA EDITORA UNED ASSOCIATED CENTER "ADRES DE VANDELVIRA". (Text book)
  • Crosses. (2011) Recovered: Dangers of genetic manipulation. www.Digital Protestant.com/Magacin/11998/Dangers_de_la_manipulation_genetic (online magazine)
  • Cajal, a. (s.F.) Recovered: the 10 most important genetic engineering applications. www.Lifer.com/ Applications-Ingeneria-Genetics/ (Web)
  • Riechmann, j. (2016) Recovered: problems derived from the use of genetic engineering: transgenics. www.Velodemayauva.WordPress.com/2016/10/30/Dedel-Del-Lomo-De-La-Enter-Genetic-Los-Trangenicos/(Web) (Web) (Web) (Web) (Web) (Web) (Web)
  • German, m. (2015) Recovered: Applications of Genetic Engineering in Medicine. www.Cefegen.It is/blog/applications-of-the-nonneria-genetic-in-the-medicina (blog)

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