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Karl Marx: Education in society Introduction In his extensive work, he left a series of consistent opinions about what type of education is the ideal option to change society and.....
Words: 533
Pages: 2
Karl Marx and his philosophical aspects Introduction On this occasion we have Karl Marx and its different philosophical aspects, one of the most debated is in the subject of capita...
Words: 647
Pages: 2
Joseph Stalin's role in World War II The instability created in Europe by World War I (1914-18) prepared the stage for another international conflict, World War II, which broke out...
Words: 1858
Pages: 7
Jean Jacques Rousseau and the Enlightenment Who was? He was born on June 28, 1712 in Geneva (Switzerland), and died on July 2 in 1778 in France. He was born......
Words: 1331
Pages: 5
It is sexist to use women in advertising Advertising in general is shown as a daily tool for consumption and social construct (gender), in an industrialized society with a perspect...
Words: 1079
Pages: 4
Iraq: men as the main victims Introduction In many parts of the world there are more cases of abuse in women than in men, so it is surprising that in......
Words: 704
Pages: 3
Inverse wind energy osmosis Introduction. The panorama regarding water for human consumption is daunting. Almost two million people die a year due to lack of drinking water and it ...
Words: 3336
Pages: 12
International organizations and their role in the democratization of Latin America The political scientist Samuel Huntington describes democracy as “an important - positively the...
Words: 4186
Pages: 15
International Environment Law Introduction We live on a planet that is in a constant change, evolution and improvement in many aspects, but in the same way it is for decay,......
Words: 1280
Pages: 5
International Court of Justice and its operation Martin Luther King said "injustice, anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere". In the search for international equity ...
Words: 2982
Pages: 11
Internal motivation, how to develop and enhance it The development of internal motivation is a very beneficial exercise to increase the performance of the athlete. Motivation po...
Intellectual Property Historcia Review Introduction It is undeniable that the law always goes hand in hand with the development of humanity, which is why over the years this is con...
Words: 1718
Pages: 6
Intel as the company with more microprocessors in the world market Intel manufactures microprocessors found in most personal computers, tablets and smartphones in the world. Today ...
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Information and Business Management Systems A company is a planning of people that aims to meet all the needs of its customers, using both technological and material resources. The...
Words: 1982
Pages: 7
Influence of video games on criminal behavior Introduction. As we know, we are currently surrounded by technology and many media. In this writing I will be exposing my opinion abou...
Words: 1773
Pages: 6
Influence of Transformational Leadership in Human Talent This essay aims to expose the influence and strategic role of transformational leadership in the human talent of organizati...
Words: 1275
Pages: 5
Influence of the media on youth crime First, the idea of a means of communication refers to those instruments that as a society use to carry or bring information in......
Words: 1067
Pages: 4
Influence of communication and emotional intelligence on leadership Summary Currently, organizations require trained personnel not only in knowledge but emotionally balanced, it be...
Words: 2377
Pages: 9
Inequality in schools between boys and girls Introduction This essay focuses on social inequalities between boys and girls, in addition to a difference especially on children's per...
Words: 718
Pages: 3
Inequalities and social discriminations in everyday life Introduction We have all ever witnessed or experienced some form of discrimination in our daily lives, against women, child...
Words: 1734
Pages: 6
Individuality and self-assessment for educational purposes Introduction In this self-assessment, I intend to analyze the work that I have performed in the subject of Educational Co...
Words: 902
Pages: 3
INDIVIDUAL EMPRENDINGS A PERSONAL INNOVATION Introduction Individual innovation: entrepreneurship as a way of life. From the commercial point of view, the pioneer soul is regularly...
Words: 931
Pages: 3
India's marriage ritual Because it is one of the oldest ceremonies that are registered, there are variations when carried out according to factors such as religion, budget, caste p...
Words: 1255
Pages: 5
Income and wealth gap in Mexico: the reasons and political instruments of its decrease It has been revealed by Oxfam that only a few people (85) have the same wealth......
Words: 2160
Pages: 8
Inclusive Education: Education for All In the first place and as an introduction to the subject, a definition of inclusive education that I have extracted after reading the texts i...
Words: 384
Pages: 1
Inclusive education during the years According to authors such as Belth and Fernández, the understanding of the educational system of some particular nation is involved the knowle...
Words: 1114
Pages: 4
Incidence of the First and Second World War in Ecuador's economy Summary In this essay there will be a brief review of the effects that generated the first and Second......
Words: 1687
Pages: 6
Incidence of sexual abuse in Quito Society in 2018 and 2019 The human being is a kind of adaptation, however a condition of its reason is the domain or leadership......
Improve your company's production thanks to management software Technology will always be in favor of big businesses, each time progresses for the improvement in efficacy and quali...
Words: 993
Pages: 4
Important environmental pollution for my generation Introduction The topic to be addressed in this essay is very important for my generation and for the whole society, understandin...
Words: 1342
Pages: 5
Important aspects for financial integration Introduction An important aspect of globalization is its financial integration. Financial integration seeks that markets be integrated, ...
Words: 2303
Pages: 8
IMPORTANCE, ORIGIN AND VISION OF HUMAN VALUES Introduction This work will help us to have a much broader and more clear vision of what values are and why they are......
Importance of sustainable economy with sustainable businesses Many people and companies are seeing the future in the sustainable economy, making possible sustainable businesses,...
Words: 740
Pages: 3
Importance of reading in children today In the present research we will talk about reading, since, at present, it has been losing its importance and value that had since its......
Words: 400
Pages: 1
Importance of physical education in primary school Introduction Physical education is often associated with sport, and this implies that the subject is only justified with the incr...
Words: 1815
Pages: 7
Importance of personal finance, application and methods Introduction Personal finances are a supremely relevant aspect in people's lives, these have different ways of explaining an...
Words: 1861
Pages: 7
Importance of learning for Japanese culture Introduction In this first text it makes us reconsider about the relationship between the saber as a weapon used to kill and the Zen,......
Words: 382
Pages: 1
Importance of Human Genome Project Introduction In this brief introduction I will talk about the importance of human genome in society and diseases that triggers this whole issue. ...
Words: 1273
Pages: 5
Importance of childhood and adolescence from the teaching point of view Introduction "The essential functions of the mind consist of understanding and invention, that is, in t...
Words: 900
Pages: 3
Importance of business models before an entrepreneurship Introduction A study at the North Private University (UPN), showed that 75% of businesses fail before 3 years, which indica...
Words: 901
Pages: 3
Pages: 2
(593 words)
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