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Critical essay on Martin Lindstrom's book What the Buying Book made by Martin Lindstrom refers to that there is another way to present to consumers the brand, it is not......
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Critical analysis: the eBay commercial market Ebay was one of the most appreciated companies during the Puntocom boom, and although it has reached huge success since then, it has n...
Words: 688
Pages: 3
Creativity and self-confidence It has been shown that the greater the level of creativity that a person presents, he will have better possibilities to solve problematic situations,...
Words: 883
Pages: 3
Covid19 isolation in the family The importance of this project is to know more about social isolation by COVID-19 and the family, both in how it affects each of the......
Cost systems in production and decision making Introduction Costing systems are an elementary part for the registration of the production cost, because they contribute to the way o...
Words: 1886
Pages: 7
Corporate identity is much more than a brand Introduction Corporate identity within a company covers much more than a brand or a graph, it represents how the company is sold......
Words: 539
Pages: 2
Cooperation between European Union and NATO The global changes that modify the current world promote the appearance of new threats and risks to which modern societies must face. Th...
Conventional Sports Medicine, the only solution in case of injuries Just perform a bad movement when running or doing sports to injure us. The injuries are those that occur during....
Contributions of the Sociology of Education to the problematic of school failure INTRODUCTION The following report arises based on an investigation carried out through curricular s...
Words: 1897
Pages: 7
Contributions of Social Anthropology in the study of colonialism of the twentieth century Once in our lives it has been heard about the theme of colonialism, but they knew that......
Words: 1673
Pages: 6
Contractual Law: Notion of 'Good Faith' A union is a United Workers Organization to protect their common interests and improve their working conditions. It serves as an intermediar...
Container terminals seek automation on the path of the automobile industry Automation is a process that is reaching all sectors of the industry with different approaches, sometimes...
Words: 655
Pages: 2
Constitution, components and importance of self - esteem Constitution of self - esteem: it could be said that it is built through the experiences that you have in life and......
Consequences of the atomic bomb in Japan Introduction A war conflict is a war in which two or more armed groups face each other. World War II is the greatest......
Words: 424
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Consequences in Ireland del Norte Introduction Today, Brexit is still an unresolved problem and, with the current circumstances, a definitive agreement between the EU and RU seems ...
Words: 912
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CONSEQUENCES FOR CONFINING: Social isolation The psychological effects of confinement are: anxiety and fear caused by the feeling of living in a world disaster, uncertainty about t...
Congenital ichthiosis, symptoms and possible treatments. Introduction: Trying to define congenital ichthiosis (IC) is trying to define a really broad and complex topic, because it ...
Words: 713
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Concerns and conflicts during the time of the Roman Empire Arnian historian Marcelino occupies with the figure of him the second half of the fourth century D. C., since he......
Words: 1690
Pages: 6
Conceptual approaches to human sexuality Introduction Human sexuality is the response of stimuli that are influenced by biological, psychological, socio -economic causes, cultures,...
Words: 993
Pages: 4
Concept of donation and different laws according to the country Introduction This essay will seek to analyze the concept generates from the donation, because as we know this is a.....
Words: 1567
Pages: 6
Computer Management Processes of a company Introduction Currently no company can work without computer science, is that, through it, its use transforms the administration of resour...
Words: 1908
Pages: 7
Competencies for Sustainable Human Development with Gender Approach When I started this book I definitely had no idea what I was trying, the only thing that gave me an idea......
Words: 2521
Pages: 9
Comparison of philosophical reflections by John Locke and Thomas Hobbes In this essay we will find two philosophers, where both have the thought of a contractualist political philo...
Words: 877
Pages: 3
Comparison between Ramón María del Valle-Inclán and Pedro Salinas In this essay on modernism, a comparison will be made between two great authors of this literary movement: Ram�...
Words: 1474
Pages: 5
Communions that seem weddings, what happens? The month of May is, par excellence, the month of communions. Already in June, I would like to take the opportunity to reflect on......
Words: 1113
Pages: 4
Communication within the company Introduction This article explains the importance of communication inside and outside the company so that the work environment is friendly so that ...
Words: 1280
Pages: 5
Communication in social networks Introduction Social networks have become a fundamental tool for political campaigns, since in this way they allow parties directly to citizens with...
Words: 1480
Pages: 5
Communication as the basis for the evolution of man Communication theory “The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the me...
Words: 704
Pages: 3
Comment of an advertising text in the press by the DGT INTRODUCTION This is an institutional advertising text published in Press by the DGT whose objective is to appeal to......
Words: 1475
Pages: 5
Commentary on youth crime today After watching the video of youth crime I could observe and analyze the different circumstances that determined the procedure of an organized guide ...
Words: 722
Pages: 3
Colorectal cancer risk factors in older adults Summary Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent diseases in our environment;In recent years there has been a theoretical, pract...
Colombia, La Paz makes a difference Colombia has been a country marked significantly by violence, mainly derived from the armed conflict. The National Historical Memory Center r...
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Collective hysteria in society Introduction Yes, governments are obliged to protect the natural rights of their citizens, but that is just one of the many government tasks. Even ou...
Climatic change and Earth effects Nowadays climate change is a problem that is not only affecting humans, it is affecting every living being that lives on earth. Climate change is....
Words: 692
Pages: 3
Cleopatra's family dysfunctionality Introduction Dysfunctional families exist since many centuries ago, what we see now is nothing new, since this is a problem that has been develo...
Cleopatra and the decisive battle Introduction During the year 31 to.C, it took place in front of the Greek coast, one of the most decisive battles and of greater political......
Words: 1347
Pages: 5
Clandestinity, organized crime and drug trafficking Introduction As mentioned in previous paragraphs, the theft of fuel has become a way of obtaining profits to give financing to c...
Words: 496
Pages: 2
Circular economy and its implementation in society At present, the environment is being destroyed, therefore, we must know the importance of implementing the circular economy in so...
Words: 687
Pages: 2
Cinema as a sign system The combination of auditory and visual elements is essential in cinema semiotics. The quality of the cinematographic code lies in the unique combination of ...
Words: 473
Pages: 2
Chinese Geopolitics: New World Order Chinese geopolitics China has the necessary capacity (political, economic, military and technological) to establish a worldwide order other tha...
Words: 1736
Pages: 6
Pages: 2
(593 words)
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