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Chinese -born American: Conversation Introduction The American vision is a curious animal that lives most of the US territory. This little animal is also found on the American and ...
Children's marriage: The need for child protection in Yemen In the last twenty years, the practice of child marriage has been common in many parts of the world, it is......
Words: 1128
Pages: 4
Child Psychology, Definition and Importance Socially, children are almost always related to smiling faces, fun and games. However, in them it is also possible that anxiety, stress,...
Child obesity in Mexico and the importance of a good diet Introduction Food is undoubtedly the greatest priorities and needs of the human being since you have a reason, you......
Childhood nutrition programs INTRODUCTION In recent years, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children under 5 years of age has increased in a worrying way as a consequenc...
Child exploitation, a problem of daily life Child exploitation is a problem that affects the lives of many children in the world, and children in Ecuador are not immune to......
Child and discipline behavior Introduction For years, professionals from different disciplines have conducted numerous research about human development and in a particular way of t...
Words: 995
Pages: 4
Charlemagne and the Renaissance of the Carolingian Empire The Carolingian Empire, historically located in the High Middle Ages, began since Pipino the brief was crowned as king ...
Words: 1863
Pages: 7
Charismatic leadership and characteristics that describe it Introduction Charisma is a word that can be used to describe some people for certain characteristics of their personalit...
Characteristics and impact of modernity and postmodernity So that we can talk about the impact that modernity and postmodernity have generated, in addition to globalization we have...
Words: 1501
Pages: 5
Celebrations with Zoo themes Introduction As parents, we have a responsibility that is the awakening love for nature in our children, since they must be, in the future, who take......
Words: 511
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Cavalry in the Middle Ages Introduction When the Normans (Vikings), directed by Guillermo the conqueror, invade England (900), many men needed to protect the lands. At first, young...
Words: 1586
Pages: 6
Causes and stigmas about mental disorders According to WHO (World Health Organization), “Mental health is a welfare state in which the person performs their abilities and is able...
Words: 1122
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Causes and consequences lived by people suffering from obesity Introduction We live in such a damaged society where the consequences that we can cause are not taken into account, w...
Case of Genetic Modification Introduction The genes are the ones that mold us as individuals and as a species. Genes also play an important role in our health. Thanks to......
Words: 1888
Pages: 7
Carl Jung's work and analytical psychology Carl G's work. Jung began to be systematically translated in 1999, seventy -seven years after they ended up translating Freudian works an...
Words: 618
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Capitulations of Santa Fé and Cristobal Colón In 1480 Christopher Columbus lived in Portugal, in the Madeira Islands, and by marriage he was part of the Portuguese nobility. Colu...
Words: 1240
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Capitalizing time: an imperfect society The portrait of an imperfect society where "time is the source of power" in the movie "In Time", since this is a resou...
Words: 900
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Capitalism and socialism, advantages and disadvantages Richard Cantillon and Adam Smith are representative characters in the history of capitalism which states that the State shoul...
Words: 958
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Business Model before starting a business or entrepreneurship Introduction Currently, entrepreneurship became a very widespread term worldwide, because most people want to have the...
Words: 760
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Bullying and its irreparable damage to the future The fact that one person exercises their domain or power over another, and less when we talk about bullying or bullying is......
Bullying, alarming problem in adolescence Introduction Bullying synonymous with bully. Bullying is not only manifested in the physical aspect but also in psychological and sexual a...
Words: 735
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British Airways, Flag Airline of the United Kingdom It has its headquarters in Waterside, near its main operations base located at London-Heathorow airport. It has a second basi...
Words: 659
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Brexit: repercussions that the United Kingdom will face after its departure Introduction On June 5, 1975, the referendum about the permanence of the United Kingdom in the European ...
Words: 2131
Pages: 8
Book analysis about veganism: From theory to action Brief summary Abuse towards animals is one of the least taken into account problems and the most present in our society, all.....
Blockchain, system that breaks barriers Before explaining the blockchain methodology, I will present the reason that the creation of this format that has exponentially revolutioniz...
Words: 944
Pages: 3
Blockchain, impact and applications within the financial field Summary The end of this document consists in investigating and knowing thorough. With population growth it has been o...
Words: 1601
Pages: 6
Blockchain: A solution for policy corruption Why does political corruption exist? Where does it come from? These are questions that emerge when the story is analyzed;All those even...
Words: 1102
Pages: 4
Blockchain and the digital economy of the future The digital economy over the years has had a boom thanks to new inventions and updates. Today many think that this will......
Words: 1232
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Black Holes Introduction Almost a century ago, Albert Einstein already knew what a black hole was like, he said in his famous theory of relativity, in which he established that......
Words: 1366
Pages: 5
Bitcoin mining essay Bitcoin Mining: What is and how works? Bitcoin mining sounds like gold mining at the beginning. In the self-organized network, transactions are processed 24 ho...
Words: 1137
Pages: 4
Bitcoin as currency to exchange goods and services Bitcoin is a currency, such as the euro or the US dollar, which serves to exchange goods and services. However, unlike other......
Words: 1426
Pages: 5
Biological and cultural diversity as social capital of Ecuador Background First, to talk about diversity you should know what these words do. Biological diversity is the result of ...
Words: 931
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Bioethics term and its examples Bioethics is a term that defines the relationships between the ethical and the biological;designates a statute discipline still not well defined (cr...
Words: 1193
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Bilateral Relations between Russia and Ukraine Introduction In order to understand the reasons that promoted the Crimean Conflict between neighboring countries: Russia and Ukraine,...
Words: 1554
Pages: 6
BENEFITS OF THE POSITIVE PARENTALITY If the raising of children is a link that is built just like any other, why not bet on a parenting model based on empathy,......
Words: 729
Pages: 3
Benefits and challenges of studying a second language This research captured my interest, since I live it personally in all areas, being in this case English. For this reason I......
Words: 527
Pages: 2
Be a mother of a child with deafness Introduction Having a son with hearing impairment can mean a feeling of misunderstanding by society. Which makes the situation overflowing. For...
Words: 819
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Basic measures to face the first day of class The first day of the institute may seem discouraging. But remember, it doesn't have to be. There are basic measures that......
Words: 792
Pages: 3
Aviation technological developments Introduction The airplanes were invented more than a hundred years ago and since that first flight of the Wright brothers in 1903 the planes hav...
Pages: 2
(593 words)
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