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Ban on cell phone use by drivers


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Ban on Cell Phone Use by Drivers
Cell phones have become a major component of people’s daily lives all over the world. People use cell phones almost everywhere; in their bedrooms, sitting rooms, toilet, while walking and traveling and controversially while driving. The primary reason for mobile phones’ immense popularity is that they have entirely revolutionized communication. Unlike before their invention, it is now possible to reach your desired person within seconds and communicate to them whatever that you have in store for them as well as forward valuable information. The use of cell phone during driving has however led to a big debate with many arguing that it should altogether be banned. Proponents of this suggestion have argued that use of cell phones by drivers leads to collisions and accidents as the driver is usually distracted while critics of the proposal have cited the above benefits. But should it be banned? Research shows that cell phone using during driving distracts the attention of the driver thereby increasing collision risks.
Cell phone use while driving is most prevalent among teenagers but this does not mean that those in other age groups are not notorious for this behavior; they are also equally irresponsible. The main excuse that many people for this behavior is that they are usually bored especially in traffic jams and red lights and therefore take a look at their phones to freshen their minds and spirit by seeing what their friends are saying on social media.

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Others look at funny images and videos on Whatsapp and other sites. The danger involved here is that one may be too engrossed in their phone conversations and fail to note that the jam has cleared and traffic is moving again. Many are therefore usually take some time to react therefore making them susceptible to collisions from the rear end as the driver behind them expects them to respond when traffic starts moving again. This collision may or may not be fatal depending on the speed of the oncoming vehicle. Drivers may also react to the sudden traffic flow in a very fast manner causing them to accelerate hence increasing their risk of hitting the next vehicle or pedestrians who were still crossing the road.
Those who use their cell phones while traffic is moving argue that they depend on their phones for information. Professionals like lawyers, businessmen, and other service providers say that without receiving calls or answering messages, their businesses will crash as clients will look elsewhere. Others argue that they can easily multitask and therefore there is no danger involved. The rest claim that responding to their phone enables them to be in the know in case of emergency situations or get crucial information that may change their lives. It is possible to get information regarding their wives’ childbirth, involvement in accidents, visits by longtime friends as well as family members among other updates.
Though these cell phone use arguments are justified, users fail to explain how they try to minimize the risk of collisions on the road. According to research, text messages create a crash risk that is almost twenty-three times worse than driving in an undistracted mode. Cell phone use distracts the attention of the driver thereby increasing the risk of collision with other vehicles or people (Farmer, Braitman and Lund 469). Business as well as family issues can be quite stressful and may lead to crashes. One may get upset from the information or message received resulting in the loss of control of the vehicle. Some may immediately break in the middle of the road and eventually be knocked over by incoming vehicles. It is also possible to come out of one’s lane due to the lack of concentration on the road. All these situations increase the risk of collision and loss of death in the streets.
In conclusion, though crucial information is transmitted through cell phones, their use while driving poses a significant danger to the life of other motorists, passengers, and pedestrians and should, therefore, be condemned. The banning of this behavior and the subsequent imposition of hefty fines against offenders will greatly help in its elimination. All States should, therefore, implement this proposal.
Work Cited
Farmer, Charles M., Keli A. Braitman, and Adrian K. Lund. “Cell Phone Use While Driving And Attributable Crash Risk”. Traffic Injury Prevention 11.5 (2010): 466-470. Web.

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