Banking Concept of Education Foundation for Creativity
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According to various authors, adult learning has been confronted negatively by the banking concept of education. It is hugely determined that a narration sickness infects the education system, whereby teachers are given the position of the narrator, and the students are supposed to be meek listeners. Going forward, this narration sickness causes a withholding of creativity as students are taught how to memorize and reflect concepts as taught by their teachers as opposed to them sharing their views and developing their conclusions on topics taught. This criticism on the narration kind of education system is biased and inconsiderate. I submit that it all has to start from somewhere and that before you become a teacher, you have first to be a student.
The issue on the banking concept of education is crucial as it is a conversation that will shape future education systems. Adolf Hitler once said that a lie repeated many times, in due time is considered truth. If the casual opinion that students should be given more freedom in class to give their views is peddled for long enough, soon our schools will dive into massive indiscipline, where students will go rogue simply because they do not agree with their teachers, or because they believe they know more than their teacher. Such a scenario would affect learning because we can never be teachers of ourselves without a foundation of knowledge that allows us to explore further, especially in the academic field.
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Our society, in general, is at stake if the narration concept of education is criticized continuously. If we do not engage in a dialogue on the matter, emphasizing the need of teachers building a foundation of knowledge on students, then soon the common standard of truth is at stake, everyone will develop their truth, and that will be dangerous.
A different perspective of looking at this issue is that of encouraging research to enhance creativity and innovation. Research should be encouraged at all levels of learning to incorporate the student view concept, this way they get a chance to be teachers of their creativity and inventions. However, I submit that every student needs a foundation of knowledge for adult learning, and this foundation is best built through the narration ‘sickness,’ where teachers teach, and students meekly listen and memorize. This base of knowledge is always crucial in advancing adult learning and in pursuing creativity.
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