based on my question
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Part 1
Swelling of legs and ankles may lead to pitting edema, when slight pressure is applied to the edematous tissues, small dents are formed. Most soldiers who participated war and who were in concentration camps were subjected to poor dietary thus a majority of them had the severe weight loss and malnutrition. Due to malnutrition and low protein intake, most captives suffered from hypoalbuminemia, which refers to low albumin concentration within the body. Albumin is produced by the liver or obtained from protein-rich food such as eggs. They are responsible for transportation of molecules being non-specific transporters and maintaining of colloidal pressure by attracting water in blood through osmosis. Albumins ensure that the concentration of particles in blood is similar or equal to the concentration of particles in the interstitial fluid thus osmosis of water into adjacent cells does not occur. In cases of malnutrition and severe hypoalbuminemia, albumin levels drop below 2.5g/dl, and blood cells are unable to hold onto water hence they move into interstitial spaces of tissues causing the cell to swell with water. For this reason, most captives experienced swelling in lower extremities.
Part 2
Aspirin, when taken either due to pain or fever, is evenly distributed throughout the body to bring about the desired effect. However, aspirin dramatically affects blood clotting and brings about blood thinning by undermining the functioning of platelets.
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Platelets are responsible for hemostasis process within the body. Aspirin, when taken into the body, inhibits the production of Thromboxane TX, which is produced in thrombogenesis. Thromboxane TX is responsible for the activation of platelets and their aggregation at the rupture site to form a temporary plug thus slowing bleeding (Spence, 1006). Reduced thromboxane TX levels reduce platelet accumulation at injured point hence slowing down the blood clotting process.
Works cited
Spence, David. “Mechanisms of Thrombogenesis In Atrial Fibrillation”. The Lancet, vol 373, no. 9668, 2009, p. 1006. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(09)60604-8.
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