Because Civil Rights Violation In Argentina Happens
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DownloadBecause civil rights violation in Argentina happens
Is a democratic country possible with citizens who do not know their rights?
To start, you have to define what a democratic government is. “It is one whose authorities emanate from the people, since the power belongs to the entire citizenship. In this way, people make collective decisions through various participation mechanisms, whether indirect or direct.”(Pérez, J., 2018). The right concept is “the set of regulations, laws and resolutions, framed in a system of institutions, principles and norms that regulate human behavior within a society, with the objective of achieving the common good, security and justice.”(Raffino, M., 2019)
I think that it is not possible a democratic country with citizens and citizens who do not know their rights, here in this essay it will argue why I think that it is not possible through several sub -themes how what happens when citizens do not know their rights?, Do citizens care about their government rights and actions?, What percentage of citizens know their rights? And all citizens vote for the elections to federal president, senators, deputies, municipal president and state governor?. All these questions will help me defend and give them my point of view on this subject and make a great category analysis.
At the end of this essay you will find if I demonstrated that a democratic country with citizens and citizens who do not know their rights is not possible, how I defended my position throughout the essay and what I learned from this.
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First, for the UN (S.F)
The rights enshrined in the International Pact of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and in subsequent human rights instruments that cover the rights of certain groups (for example, indigenous peoples, women, minorities, people with disabilities, immigrant workers and their families) are equally essential for democracy given that they guarantee the inclusion of all groups, including equality and equity regarding access to civil and political rights.
Which means that if citizens do not know our rights the democratic country will not have the inclusion of all groups, nor equality and equity to civil and political rights. This is the main argument of my essay.
That a citizen does not know her rights is because of her education, ignorance and lack of dissemination and promotion of the rights that a citizen has. That citizens do not know their rights will cause the government to violate them and do actions which are not allowed in the governed section, whether municipal, state or federal. Knowing this, citizens will not give importance to the actions that make and violate their rights, because they will not know that this goes against them and will give it unnoticed, which will make the government continue to commit faults and affect democracy from the country. How do you affect it?, because the actions made will not be taken to plebiscite or referendum, so they will not be fair for citizens and democracy was not carried out. For example "the new domain extinction law" that was issued in the Official Gazette of the Federation in 2019, violates the rights of citizens and due to the lack of knowing their rights, no more than newspapers have been claimed and specialists. This law says that the State can confiscate before a sentence is carried out to trial the assets, accounts, and assets related to crimes such as the theft of hydrocarbons, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, organized crime, corruption, among others. Which violates the rights to the property of the citizen and without any due process they take off these themselves. Viola democracy since one of the characteristics of it is for maximum, J.
In order for a democracy to be essential that there is first a full state of law, that is, that all the inhabitants of a country are unconditionally submitted to what the law dictates. This means that regardless of how much a political majority be, it cannot use institutions to carry out illegal or prohibited action. Which this law makes an illegal action by removing the properties if a legal process.
The former Panista leader Torres, M. (2019) points out that ‘it was apparently a good proposal. The idea, the intention is correct; However, this new law, I have no doubt, what violates is the presumption of innocence and due process ’and the former Attorney General of the Republic, Morales, I. (2019) says that it is a enormous risk to the right of property ’and‘ the domain extinction occurs without compensation payment of any kind; is worse than expropriation ’.
These phrases said by experts in politics and rights support my position before this law violates our rights. From my point of view and experience, citizens of Mexico do not care about their rights and government actions, at least that it affects them economically, for example, for the Secretary of Sustainable Development Russildi, R. (2016).
Today, according to the Culture Survey of the Constitution in Mexico, about 90 percent of Mexicans consider that they know little or nothing to the Constitution, that is, 9 out of 10 people do not know their rights as a Mexican citizen, or obligations. As well as they are unaware of the way in which the government and the identity that the country has, and this prevents our Constitution from fulfilling its function as a framework of our coexistence.
This states that citizens do not care about their rights, since, if they cared, half of the 1917 Constitution would be known, apart from the fact that they do not know how the government is organized, which is democratic, and if They do not know their organization, you cannot do a democratic country with citizens who don’t even know how their government is organized since we do not support it. It also implicitly states that citizens do not know government actions, because if their structure is not known, their actions will not be known.
The citizen has the right to vote in the elections, which, if he does not vote in the elections, apart from exercising his rights, democracy weakens. For example, in the 2018 elections for President of the Republic in Mexico, according to in 2018, the INE Executive Secretary Molina J., He reported that “a total of 56 million 508 thousand 266 of votes were counted, equivalent to a participation in the 63rds.42 % of the nominal electoral list."
We can know then that 36.58% of citizens did not exercise their right to vote, which was not a decision made by all citizens to choose the president of the Mexican Republic, that is, it was not totally democratic in the absence of the right to vote since Not all citizens voted and what democracy seeks is that what citizens mostly.
Finally, with these 4 arguments it was shown that, although Mexico is considered a democratic country, because of citizens who do not know their rights and the lack of dissemination cannot be achieved 100% a democratic country since they do not require the Government their rights do not know how to defend themselves before the violation of rights, the citizen does not exercise their rights and does not help the government to do democracy, indigenous peoples or ethnic groups do not know their rights and are not taken into account then if Citizens knew their rights and promote if a democratic country would be achieved and officially official since they would exercise their rights to bring democracy as well as possible as the UN says. I defended my position knowing that rights are essential for democracy, an example that citizens do not defend their rights to government actions, which 9 out of 10 citizens do not know their rights and government actions, which I It helps to affirm that they do not favor or achieve the democracy of the country and an example of the lack of the use of the right to vote to achieve a fair and democratic decision of the President of the Republic of Mexico. I learned that very few citizens know their rights and exercise them, that there is no inclusion of all groups in the country in democracy, which affects the country that citizens do not exercise their rights and the importance of these same and not there is equality and equity for all in democracy of the democratic country.
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