Bee Honey: An Alternative For Medicine
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DownloadBee honey: an alternative for medicine
The issues were chosen because many people do not know the benefits of the use of bee honey as an alternative medicine, it has been proven that the consumption of honey is highly beneficial for our body and health, since honey is a great source Of energy, it stimulates the formation of red blood cells because it has folic acid, also helping to increase the production of antibodies, today it is known that the antibacterial power of honey is mainly due to inhibits. These inhibits consist of hydrogen peroxide, flavonoids and phenolic acids, in addition to other unidentified substances, although other researchers attribute the antibacterial capacity of honey to the combination of properties such as their high osmolarity, under pH, presence of volatile and low value substances water activity. It has also been shown that honey serves as a natural source of antioxidants, which are effective in reducing the risk of heart disease, immune system, cataracts and different inflammatory processes.
For this reason it has been considered to work together with students in the elaboration of candies made with honey since it is an appetizing form, of good flavor and easy consumption especially in children, and thus induce frequent consumption of natural medicine as a healthier alternative to protect our body.
Theotic or thematic framework
Bees and their derivatives
The bees produce it through the brain glands between their 13th.
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and 18. Age day. They use it to build honeycombs on which the queen will deposit the eggs and where the bees will store honey and pollen. They also use it to cover the cells with larvae until they were born.
The raw material to produce wax is honey and bees need to consume 6 to 7 kilos of this golden elixir to produce a kilo of wax.
Human beings use it to make candles, oils, crayons, crafts in general and in beauty products and therapeutic treatments.
Royal jelly
It is a substance that young bees secrete between their 4th. and 12th. Age to feed the larvae during their first three days of existence, and the queen throughout her life. The raw materials necessary for its elaboration are pollen, honey and water.
It serves as food, is rich in vitamin B and is also used for masks, shampoo, circulation pills and creams.
It is a kind of resin that bees collect from the trunk of some trees. It is very important for the hive, since through it they ensure warmness and hygiene inside.
This element is used as a healing, bactericide, and fungicide, as well as for treatment in respiratory infections in the form of syrup, palettes and spray.
It is the male element of a flower. It is not prepared by bees, but it is of the utmost importance for the growth and reproduction of the colony, because thanks to it they obtain the necessary elements to form muscles, vital organs, wings, hairs and replenish the worn tissues.
It is rich in protein, lipids, vitamins and minerals and is used in the pharmaceutical industry.
It is produced by the body of the working bee and uses it to defend itself against animals, insects, people and everything that threatens the functioning of the colony.
It is used for therapeutic purposes to attend rheumas, arthritis, bone pain, etc.
It is a sugary substance produced by bees from the nectar that collect from the flowers in their surroundings. It is its basic food and through it they acquire energy to develop the activities of the colony.
It is a source of calories for humans and has different food, medicinal and cosmetics uses.
Honey is a product that human being has used since its origins. In fact, the cave paintings of the spider’s cave, in Bicorp (Valencia), dating from 7.000 years before Christ, they show how a man is collecting honey. This shows that the first residents of the Earth discovered the benefits of this food. Bucharest; (1976)
There exist many historical references to this substance. In addition to biblical quotes, many other peoples, such as the ancient Egyptians or the Greeks, for example, referred to honey as a sacred product, getting to serve as a way to pay taxes. In Egyptian excavations with more than 2000 years they were found perfectly preserved honey samples in slightly covered vessels that were still edible and only had to heat it. Mohammad Javed (October 2012).
There are about 320 honey varieties of different floral origins. The taste, color and smell of honey depends on the different sources of flowers and plants visited by bees.
According to the species of insect:
- Honey bee
- Wasp honey (honey produced by several wasp species)
- Melífera Honey
According to its plant origin, it differs between:
- Flower honey: the one produced by the bees from the nectar of the flowers. Many varieties are distinguished:
- monofloral: predominance of the nectar of a species. The most usual are chestnut, rosemary, ulmo, thyme, heather, orange or orange blond.
- multifloral ("several flowers"): from the nectar of several different plant species, and in very variable proportions.
Flower honey is transparent and solidifies over time depending on its plant and temperature origin. Below 14 ° C the solidification process is accelerated. Brozo honey harden very soon and those of Castaño take a long time.
The study of pollen in virgin honey (Melisopalinology) allows to determine its floral origin. Since pollen particles are electrostatically loaded and attract other particles, the techniques used in Melisopalinology can be used in environmental studies of radioactive particles, dust or pollution.
A side effect of nectar and pollen collection for honey production is pollination, which is crucial for the reproduction of flower plants.
Antofilos (Antophile, who love flowers), commonly called bees, is a monophiletic lineage with more than 20 thousand known species, bees, along with other insects, develop a fundamental activity for food to be human and all of all the animals, pollination. Without this work, the productivity of the crops would down to 75%, that is, it is estimated that the third part of the food is pollinated by insects, mainly bees.
The intervention of man in the honeycomb intervention process is known as beekeeping.
Honey is used thousands of years ago worldwide and is a sweet and viscous fluid produced by bees of the APIS genre, mainly the domestic bee, from the nectar of flowers or secretions of living parts of plants or excretions of Plant sucking insects (aphids).
These substances are collected by bees, then transformed by combining them with their own substances, deposited, dehydrated and stored in the honeycomb for maturation.
Honey is used as a flavor of brews, food or medicines and is widely studied by its large number of properties.
Honey properties
Antibacterial potential
Due to inhibines (peroxide of hydrogen, flavonoids and phenolic acids) present in honey, this substance has important properties such as bactericide. These properties are also attributed to the presence of oxidase glucose. For example, one of honey antibacterial potentials can be important for acne treatment and to exfoliate skin.
Natural source of antioxidants
Antioxidants are natural substances that prevents oxide formation, which in turn slows cell decomposition. In this sense, periodic honey consumption can be an important dietary complement in the prevention of heart disease, immune system and inflammatory processes.
Primary sweetener
Before the extraction of cane sugar and other roots, tubers and foods was popularized, honey was the only natural primary sweetening. Due to its components, such as small peptides, flavonoids and enzymes, honey serves as sweetener, but not only that. It is a protective agent that, by mixing with other foods, can enhance both the taste and its beneficial health properties. In this same sense, bee honey serves as a natural substitute for refined sugar.
It contains proteins
Bee honey contains approximately enzymes and amino acids. These originate from the activity of the bees themselves, and sometimes in the plant’s nectar. Proteins have a fundamental role in the growth and synthesis of different tissues. In turn, amino acids are the basis for protein production
Moisturizing potential
High concentration of honey humidity not only influences its viscosity, weight, flavor and color, but can be fundamental to moisturize different parts of our body. For this reason it is usually used as hair moisturizer and scalp. In this it is important that honey is not exposed to high temperatures, since its properties can be lost.
It favors digestion
When combined with other natural products, such as lemon juice or cinnamon, honey can favor the activity of the digestive system. This means that it helps to metabolize food, preventing or relief. Likewise, it has been attributed to relieve symptoms of constipation and feeling of heaviness after strong meals. For this reason, the property of preventing reflux has also been attributed and helping to relieve diarrhea.
Wound and burns treatment
From the ancient Egyptian, Chinese and Roman societies, honey was used to treat different wounds. In combination with other herbs, a honey ointment was beneficial for sunburn, wound infections and spots on the face. For this reason, antiseptic properties are attributed, that is, it reduces the possibility of infections when applied in living tissue in some wounds.
Relieves cough and throat pain
Again when combined with other substances such as Lima or Limón juice, honey honey relieves throat pain, even in small doses. For antibacterial properties they could also help fight some infections of this type. Likewise, bee honey is recognized as a natural cough remedy (however it is recommended not to apply in children under one year).
Anti -inflammatory activity
The direct application of bee honey in inflamed muscles has been used as a powerful anti -inflammatory, that is, the property of reducing muscle swellings has been attributed. In turn, this relieves the pain caused by the same inflammation.
Other properties
Ayurveda medicine, traditional from India, has attributed revitalizing properties to honey, which in turn relieve weakness or excessive fatigue. He has also been attributed a relaxing property that favors sleep and some stress symptoms. It is also used for tooth pain, especially in children over one year, in the treatment of asthma and hiccups. It is also used to moderate blood pressure levels.
Honey products
Hydromiel or honey wine is obtained by the fermentation of a water and honey syrup. The process is first to boil the water with honey to, once the just density is reached, introduce it into steel drums with a mixture of water, honey, pollen and yeasts where it passes about 2 months before transfer Oak where it ages. If we want to prepare hydromiel by hand, a glass container would be necessary with a volume appropriate to the quantity to be prepared, about 400 gr. of a soft honey such as Romero honey of the bass Aragon, 1 liter of boiled or distilled cold water (direct water of the tap does not work for us), dry yeast or in wet bread; The elaboration consists first of dissolving honey in the water, boiling it 15 minutes while removing the foam and lowering the temperature to about 20 ºC with cold water, then add a teaspoon of yeast or ferment coffee to make bread; Then it is allowed to stand 7 days at an ambient temperature of 30 ºC, which produces abundant foam from fermentation and overflows through the mouth of the container; Then the container should be closed tightly once bubbles stop rising and wait for impurities to possess and eliminate yeast residues. If we want a hydromiel with bubbles, it is enough to add some sucrose in a proportion of 8 gr. Every 20 liters of hydromiel and close the container keeping it at room temperature for a few days (it is important not to exceed the amount of sucrose because the container could explode).
Honey vinegar, if we take into account that hydromiel is the oldest alcoholic beverage, can be considered the oldest vinegar used by man, from which it follows that honey vinegar was used by man makes the man less 5000 years. The quality of a vinegar is proportional to the quality of the raw material and if we look at the high biological value that honey has, we realize the superiority of honey vinegar on other vinegars that are made from a fruit. Honey vinegar is a amber vinegar, bright and very aromatic with slight sweet notes that improves and enhances the taste of food. This product is excellent for salad dressing and facilitates digestion when consumed as soda mixed with water and honey. The digestive properties of this vinegar come from its bacterial flora that is similar to that of the human intestine and its abundance in mineral salts and trace elements, it also helps to fix calcium thanks to its remineralizing properties, it relieves joint pains, improves health capillary and has detoxifying power. To elaborate this honey vinegar we will first prepare hydromiel, to this solution you can add yeasts of the wine and after a few days this solution begins to ferment until after 15 or 20 days the fermentation stops, so you should only expect Between 10 and 12 months for consumption, they can also accelerate this process by adding some wine vinegar that helps the mother’s formation.
Honey candies are especially demanded by those who suffer from some type of malaise in the throat, in fact the properties of honey are famous to soften the throat. To elaborate these natural candies you simply have to mix 500 gr. Of honey, the juice of a lemon, two drops of vanilla and a glass of water, then you just have to cook it stirring until the spoon is raised a thread of honey, finally, it is poured on a smooth surface that resists Heat and allow to cool to harden and can be cut into pieces. This is how a natural treat with as many benefits is achieved as honey, in addition the honeys used to elaborate the candies also improve their properties according to their origin, thus the thyme honey candies help clear the airways, while while that Romero honey candies especially favor stomach problems and digestions.
An excellent combination of flavors is made by honey in conjunction with nut Traditional sweets like the famous Christmas nougat. If you want to make a healthy and natural dessert using these products as a base and in just a couple of minutes, you can mix in a 150 gr bowl. of peeled almonds, 150 gr. of peeled nuts, 150 gr. Piñones and 150 gr. of peeled peanuts without salt; Then add 8 large tablespoons of honey and mix well; Finally, this mixture is distributed in glasses on which we will sprinkle some sugar and incorporate two tablespoons of cream.
Honey has been used in the kitchen since the beginning of its existence consuming alone, with fruits, in sweet dishes and salty dishes; In roasts it is a perfect help to brown the meats giving them a special touch for which it is enough to mix some teaspoons with wine and incorporate the mixture towards the end of the roast. Honey is also widely used to enhance flavors when preparing accompaniments, sauces and dressings. For a long time this product has also been used by adding two tablespoons in a glass of milk to calm the throat problems, or in a glass of hot water with the juice of a lemon to disinfect.
Among the products made from honey there are a wide variety of them that are used in cosmetics, among which we have those that can be developed at home at a particular level:
- Honey soaps are products used sometimes for hair and sometimes for the body, therefore also its composition varies at some points. Using it on the skin, it helps to keep it smooth thanks to its high content of vitamins, minerals, active enzymes and amino acids, so it is a good ally when fighting wrinkles, in addition to being a hygroscopic product, (it is say, that attracts water) produces a moisturizing effect. The use of honey to elaborate these soaps provides them with antiseptic, soothing and Batalidal properties for those who are ideal for damaged skins, with redness or infections, with acne or even to reduce the scars. In the case of honey shampoos, if we use these hair products, we are applying a moisturizing shampoo that provides the hair with body, brightness and helps close the cuticle avoiding frog. We can elaborate our own honey soap, for which we will dissolve 40 ml. of honey in 60 ml. of olive oil that will be hot and in the fire; While in another saucepan on the fire we dissolve 200 ml of soda in 250 ml. of water; Then we mix both substances and pour it into a plastic mold, letting it harden for 3 or 4 days. If what we want to make is our own honey shampoo we will simply mix half a glass of boys shampoo with a copita of brandy and a tablespoon of honey.
- The honey creams that exist in the market with honey are very varied because they depend on the honey used for each of them and the area for which its application is prepared, however this cream has common characteristics in all cases: It is a soft product, easy to penetrate and effective against wrinkles, since its active ingredients provide elasticity to the face and neck. This product can be used day and night, its hydro-nutritious action being continues, in addition this honey cream produces a rapid effect, regenerates the skin, nourishes and softening it by acting against cracks and roughness of elbows and knees, as well as Against the Scotlands. A homemade recipe to make its own neck cream for the neck consists of mixing two and a half teaspoons of a quality honey such as the honey of a thousand flowers of the Bajo Aragon with the same amount of olive oil and add two egg yolks, one time mixed must stand 24 hours in the fridge and apply on the neck with a massage letting it act 20 minutes before removing it. A cream to soften the skin very easy to make is made by mixing 3 tablespoons of whipped liquid cream with a spoonful of honey you just have to let it act 20 minutes; Mixing honey with lemon we will have a cleaning cream that will also regulate the levels of the fat areas of the skin. If you apply later for half an hour a good layer of honey to your legs the day next to hair removal will have your legs will be much softer.
- The hair mask made with honey repairs hair fiber and nourishes it to the root. The properties of honey provide brightness, volume and strength to the hair in turn repairing broken tips and eliminating static electricity. A mask to revitalize lifeless hair uses five tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of almond oil, which after mixing it has to be heated to apply it in the halves and hair tips, then it is allowed to act half an hour and removed With abundant shampoo.
- The natural honey mask collects the nutrients of honey in a product nourishing and hydrating the skin, so that after its application the face appears revitalized and smooth. This product contains all the benefits of natural honey so it can be applied in all types of skins and applied as a mask honey depends on the products with which it is mixed can increase its power of action on some specific function, in this way mixed With lemon it is excellent for cleaning the skin and regulating natural oils that make it fat in addition to eliminating black points; If we make the mixture of three tablespoons of honey with a cup of natural yogurt we obtain a mask that eliminates the fat of those faces with excess of it and helps clean it; If we mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1/4 cup of oatmeal we convert the mask into a natural exfoliant for our skin; These are just some of the masks that can be done with the products we have at home and some honey.
As we have seen, honey has surprising properties and is recommended for all skin types, when applied to the skin seals moisture, it becomes a great facial cleaner and its antioxidant properties help protect the skin from sun damage, serving in turn in the recovery of dry and damaged skins. The honey is a great ally in the kitchen as part of a multitude of dishes whether salty or pastry in addition to being used in some tricks as in the roasts of meat that smeared with honey acquire a special flavor and a very appetizing golden color , or in the case of burns as a shooting to prevent marks and heal before.
Information will be sought on the Internet through secondary sources to carry out the following project in which the scientific method that consists of a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the seventeenth century, which consists of systematic observation, has been used, which consists of systematic observation, measurement, experimentation, formulation analysis and modification of hypotheses. (https: // method).
A technique that will be applied to the development of the project is the observation which consists of a field investigation, which allows the analysis of it by determining the needs of the consumption of alternative products for health. In addition, it will be considered as a bibliographic investigation, since, to base due project design, data already provided by other authors in similar research has been considered, about the needs of this type of proposals. For the aforementioned field research, it will require us, to provide us with primary sources that support the project design work, that is, the information that will be measured, where the need is developed. While bibliographic research will provide us with already established secondary sources from past research, which will help detect fundamental parts of our research.
To elaborate the honey candies will be carried out the following process:
- First, you must prepare a mold for your candies. If you don’t have a prefabricated one, you can use a rectangular container and line it with vegetable paper. This is important to do it before cooking, because the caramel solidifies quickly and it is important to pour it into the mold in time.
- Place a saucepan on the stoves, ensuring that the fire is half-high. Next, add the 200 grams of sugar, a spoonful of water and honey. Remove the mixture continuously, so that the ingredients mix and get rid of.
- The mixture must be on the fire boiling between 6 and 8 minutes. Once this time has passed, you will observe that sugar, water and honey have melted, giving rise to caramel.
- When you observe that the candy has put an amber color, it is time to remove it from the heat and add a bicarbonate soup tablespoon to the mixture. Do not stop removing the candy while baking baking soda. With baking soda you will get bubbles in the caramel, giving it an appearance of honeycomb.
- Then pour the liquid carame in the mold you had prepared before cooking. Do it quickly to prevent bubbles from disappearing.
- Let the caramel cool and harden in the mold. After the necessary time, you can leave the caramel in portions.
Analysis of the solution raised through the interdisciplinary product
Honey related to aesthetic culture or sport is very useful since it serves to be consumed by athletes before and after training because it helps them recover since the body consumes glucose reserves by decreasing blood sugar levels, blood levels, Muscles need to replace sugar to recover and avoid muscle fatigue.
In relation to natural sciences, bees concentrate on the collection of nectar or in pollen collection; It is estimated that a third of human food depends on insect pollination, mostly by bees, especially the European domestic honey bee.
In language and literature it is related because it allows us.
It is related to the exact sciences because these give us knowledge through observation and experimentation methods, seeks precise results that we use in the laboratory to weigh the exact measures of the substances and thus be able to have a well -developed result or product.
Technology has evolved and transformed our lives and education is no exception, when information was needed , saving us time to face endless texts.
With regard to social sciences, honey is an excellent health raw material because it contains the most frequent minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and potassium, contains amino acids, vitamins of the B complex, vitamin C and D and antioxidants. Apart from how food has many properties, honey can be used in many other ways to benefit health in a healthy way.
Conclusions and recommendations
Within the conclusions it can be said that the benefits of honey as an alternative medicine are present or related in every social field, either in the kitchen or as a natural environment, in which it can be cited as antibacterial potential, natural source of antioxidants, Primary sweetener, it contains proteins, it is moisturizing potential, it favors digestion, treatment of wounds and burns relieves cough and sore throat therefore it can be recommended as an alternative medicine since it is increasingly widespread, the reasons are simple, And we have to look for them in the benefits of natural medicine for health and their scarce contraindications, favors people’s emotional well -being by emphasizing the natural aspect, it has no relevant side effects, and in general, the side effects of the same has a mild intensity and disappear for themselves in a short time. The truth is that more and more studies suggest that natural medicine and alternative therapies can constitute preference treatments for mild or chronic disorders that cannot happily solve allopathic (conventional) medicine happily.
Conventional medicine, like everything in life, has its limitations. And precisely that is where natural, holistic or integrative medicine finds its space, which trusts the natural capacity of the body to heal. In this sense, there are countries like Switzerland where alternative therapies or complementary medicines are already integrated into the public health system.
- https: // products.htm
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- Armando, j., Mondragón, p., Rodríguez, r., Reséndiz, j.A. And roses, p. (2010). The honey and its importance. Source Magazine, 2 (4): 11-18.
- OSLEN, n. (2018). Everything you need to know about honey. Medical News Today. Retrieved October 16, 2018. Available at https: //
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