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Behaviorism, The Current Of Psychology That Studies The Behavior Of The Human Being


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Behaviorism, the current of psychology that studies the behavior of the human being

Behaviorism today is known as a current of psychology which studies the behavior of the human being, although it was always manifested and interpreted in different ways, as an example; A free will because our ancestors according to their beliefs had the power of their own decision making, this was one of the reasons why I attract attention and began to have greater interest bringing great impulses to be what it is today.

His beginning began to form through the origin of the philosophy of René Descartes, due to the aforementioned I call the attention of René Descartes, so I propose dualism to what he classified two kinds of behavior, the involuntary and the voluntary, He also said that involuntary behavior existed due to external stimuli, which is measured by the reflection, and voluntary behavior is aware, another way of explaining is that in involuntary behavior the first thing of being in reacting is the sensory organs and On the other hand in voluntary behavior the first to react is the mind. Descartes also mentioned the innatism concept which considered the innate ideas that the human being had, compared to the idea John Locke had completely the opposite of what the study of the mind aroused which he had the idea that the people tend to have their ideas either directly or indirectly and it is through these assumptions that these authors considered which the association concept is born that speaks that the ideas that the human being tends to have not only manifest sensory for which The British were the ones who described that these associations need to be combined to form more exact sensations and in different ways and not only in one thing which took Aristotle’s ideas which said that there were three types of associations the first one that is contiguous , the second that is the similarity and the third and last that is the contrast, so I avoid problems when thinking for example And all the things that were red were apples, but one could be an apple and another a red ball.

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Another impulse was Pávlov for the reason that changing the functioning of the nervous system for the interest of the conditioning of the reflexes, in the same way for Skinner their interest began through the experiments that were made with the animals as an example the pigeons and rats by The intelligence they possess.

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