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Name Instructor Course Date Cherishing a Legacy: Voluntary at Historic Site People volunteer for many reasons, some do it to make a difference in other people’s lives, and some m...
Words: 275
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Second Language Acquisition Name Institution In this paper, I will examine some of the challenges present in second language acquisition through a human developmental approach. I a...
Words: 550
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William Heard Kilpatrick project teaching method INTRODUCTION. Who is William Heard Kilpatrick? Kilpatrick was known for developing the "project method" and collaborato...
Words: 2243
Pages: 8
Virtual Education Analysis and its contribution in the training process of 21st century professionals Information and communication technologies, is known for the acronym (ICT), th...
Words: 1087
Pages: 4
Trump and the death penalty for Yusef Salam Tomorrow the book Punching The Air (hitting the air) of Ibi Zoloboi and Yusef Salam will go on sale as part of......
Tobacco consumption as a means of socialization on the outskirts of the Faculty of Sociology A social fact can occur in our daily life without taking it as such; It......
Words: 810
Pages: 3
Those who have knowledge, do not predict: those who predict, have no knowledge How this thought of Lao-Tse "those who are aware, do not predict: who predict, do not have......
Words: 1322
Pages: 5
The true purpose of the communist manifesto Introduction This theme will talk about the communist manifesto written by Karl Marx which was a philosopher, economist, sociologist, jo...
Words: 671
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The training of the Venezuelan teacher: Historical Review and News Educational quality refers to the way the process of educational training of students and personal and profession...
Words: 1302
Pages: 5
The thinker Immanuel Kant Introduction The German philosopher Immanuel Kant, describes how human history could progress towards its final objective: the lighting of humanity under ...
Words: 473
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The sexual abuse of a student, the Vision of Teachers What is the role of the teacher before sexual abuse? As we know after home the school is the place......
The school-family relationship in the development of the pedagogical model of the Educational Institution Summary The knowledge integrating project (think) is carried out in order ...
Words: 1933
Pages: 7
The richest man in Babylon, reflexive work This book begins with a first chapter which tries to Bansir the carriage builder of Babylon and this one has a little......
Words: 879
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The rhetoric question of ethics Introduction Francisco Camacho Marín was born in Mexico City, on August 22, 1960. He has Mexican and Spanish nationality, since his father was Span...
Words: 929
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The power relations in the classroom Power relationships determine what happens in the classroom understanding by power the ability of one person on another. The ability of a teach...
Words: 2110
Pages: 8
The Philosophy of Education and its evolution With the passage of time, the term ‘education’ has evolved and with it, the practice too. What involves education? What exactly is...
Words: 1264
Pages: 5
THE MORAL OF THE HUMAN BEING There is a connection between him and his constant and comprehensive formation that avoids moral relativism, since this refers to the moral state of......
The Major Colleges and the Spanish University in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age Introduction. The Middle Ages begins in the 5th century with the Roman Empire. It......
Words: 754
Pages: 3
The Italian Renaissance, Important Works The Italian Renaissance was a period of time understood from the beginning of the fifteenth century to the mid -16th century, popularly kno...
Words: 2254
Pages: 8
The innovative teacher and its impact on learning An innovative teacher is also a motivating teacher because his constant eagerness to stay updated and learning different ways of t...
Words: 560
Pages: 2
The influence of the motivation on learning a second language Introduction The situation in public schools regarding the learning of a new language is worrying. Even with the chang...
Words: 1533
Pages: 6
The influence of a teacher's leadership in education When a teacher always wants to go beyond his established performances, having commitment to his work and wanting to achieve tho...
Words: 417
Pages: 2
The Industrial Revolution in the Plastic Arts The industrial revolution had destroyed the chores of the different artisans since their work was replaced by machines. William Morris...
Words: 1103
Pages: 4
THE IMPORTANCE OF READING IN AUTONOMOUS LEARNING INTRODUCTION Critical thinking constitutes one of the concerns that with greater interest are debated in academic forums, occupied ...
Words: 1624
Pages: 6
THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION Today Spanish education is divided into different stages: Early Childhood Education, from 3 to 5 years, Primary Education, from 6 to 12 years and Compul...
Words: 726
Pages: 3
THE HISTORY OF THE REFORM AND PROTECTOR ACCOUNTING During the Middle Ages the Catholic Church was guided with seven sacraments, one of them allowed us8,7), for this the Church prov...
Words: 1391
Pages: 5
The five qualities of a good teacher When talking about the qualities of a good teacher we can find a lot of articles about it. That can even create more......
Words: 781
Pages: 3
The figure of a judge in society Introduction The work of judges and magistrates, as administrators of justice and servants of general interest, acquires utmost importance for the ...
Words: 411
Pages: 1
The evolution of production towards total automation In the mid -eighteenth century, the production processes are carried out by hand, it was the workforce of the economy of a nati...
Words: 752
Pages: 3
The development of language in the human being Talking about language moves us to other concepts that are in close relationship. If we join the language with the language and......
Words: 1323
Pages: 5
The current teacher and his formation in didactics (strengths and weaknesses) Currently, didactics is important in education, because it allows us to exploit, selection or elaborat...
The correlation between current knowledge and past knowledge In this essay, the degree of correlation between past knowledge will be determined with current knowledge, for this a...
The art of grammatical translation Introduction Have you ever studied Latin? Ancient Greece? Sanskrit? Linear b? If so, you probably used the grammatical translation methodology. Y...
Studies on sexual harassment Introduction Sexual harassment is an unwanted behavior of sexual nature in the workplace, which makes the person feel offended, humiliated and/or intim...
Words: 1864
Pages: 7
Stages of the purchase decision model based on the Toyota company Summary As part of the task we will be analyzing the different stages of the purchasing decision model. We......
Words: 1159
Pages: 4
Speaking of the ethics of virtue Talking about ethics and moral is a fairly confusing issue, causing restlessness in some people and thus leading them to investigate their definiti...
SONETO 70 SOR JUANA INÉS DE LA CRUZ Introduction Sonnet 70 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz is one of the most transcendent figures in Latin America, not only in......
Words: 934
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Socrates valuable philosopher of ancient Greece But inside he was a wonderful person and several said “looking anywhere in the world, someone like” of the most important phil...
Words: 767
Pages: 3
Simone de Beauvoir's life and work Introduction. Simone de Beauvoir, the writer, teacher and militant feminist who achieved her worldwide fame after publishing Le Deuxième Sixe in...
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Sexual harassment and rape Introduction Sexual harassment is a form of violence that intimidates or uncomfortable the most vulnerable victims, who in most cases are usually women a...
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