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Beowulf the Hero


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Beowulf the Hero
Beowulf is one of the greatest legendary warriors who since he was born he was held in high regard thus laying the foundation for his exemplary leadership according to the decrees of Anglo-Saxon code. People believe that even after the death, heroes watch over them; therefore, they ought to be honoured and their bodies preserved in a monument for protection and remembrance (Bugan 3).
Other great warriors like Wiglaf built the monument or the cairn where the body of Beowulf was preserved. The funeral pyre was hung with helmets, heavy war-shields and shining armour and other battle equipment as a way of honouring his great work. The people led by great warriors mourned his death by exalting his heroic nature and giving thank you for his great heroic work (Lawall 5). Twelve great sons of princess rode their horses around the tower praising, honouring and telling stories of the great works of Beowulf.
Heroes are remembered differently depending on the kind of work they did for the people. St Augustine a golden Legend of Saints and Aeneas were honoured as different from Beowulf. St Augustine was honoured by been given a unique name Austin to show his excellence of dignity and great love for the people (Puchner 6). His body was preserved in a holy place and later transferred to Palva by the Christians after the city became corrupted. Also, the king had to avow his body before it could be moved to another holy place. Another hero Aeneas, a Trojan hero, was honoured and remembered especially after his death for his great sacrifice.

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After the death of Aeneas, he was made a god whom the people worshipped under the name Indiges.

Works Cited
Bugan, Carmen. Seamus Heaney and East European Poetry in Translation: Poetics of Exile. Routledge, 2017.
Lawall, Sarah. “Introduction to Beowulf.” The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Ed.
Puchner, Martin. “Augustine. Confessions.” The Norton Anthology Western Literature. 9th ed. Vol. 1. New York: W.W. Norton, 2014. N. Print.

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