Bioethics And The Relationship With Human Experimentation
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Experimentation in humans
In the first place it is necessary to know what the word experimentation refers to, which carries by definition "common method of experimental sciences and technologies, consists of the study of a phenomenon, usually reproduced in a laboratory, in the particular conditions of study thatinterest, eliminating or introducing those variables that may influence it¨.
Based on this definition, it can be inferred that experimentation is a process to discover new ways of contributing to society both in the medicinal and technological field, either with new medications, operations or ways to extend our stay in life.
However, the fact to be discussed among the population of the world is not the experimental issue, but with what we experience and with what security we do, this issue has always given much to talk about, both for good and for evil, becauseThere are people who defend human rights and other people who with their experiments are carried out by the fact that it is not known for sure what will be the result of such experimentation.
There are different studies of animal experiments that have given very positive results and that can help humanity to subsist in a comfortable and safe way, but there are other experiments that are fatal to animals that are tested, this demonstrates why humansWe feel fear or fear when experiments are carried out with our same people, but there are other people who do not care about the damage that can be done to a human being, who only think of the future and that their experiment one daywill triumph without taking into account the collateral damage generated by its ambition.
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There are ethical principles that have as its purpose the regulation of experimentation with humans, these were created by the doctor and philosopher Hipocrates and today they are still in force. These are:
- Autonomy: respect the autonomy of the participant or its representative.
- Charity: Act always thinking about the best for the participant.
- NO MALEFICENCE: Cause the least possible damage to the participant.
- Justice: Act fairly for all.
These principles are basic when performing any experimentation with human beings that accompanied with the laws of each country try to regulate in the most precise way all kinds of experimentation that entails the use of humans as an objective to analyze.
In my personal opinion I believe that experimentation with human beings should not be prohibited, since, any advance in medicine, technology or other areas is for the benefit of ourselves, however, I will never be in favor of nor a violation of human rightsTherefore I cling to the ethical principles and the corresponding laws so that any experimentation is with thorough care and always to ever improve to harm.
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