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Biology Of The Development Of The Digestive System In A Cow And A Human


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Biology of the Development of the Digestive System in a cow and a human

Although the structures of the digestive system of the cow and the human derive from the same embryonic layers that are endoderm and mesoderm, the development is different and the curious thing is that the 4 stomachs of the cow are related to the processing of celluloseof plants, something very difficult to do for human beings and of great importance for the production of milk in ruminants. In this essay we will compare that it looks like and not between the development of a cow and a human and what are the characteristics that make a difference between them, it is curious to find out that animals such as cow, sheep and goat are polygastric, because they haveFour stomachs, which are rumen, reticulum, omaso and abomasum and instead humans are called monogastric because they have only one stomach

To give rise to the digestive tract in the vertebrates in all of them a primitive intestine is formed from which all components of the digestive system will derive with the contribution of the spplapleura, as in humans, in cows at the beginning the esophagus is very shortAnd then it lengthens with the descent of the heart and the lungs and there is a process of obstruction and recanalization, in humans the musculature of the esophagus has an internal longitudinal layer and another external circular, but in carnivores and ruminants such as the cow a thirdlayer that is external longitudinal.

It is at the stomach level where the rotations will determine the differences, at the fifth week in the two embryos we have a rotation of 90 degrees in the direction of the clock hands and the dorsal mesentery is dragged to the left, but in the cows to the cowsPrinciple of the sixth week The Fundus experiences marked growth in the cranodorsal direction to the left, appearing the rumen sketch.

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The reticulum begins as a recess of the caudaventral portion of the Fundus, later the omaso is recognized as a relief of the minor curvature and during the seventh week of development, the bovine stomach experiences a change in its orientation and in the growth rateof each compartment, acquiring different sizes according to their function.

“The rumen moves caudodorsally and the position of its dorsal and ventral portions is reversed, so the final ventral sac is formed from the originally dorsal portion of the Fundus, then the blind bags appear as flow growings of the rúmen and also change positionThe pyloric portion of the abomasum: that moves centrally and to the right, and then incubated in a flow forming an ASA, the cardial region of the abomasum grows and becomes the gastric cavity of greater size;The reticulum grows to the left and moves in a cranial direction in relation to the rest of the stomach and the omaso remains in a right ventrolateral situation "(2).In the rumen there are bacteria, protozoa and fungi that together make this stomach a fermentation chamber, where thanks to them they decompose, synthesize, store carbohydrates of cellulose, synthesize vitamins of the B complex and other elements that will later beused for milk production and cow nutrition;The abomaso will be the only compartment formed by gastric glands such as humans, which have numerous folds to increase the absorption surface and where enzymes and hydrochloric acid are secreted, while the rest of the compartments will be covered by a stratified epithelium and will be pre -state.

For liver development in the two species, it is given from an evagination of the flow of the anterior intestine called liver diverticulum that grows in the ventral mesogastrio and in the transverse septum and of which the gallbladder and the liver are finally formed in thetwo the functional unit the hepatic lobulillo formed by the Triad Portal;Obviously the liver of the cow will be larger, additional to that in the visceral face of this the stomachs form impressions other than those of the human: omasal, reticular and abomasal;In the same way for the two species the pancreas will be formed from two yolks a ventral and a dorsal that then merges and its position will be determined by the rotation of the duodenum, they share the same work but are different size in cow and human.

Finally, during the formation of the intestines there is an approximate rotation of 270 degrees (anti schedule) in both cases having the superior mesenteric artery as axis, the physiological umbilical herniation is also present, and the first portion to return is the Yeyuno. We have almost the same intestinal portions (duodenum, Yeyuno.Ileón, Ciego, Ascending Columbus, Transverse, Descending, in Human Sigmoid Colon and the rectum) with respective anatomical differences of each species. “In cows the midpoint of the ascending colon moves caudally around the root of the mesentery. To continue cranally on the left side, where he ends up rolling in a flat spiral ”(2) that differentiates him from that of the human.

To conclude we can say that the development of the digestive system will depend on the food type and the needs of each species, it is interesting for me to see that in embryonic stages the elements of origin of the systems are very similar, but then change to adapt to their needsPhysiological of postnatal life, for example, the human stomach that receives various food sources cannot process the cellulose of plants, cows evolve to do so because they only eat grass and from the 4 compartments will be able to destroy carbohydrates the cellulose ofplants through processes such as fermentation and regurgitation and that will then be absorbed as vitamins, enzymes and various compounds that will help form milk.


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