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Birth Control In The European Population


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Birth Control in the European Population


Throughout history, birth and mortality ratios in Europe have been very high, so demographic growth has remained slow. In recent centuries, a general increase in the well -being of people who has caused a large increase in life expectancy and the number of inhabitants has been lived. 

However, currently the European population has a very scarce growth and even decreases in some countries due to their low birth. The average age of Europeans rises, endangering our future. In the next job I will try to explain why I think this phenomenon happens and I will propose solutions that, I consider, could improve the situation.


All this occurs due to a fertility rate that does not reach 2, which would be the number required to maintain a stable population. The European average is at 1.59. Other relevant data are the average age: 45 years, and the percentage of people with more than 65: 25% approx.


Economic causes

Labor instability and the absence of family conciliation policies of the modern economy are, among others, reasons for this low birth. In addition, having a child costs great sums of money, so many people think they cannot deal with those expenses with their salaries. For example, the cost of having a child in the United Kingdom is around 220.000 £ In Spain, the expense is around € 479 per month in childhood and reaches € 588 when children grow up.

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This amount varies quite depending on the place of residence.

Young people have another problem when considering forming a family, and they are very poorly integrated into the labor market. In the EU, 73% of people between 20 and 64 have a job. However, if we reduce the age range to people between 16 and 24 years, that number drops to 35%. This, together with the precariousness of youth work and its temporal nature makes the age of emancipation very high.

Social causes

The loss of family values ​​by youth could be another of the reasons why fertility rates are so low. Historically, the Church has been a promoting institution of this mentality.

Percentage of atheists in Europe in a study conducted in 2005 by the EU it was discovered that only 51% of Europeans were considered religious. I think that the decline of the percentage of believers in the last century can be related to the low birth rates.

Another factor that considerably reduces the number of births in Europe is abortion. Only in Spain 1 were perpetrated.914.446 abortions between 1985 and 2013, and the amount of procedures has risen 140% in the last 20 years. Abortion is a brake on birth in Spain, since if the fertility rate would not be for them, it would rise from 1.3 to 1.7. Speaking in continental terms, quantity and legislation varies greatly depending on the country.


The most worrying consequence is the danger of pensions. It should be known by all that, in the event that the birth rate continues to be that way, public retirement benefits will have to be decreased or even eliminated, since the payment of these has meant 10.8% of GDP in 2018 and It is expected to be between 15.8% and 18% in 2035.

Some people have suggested the importation of millions of immigrants from third world countries to Europe as a solution to our demographic problems. I think that this solution would only make the problem worse, since we do not only need numbers, but European children. By integrating foreign groups with higher birth rates than local, in the long term Europeans could become a minority into their own continent. 

 The institutional immobility on this issue is the result of the short -term electoral view of a political system in which the primary objective of the possible leaders is to be chosen, and not do the best for the country. On the other hand, there have been demonstrated there are more conflicting nationalities than others. A very good example of this is Sweden, a country that in recent years has hosted a large number of immigrants, mainly of Muslim culture. This leaves us with some data:

  • Sweden has the highest rape rate in Europe.
  • 58% of rapists and 85% of those accused of sexual assault are foreigners.
  • Most of these come from Africa and the Middle East.

In my opinion, regular immigration of people with the intention of working is positive for the economy. However, the place of origin and background of whoever wants to come to Europe should be taken into account, in addition to meeting and prioritizing the needs of the population of each state.

Another threat is the extension of bulos that suggest that there is a problem of overpopulation in Europe (which could not be more false) to disassemble this lie there is nothing more to see the large number of space and free resources in European rural areas, each Even more empty.

Focusing on this problem, demographic studies indicate that there is a gradual depopulation of rural areas on continental scale. In my view, the rural exodus exists because the main economic activities of these areas (normally related to the primary sector) are very profitable and difficult to move forward because of the cheap foreign products from countries where labor legislation is more lax and pay salaries of misery.


Most of the problems that I have treated previously do not have a clear solution. However, I will try to list a series of measures that I think would help positively.

  • Encourage and recommend private pension plans, since they come from each other’s income instead and can ensure that pensioners have sufficient and stable income.
  • Consider a restructuring of public spending to spend less in other areas and offer more facilities to large families, as well as people who are going to marry, following the example of the Hungarian government. These measures are, among others, the exemption of income tax to families with more than 4 children and a loan for married couples whose amount low after the birth of each child, being able to cancel.
  • Introduction of tax benefits for companies that decide to hire fathers or mothers of young children for part -time or from home.
  • Try to raise awareness of youth of the importance of fatherhood as a way to perpetuate economic well -being.
  • Inclusion of measures that try to stop the depopulation of rural areas, one of them being the imposition of tariffs on agrarian products from outside the EU.  

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