Blog posts
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Video Review
Solving Food Waste Issue
This group used different and creative means to address the issue of food waste in the world. The team uses five creative mind goals to reduce food waste in the hotel industry. They identify the sector excellently because there are more than 3.1 million tons of food that are thrown away every year and 40% of stock food purchased are from the hospitality industry. This, therefore, provides excellent scope for a creative problem-solving.
The team also uses five critical thinking tools, for instance, SCAMPER, CATWOE analysis, Mind Maps, Thinking hats, and Get up and Go Out. The methods were concisely explained, and new ideas were derived sequentially from the thought-provoking processes. Moreover, the ideas generated were creative and unique and have vast potential for commercialization.
The messages were professionally and creatively communicated, and the video was very engaging. However, the sounds were not clear because the music in the background and the voices were at the same sound level compared. It would have helped if the music sound was at a lower level compared to that of the voice commentary. The messages were relevant at an industry level and were summarized clearly.
The team also provides shows excellent collaboration on how the work was presented as they took an almost equal number of time to display their information. The explanation was in depth and was integrated into the action. The comments and video presentations were in sync and therefore drawing a connection between theory and video.
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This is a collaborative tour app where tools are advertised around food and beverages. The app provides access to local and friendly tour guides and aims at promoting a cooperative economy and convenient access. This is a vast industry and therefore has great potential and thus provides excellent scope for innovative problem-solving. The team uses five thinking skills of brainstorming, excursion, evaluation matrix, SCAMPER, and business model Canvas. They also provide a skillful explanation of how the tools function and how they generated new ideas. They were skillfully and sequentially explained.
The ideas generated using the methods were somewhat unique and innovative. Moreover, they have a high potential for commercialization and can thus be a source of revenue for a plethora of tourism companies and the industry at large. The presentation was professionally communicated and had a very engaging presentation full of facts and real numbers that show the potential for the app.
The summarization was excellent, and the industry relevance was on point. They link their ideas to have a unique potential due to its significance in the tourism industry. They also provide an exhaustive explanation of how their survey feedback was incorporated into their work. They explain their information using factual information and evidence making the presentation credible. The team also showcases excellent collaboration and teamwork. Also, they provide commentary that demonstrated critical evaluation of content. One hindrance to the presentation’s excellence was the quality of the sound and how the analysis was overshadowed in some areas by the background music. The summarization was excellent, and they clearly explain the relevance of their ideas and products to the industry’s needs and customer satisfaction. Conclusively, it was an excellent presentation.
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