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Book report on (When China Rules The World)


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When China rules the world
When China Rules the World could be termed as an intelligent effort to analyze and foresee the state of world when the western civilization would not serve as the main world power. The author has focused on China which is the growing super power of the world and is already on a path of power acquisition the ultimate stage of which might possibly be the emergence of a new super power. The book by the author has already been gained attention of the literary circles and has attracted a wide scale attention and a debate on the topic has already begun. This paper however would analyze author’s analysis and would illustrate what life will be like when China rules the world.
Starting from the very first the author has suggested that If China becomes a new power, it will not follow the same rules or standards that have been practiced by the west for the last three centuries rather it would introduce its own international paradigm. Elaborating on this point, we can claim that west has always been supportive and encouraging of openness and individuality along with freedom of decision. If China rules the world we could safely assume that this might not be the case and openness, individuality and choice of decision making may not be the preferred phenomena of the new super power. This is because that following the exactly opposite rules China is on the way to become a political and economic ascendancy and it could be expected that China would continue to do the same in the future.

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Therefore a world where China rules, we might not have the same open atmosphere and choice of decision making that we enjoy at present due to western ideologies.
There is another side of the picture as well. Where the world would witness a paradigm shift in the rules and ideologies, there might be some positive developments as well. Being an economic super power we would also learn from China the same principles that helped it become the super power. When China rules the world, it would create the same opportunities for the world that at present are specified for the Chinese only such as the opportunity of Businesses and progress. Chinese are an extremely hardworking and disciplined nation. Hard work and discipline might possibly become the new buzzwords as compared to freedom and democracy. This may seem difficult to manage however, would possibly open new ways of progress and improved life style without the ingredients of complete freedom. Another change in our life that we could witness after China rules the world is the improving family values. The west for decades has been failing in maintaining the family values while in the case of China family is the main priority. Our life would also be influenced with China gaining power, and family system might again become stronger and may gain the same importance that it had a few decades ago. Chinese has always been a reserved culture and the openness that Western civilization propagates are completely opposite to the Chinese values. It therefore can be safely assumed that the reserved culture of China may become the emerging trend and we may gradually denounce openness as a value of past and something which is undesirable by a civilized society.
Martin Jacques in the book has talked about the concept of the superiority of the Chinese culture in the minds of the Chinese people. Unlike Western civilization, he suggests that Chinese considered themselves one nation and there is a cultural hegemony in China. This has far reaching implications for the rest of the world and our lives would also possibly influence due to it when China rules the world. At first it could be assumed, that in place of English, Mandarin might become the new global language and English might start to lose its value that it enjoys at present. This would also mean that along with language, Chinese culture would also start to spread across the globe. A part of it can be observed already as Chinese food has already gained popularity in the entire world. If China rules the world, we would be learning Chinese language, Chinese culture, Chinese ideologies, Chinese wisdom and Chinese economical and political system. This way as we were emphasizing on the western culture previously, our focus would shift on the Chinese culture and people with greater knowledge of the Chinese culture and wisdom would be preferred for important positions and their opinion would matter the most. As all previous global powers, China would also endure on an effort to spread its culture as more as possible, and the success it would achieve would also be greater than previous super powers due to the fact that China already comprise the greatest nation in terms of number. A large number of its population is living in other countries. For this reason, China can easily spread its culture to other regions of the world.
There is another implication on our life if China rules the world. We need to understand that all present judicial system in the majority of the world is provided by or inspired by the western judicial system. If China takes the position of the super power, the laws would be defined and standards would be defined according to the Chinese legal system. It is important to see as what particular implications it will have on the lives of the people. For western world it may not impact much until or unless the western law is applicable in the region. For other regions however life might change gradually on a whole new level. One example of this is the labor laws. If China becomes the world power and it continues working with its present sets of laws other smaller countries of the region may also be tempted to adopt the same laws as laws in Chinese mainland are stricter as compared to the western labor laws and would provide the governments of various countries to have more stricter control on their labor class and labor unions. This is one aspect how the lives would be after the China becomes a super power. The second aspect is that courts too would be obliged to provide decrees under the new legal system and laws which would be inspired by the Chinese laws. Appeals would also be treated under the same system and there are fewer chances of relief.
It can therefore be said that when China rules there would be both positive and negative aspects of the Chinese rule. At one side we may have to face challenges, at other side we can also learn from Chinese past and make great use of the opportunity.

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