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Born Hero
There are many definitions of a hero depending on one`s perspective. However, form our understanding; a hero is someone who courageously and deliberately overcomes obstacles for the benefits of the community or others without much care about their consequences. In short, it’s a person who goes out of their way to make others people`s life easy. They view obstacles as growth opportunities and show courage instead of fear while at the same time protecting and maintaining their dignity.
Harper Lee`s To Kill a Mockingbird is among one of the best novels of the late 20th century as it brings into light the evils existing in the society. It is a story about a black man struggling to for justice in dominant white culture. It reveals the evils of racism and the need for moral integrity in the community. The author uses various characters to show both physical and moral courage. Additionally, heroism is the dominant theme in the novel as instances of heroism are apparently brought out by Atticus Finch, Mrs Dubose, and Boo Radley. In this paper, we are going to have a look at Atticus Finch as the most heroic character in the narrative.
Heroism is usually shown under extraordinary circumstances, and Atticus Finch does this numerous times in the book. He is part of the oldest and most important families in Maycomb, yet he does not his position to get any favours. Atticus is a tolerant and understanding. Furthermore, he respects everyone and is dedicated to his job.

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His heroics nature is shown when he defends a black man in court, at a time when black people were thought to be inferior to white people. He tells his children, “I`m simply defending a Negro. His name is Tom Robinson” (Harper, 75). This act goes against the wishes of most people in Maycomb except for the black community who appreciate him for giving Tom a chance to defend himself for crimes he did not commit.
Atticus is a brave man in the novel. His abilities and intelligence add to make his bravery heroic. This made him get the nickname “One-Shot Finch” after killing a rabid dog, with one shoot. He saves the town from the dog, and fellow townsmen recognise him as a very able person who excels in many things. Miss Maudie told Scout and Jem that, “The very idea, didn’t you know his nickname was One-Shot when he was a boy” (Harper, 98). This incident makes his children admire him more as they thought he was not capable of such a thing.
As a father of Jem and Scout, Atticus is seen as a hero because he can strike a balance between allowing his children freedom to explore and being a disciplinarian. He made sure that they knew when they had overstepped and how their actions affect other people. His punishments always have a way of teaching his children valuable lessons such as courage and good character. Atticus tells his children, “When you know you’re licked before you begin, but you see it through no matter what” (Harper, 20). Scout acquires essential things from her father that she does not learn in school such as social and life skills. This makes her look at her father as her hero in life.
Another trait that adds to Atticus`s heroic attributes is the fact that he is respectful and patient. He does not retaliate when Bob Ewell threats to hurt him. When Bob Ewell curses, splits and threatens him as he is going home, Atticus stands contently, not even trying to stop Bob.
Work Cited
Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2006. Print

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