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Brief Summary About Man In Search Of Meaning


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Brief summary about man in search of meaning

Frankl’s personal and professional life is a brief summary, gives the missing data to briefly complete his story of the stay in the fields, speaks of his publications and its growing professional relevance in the central decades of the twentieth century, and details thecurious history of the book, which went from a failure without palliative when a success was published later.

The first part, subtitled a psychologist in a concentration camp, are to offer a psychological description and a psychopathological explanation of the typical characteristics of psychology in a concentration camp. It is divided into three sections, entitled Internment in the field, life in the field and after liberation. The author tells the events he lived, chronologically but focusing his attention on the different reactions of the inmates. For that, he puts titles to the sections such as, for example, apathy, dreams, hunger, sexuality, politics and religion, humor in the countryside.

After that process, the indication disinfection that disinfected all the prisoners followed, they took all their belongings and personal objects, relied on noticing their classmates that the uniqueness and singularity that differentiate each individual, and confer a meaning to their existence, is based on your creative work and their ability to love. Therefore, whoever is aware of his responsibility for another human being who awaits him with all his heart, or before an unfinished work, he can never throw his life for board.

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They were affected by the whole body and gave them a soap pill, but when water came out they felt great tranquility, they were totally naked, without a hair, there was no material link towards their previous life. The newcomers were waiting for many surprises of that kind, the first night that passed in Auschwitz rested nine men for just one litera of three beds, only with two covers and some used their pillow shoes.

The prisoners were invaded by the apathy, in which it came as an emotional death, their feelings disappeared in the face of the vision of horrible things that happen every day until in the end that becomes usual and got used to those images. This apathy was a self-defense mechanism, since they forgot all pain and sufferings and focused on a single objective of conserving their own lives and the lives of other companions. The dreams of the prisoners were bread, cakes, cigarettes and warm water baths.

One night the groans of a prisoner woke Frankl and at that time he understood that no dream no matter how ugly it could be as bad as the same reality that surrounded them. They had a very high degree of malnutrition there was also the absence of sexuality. From time to time in the concentration camp, cabaret shows were performed, poems were recited, jokes containing some reference on the concentration camp were counted.

Frankl and another partner had the opportunity to escape in a moment, but for some difficulties it could not be. While little by little the day would escape from the field. The War Front advanced and the field was about to be evacuated that afternoon. They would have to leave even the few prisoners who were left. He made a strong surveillance on the field to avoid any escape attempt. Frankl had a plan that could work. It would carry three bodies of prisoners. It would take one on each trip and in shifts they would wear a backpack, then the other and then try to evade. Suddenly and when they were about to make the third trip an aluminum truck appeared with a large painted red cross that began to download medicines and food. It was no longer worth escaping. Then the SS trucks arrived telling them that they would be sent to a field in Switzerland to be exchanged by prisoners of war. The chief doctor began to make thirteen groups for trucks, but Frankl and his partner were not among them.

The next morning the thunderous noise of the war woke them up. When I loved the shooting and the white flag won they learned that the companions who had been evacuated in the trucks the previous day had died burned in barracks in barracks.

The psychopathology of the prisoners of the field can be found that the human being is a breed completely influenced by their environment in this case is the concentration camp. The only thing that could not be taken from an inmate of a concentration camp, his inner freedom, his most intimate self. Despite the conditions to which the prisoners were exposed, each one decided what kind of person wanted to be, and in this decision he did not influence the field environment. After explaining the psychopathology of the prisoners of the field, it can be found that the human being is a breed completely influenced by their environment (concentration camp).

After being released, the prisoner, strangely that it may seem not to feel happy. I had lost the feeling we call happiness.

The body that had less abstentions than the mind. I ate voraciously anything they gave him and at any time. It was incredible the amount of food they could swallow. Another aspect was that they had to talk about what had happened, sometimes for hours and hours. 

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