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The Philosophy of Education and its evolution With the passage of time, the term ‘education’ has evolved and with it, the practice too. What involves education? What exactly is...
Words: 1264
Pages: 5
THE ORIGIN OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE AND ITS INNOVATIONS Although vernacular commerce generally refers to the trade of goods and services through the Internet, a broader economic acti...
Words: 1234
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The new advances in artificial intelligence Summary This research presents the creation of new environments that will help us understand new strategies and how technology goes to p...
Words: 1507
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The museum as an activity outside the classroom in heritage education We have focused on the outputs to the museum as an activity outside the classroom in heritage education to......
Words: 2730
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The most important baby boomers in history Introduction A baby boom is a period marked by a significant increase in birth rate. This demographic phenomenon is generally attributed ...
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The loss of values in society Values are taught at home, at school and in the church, but does anyone know what? To start, what are they? which are? I......
THE IMPORTANCE OF THE INCLUSION OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY What is sport? Sport is a regulated activity, usually competitive, which can improve the physical condition of those who practi...
THE IMPORTANCE OF READING IN AUTONOMOUS LEARNING INTRODUCTION Critical thinking constitutes one of the concerns that with greater interest are debated in academic forums, occupied ...
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The importance of pedagogy and socialization Introduction The article an education from the otherness of the general scientific journal José María Córdova, of Bogotá, proposes ...
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THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION Today Spanish education is divided into different stages: Early Childhood Education, from 3 to 5 years, Primary Education, from 6 to 12 years and Compul...
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THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION FOR DEVELOPMENT Development education constitutes the counterpoint and complement to the planning and execution of land cooperation projects. The pedago...
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The impact of inclusion on university students Introduction The educational change processes require their cultural installation and community participation in visions, objectives ...
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THE ILLUSTRATION: THE NAVIMINET OF THE LIBERAL STATE AND THE FIRST SOCIAL RIGHTS The French Revolution of 1789 was the end of the old regime. The monarch, who had held......
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The health crisis of COVID in Spain Pandemia for the new coronavirus outbreak known as COVID-19 has harmed the economy worldwide. The health crisis in Ecuador has directly affected...
The French illustration France was the country that most knew the development of the ideas of the Enlightenment, in addition, it was the one who, in the various fields, the......
Words: 2008
Pages: 7
The family and their influence on the process of developing children in society. The family atmosphere decisively influences our personality. Relationships between the members of...
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The evolution of the idea of quality in education The present work aims to make a review of the concept "education" in the context of academic instruction and under......
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The education of the noble woman in the Middle Ages The medieval image of women is presented with contrasting concepts that range from contempt to worship. Since the principles of....
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Pages: 4
The education before and today's possibilities At present, online or distance education has acquired great importance, since there is an important lag in the country to continue wi...
The Educational Pact, one of the most important sectors of society Introduction Education is one of the most important sectors for society, since it is essential for the correct de...
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Pages: 8
The educational inequality in Latam Today for each of us it is evident that our society has taken great steps to eradicate poverty in its entirety, in some places it......
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The different forms of reasoning in people The need to transcend the limitations of our positional perspectives is important in moral political philosophy, and in theory of law....
The development of adolescents today The development of young people currently fulfills several challenges depending on the environment in which it develops as well as the training...
The death of Ivan Ilich, literary author Our author Ivan Illich, before 1958, had never doubted the value of making all education mandatory, however, it was in that same year,......
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THE CURRICULUM, LEARNING ROUTES AND, MAP OF PROGRESS As we know the curriculum is the curricular basis where the general principles of education are, it is also a very important......
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The culture of peace and nonviolence According to these postulates, the culture of peace must be based on the understanding of the co -responsibility that education has regarding t...
Words: 1442
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The consequences of the feminist movement in the e.AND.OR.A The international movement for the right to vote, carried out by the callists, was a movement of social, economic and po...
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The condition of women in the Renaissance and Middle Ages In the initial era, the condition of women does not suffer a great variation from the Middle Ages. While man......
Words: 2928
Pages: 11
The challenges promote universities to improve their performance INTRODUCTION UNESCO defines internationalization as the multiplicity of policies and programs that universities and...
Words: 1411
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The challenges of the university student before virtual education Introduction ‘Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world’. Nelson Mandela (1918-20...
Words: 842
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The causes and realities of Honduran migration Introduction Honduras is a country full of wealth that offers a variety of tourist places and that contains a lot of potential to......
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The beginning of secondary and higher education in Mexico The insurrection in Mexico of 1810 Marco with the beginning of a process in which Mexico seeks to conform as an......
Words: 1415
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Teacher overcoming: an inescapable path ABSTRACT Teacher's education is today, without a doubt, a paradigm, not only for the peoples of Latin America, but for everyone. In this ord...
Tablets and textbooks Introduction In recent years, we have attended a technological and computer development in our society that has made it possible. This does not mean that tech...
Words: 638
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Systems theory and organizations theory Introduction In this research work that we present below, it entitles the theory of organizations and systems school which has been develope...
Words: 1120
Pages: 4
Sustainable development through Mathematical Project Management Introduction. The public and private entities have the knowledge that sustainable development is immersed three impo...
Words: 1890
Pages: 7
Subliminal messages in children's cartoons The current panorama of our society reflects that it is increasing. Unfortunately over time certain subliminal messages have been release...
Study on Research and Historiography Throughout the present work we have seen numerous currents all with their pros and cons. In addition, we have deepened numerous historians reco...
Words: 516
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Study habits and social habits The main purpose of the research was oriented to verify the relationship between the habits of studies and social skills with academic performance in...
Words: 2038
Pages: 7
Student's care and his school uniform Introduction Attending classes continuously and permanently is one of the simplest factors of school life, however, it is one of the most impo...
Words: 1856
Pages: 7
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