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Research Rhetoric Question Introduction Lubricating oils are fluid used for their ability to reduce parts wear, provide better energy saving by decreasing heating, facilitating c...
Words: 1571
Pages: 6
Religion in the constructions of ancient Egypt Introduction Before all this I will mention some of the important points, such as the matter of the longest period in history (prehis...
Words: 1287
Pages: 5
Regeneration of new urban policies Introduction At present, it is presented as an epicenter of new urban policies to urban regeneration that is confused or combined with rehabilita...
Reflection "Before it's late" by Leonardo DiCaprio The world has changed a lot in the last half century, the discovery of oil and the industrial revolution marked a bef...
Words: 583
Pages: 2
Real options as a project assessment methodology in the electricity sector Summary This work studies the project assessment methodology with the application of real options on a sm...
Words: 3944
Pages: 14
Reality, a vision from the movie Black Mirror The interactive film Black Mirror created by Charlie Brooker and directed by David Slade, for its high levels of complexity presents a...
Words: 2290
Pages: 8
Real estate valuation Introduction Valuation is a scientific process that through techniques and methodology seeks to determine the value of a certain real estate analyzing the phy...
Words: 931
Pages: 3
Real estate from a legal point of view INTRODUCTION The assets from the legal point of view, and according to our law it would be possible to understand as much......
Pyramides and architectural forms of ancient Egypt Introduction In this essay the theme of a cultural, social and political process of the Egyptians will be addressed;We will talk ...
Words: 1648
Pages: 6
Psychopathy: a criminal teastor Psychopathy is an antisocial trantor of personality that is characterized by an emotional, emotional instability of the one who suffers it, in most ...
PROTORRATIONALISM AND DESIGN Protorarationism is a moment in the history of the taste of architecture in the field of design that extended from the 1st 1910 decade until the end......
Words: 922
Pages: 3
Professional Leadership Keys today Introduction What is the reason for the success of some companies regarding other? Why do some projects prosper and others fail or maintain diffi...
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Preponderance of hygiene in hospitality Summary The preponderance of hygiene is analyzed beyond a good corporate image in hotel, as a competitiveness factor, part of the quality of...
Words: 2624
Pages: 10
Powerscourt in Ireland and its gardens Introduction Powerscourt House is a beautiful mansion that stands out both for its architectural beauty and for the magnificence of its garde...
Post -traumatic stress disorder review Introduction. In this essay there will be a review of the post -traumatic stress disorder, due to the frequency with which it can be found......
Porfiriato in the history of the nineteenth and twentieth century in Mexico Porfiriato marked the history of the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the twentieth....
Words: 668
Pages: 2
Planning and Systematization of Teaching Practice Planning In daily planning, different moments that occur within the establishment are reflected, to achieve the competencies of...
Words: 1093
Pages: 4
Personal opinion about Jack Kerouac's book: On the way Introduction You have ever wondered what life would feel without rules, without being tied to these chains called insecuritie...
Words: 1036
Pages: 4
Personal ethics Currently To encourage us to go up and to achieve a certain selection within the species, the cunning nature seems to have resorted to a trick: it has......
Words: 1408
Pages: 5
Personal essay at the issue of immigration The issue of immigration has become very important today. Today, this issue has been in the mouth of all Mexicans and Americans since......
Words: 838
Pages: 3
PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGY: The game in preschool infants Introduction. The present research is framed within the PIN project requested an alternative and emerging curricular proposal, p...
Words: 651
Pages: 2
Pedagogical model of the State and its relationships Introduction The model reflects the set of relationships in which the subjects of the educational process are immersed, in that...
Words: 647
Pages: 2
Parameters and advances for housing comfort Introduction The term thermal comfort that condition that expresses the sensation that the body has with the environment that surrounds ...
Oscar Wilde, relevant figure of aestheticism Estheticism stood out for being a very important artistic expression in England, especially during the last period of the nineteenth ce...
Words: 1137
Pages: 4
Organizational culture as a contribution to human talent management Introduction This essay will be announced what organizational culture is and how it contributes to human talent ...
Words: 1676
Pages: 6
One hundred years of loneliness: jewel of literature Introduction Development that the Latin American territory for what depended on other countries of the European continent for t...
Words: 1468
Pages: 5
Of multiculturality at interculturality in this society In this society, in this era or as we want to call it, one has not been opened to other cultures and publicize......
Words: 665
Pages: 2
Oedipus Rey and his escape from Delphi Predictions Within the literary world, a preponderant work called Oedipus Rey stands out, which describes how the human being becomes a victi...
Words: 1254
Pages: 5
Normative gaps and contradictions of regulation to social protest In recent years around the world there has been an increase to social protest. From the streets of Barcelona, �...
Nationalism: Analysis of Álvarez's works together and Anthony Smith We will analyze two essays that deal with nationalism. In Álvarez's essay, we talk about primordialism, that i...
Words: 1354
Pages: 5
National identity of Mexico Introduction What do we understand by identity? His etymology defines him as what is equal to himself or similar to himself. I understand it as what,......
National Educational Policies Plan in Mexico Introduction In this essay, the educational actions carried out by the National Development Plan that the Government will be analyzed, ...
Words: 1622
Pages: 6
My favorite presenter: Oprah Winfrey Today I would like to introduce Oprah Winfrey, whom I admire a lot and not just for being one of the richest women, Oprah says:......
Words: 604
Pages: 2
Moral formation in childhood Starting from the meaning of morals this is a discipline of philosophy which is based on study according to parenting or other formations that develop ...
Modern movement in the architecture of the twentieth century Architecture lives a radical change when the twentieth century arrived, the trends used until that time were ornate and...
Words: 904
Pages: 3
Modernism and its impact on modern art Introduction Modernism had a different effect on each European country since it was linked to the level of industrialization of each. Its mai...
Words: 1193
Pages: 4
Modern architecture in the different stages of society Introduction In this essay it contains a series of reflections that, applying its own premises in the way of working architec...
Michelangelo Bonarroti and his works Introduction Michelangelo Bonarroti or better known as Miguel Ángel, was born in Italy-Roma in 1475 was a sculptor, painter, architect and eve...
Words: 1880
Pages: 7
MEXICO EDUCATION PROBLEMS BY PANDEMIA As the country evolves, in which there is a series of processes leading to a gradual change and motivating to study the variants in their......
Words: 1144
Pages: 4
Mexican Tradition: Day of the Dead Introduction. If we think of a Mexican tradition, days like that of the revolution, independence, the war of the cakes come to mind, but......
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