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Bulimia As A Food Factor


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Bulimia as a food factor


Bulimia, as a dietary factor, has become a big public health problem world adolescence at ages between 12 and 25 years (1).

The rise of a time here regarding beauty and physical appearance, has affected various populations of which a percentage when suffering from bulimia and noting that they do not "fit" in these standards, tend to greatly lower their self – esteem and have problems To relate to society. "It is shown that when your appetite satiates, they do not experience taste, but to blame, so there are eating disorders such as bulimia" (2). In a study conducted in the United Kingdom, it was identified that as the Bulimia figures pass the years, they have been increasing, in the same way it was identified that the reason women-hombres for bulimia in adolescents was (10:01), eight times lower than that registered in the general population (3).

In Colombia, there is Agreement number 031 of May 3, 2012 embodied in the Health Regulation Commission for the care of eating disorders such as bulimia, in which procedures, evaluations, attention, among other things are covered (4 (4 ).

An investigation carried out in two stages in Gran Canaria, Spain, in which 1342 random participants were included, a risk prevalence of 27.42% of which 33% are women and 20% men were found in its first stage ; In the second stage 538 participants were evaluated through a clinical interview, a total of 285 were at risk, this second stage revealed in its results a global prevalence of 4.

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11% in the TCA, with a percentage of 5.46 % for women and 2.55% for men. As a result, it was found that the prevalence of anorexia nervosa was 0.19%, for bulimia nervosa 0.57% and for the non -specified TCA 3.34% (5).

Another study determined that the prevalence of TCA (eating disorders) in developed countries is 0.8% to 14%, among which the prevalence of bulimia is between 1.2% to 4.2% ( 6). On the other hand, a problem that exists in relation to this eating and psychological disorder, are social networks, which exorbitantly influence the same. Some studies carried out at different foundations in the US indicate that there are currently multiple websites, which aim And more the number of people with these disorders, which leads to other triggers from the much more serious psychological point of view, such as depression tables, suicidal ideation and personality alteration (8). These people also usually "self-capital" when they see themselves in that way, with acts such as self-injury and self-mutilation (9). As seen, eating disorders can trigger other more severe pathologies and disorders that can affect these people as individuals and their social and family environment.

Clinical and epidemiological investigations have demonstrated a great increase in these people affected with eating disorders from the 79th in Western countries, which produces a notable increase in their morbidity (10).

A study by the Department of Psychology of the Miami University and the University of Florida indicated that due to the misuse that many young people (especially women) give to Facebook and other social networks, much ends up being dissatisfied with their own bodies between More prevail is these websites; Due to this bodily discontent, bulimic symptoms and self-lesions constantly increase in consumers of these networks (11).

Another study published by "The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics" has also found that social networks such as: Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and many others in addition to lending themselves as a means of communication for many young people (12), However, in these same platforms, self-lesions or eating disorders are reinforced and normalized because various pro-anorexia, pro-bulimia or comments of “body shaming” can be found as the others did since they do not comply with "The ideal body prototype"; This has reached such an extent that some networks like Instagram have censored certain words of their search engines and when a user looks for it, the platform offers you an aid service where you can contact professional willing to support it if you want or need it (13 ).

In general, TCAs have become the third chronic disease among women, adolescents and girls around the world, although mainly in societies considered developed and western. 

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