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David C, Rettew MD, and Sara Pawlowski MD p.g. 1 “Bullying refers to repetitive and intentional peer aggression where there exists a power of imbalance” Bullying is continuous and intentional harassments on a lower power individual. Forms of bullying are; name-calling, physical assault, widespread rumors, personal ignoring or exclusion against will, online communications or media posts. Schools are common sites for bullying where “the experience of being bullied as a child has been viewed as an unpleasant but generally harmless rite of passage that carries with it few long-term consequences .” The experience of being bullied as a child has been seen as a repulsive but for the most part, safe custom of entry that carries with it long-term results. The involvement of being bullied is unpleasant and mostly harmless.
Negative effects of bullying
The magnitude of negative effects surprised mental health professionals and the general public, for example, bullying causes both psychological and physical problems such as anxiety, depression, psychosis trauma or suicide. Some victims have developed psychopathology.
Detecting and interventions on bullying.
Detection, for instance, involves screening sudden changes in behavior, truancy and chronic symptoms. “When bullying victims do present for help, it is often in the context of general somatic complaints without an obvious cause” (David, Rettew, Sara p.
Wait! Bullying paper is just an example!
g.4 ), victims’ common physical complaints without self-evidence. Assuring the victims, they don’t deserve such kinds of experiences, leading them to respond, advising and encourage victims to report to principals and guidance personnel were thin the school. Parents’ direct intervention may not help reduce bullying.
School and Community based program
Efforts should base on Social and Cultural changes in attitudes. Social support on changing school and community climate should be put in place by parents, students, teachers group meetings, and videos that foster climatical changes. However, bullying never ends by preventive measures.
The essay is educative and admits that measures that have been put in place still don’t solve bullying. “The literature on bullying intervention has only recently expanded to allow for a more systematic synthesis of findings across studies.” (David, Rettew, Sara p.g.6 ). The writing on bullying mediation has as it were as of late extended to permit for a more efficient combination of discoveries over ponders. The intervention of bullying has expanded to allow for a more systematic synthesis of education.
Solving bullying requires strategic plans. Victims should seek the help of adults and mediators. Putting strategic plans by readers and reaching out to bullies can assist victims. Learning that bullying is both psychological and physical health detrimental that has got no definite solution but requires joint efforts.
Works cited
Rettew, David C., and Sara Pawlowski. “Bullying.” Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics 25.2 (2016): 235-242.
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