View all "Business" ready papers, essays and assignments
Customer Service and Absolute Consumer Satisfaction When talking about service culture, the interior and exterior of the organization must be reflected, elements such as: assertive...
Words: 1581
Pages: 6
Customer service, after -sales and loyalty Introduction As the main purpose of this content, it is to show in an orderly manner some bases and tools for the implementation and......
Current Trends of the Epistemology of Finance Introduction Since its origins at the beginning of the 20th century, the development of financial knowledge has been characterized by ...
Current social comparison and Greek mythology In Greek mythology, in ancient times men abused women psychologically and manually. The woman has always been one of the main themes o...
Current basic computer security A good reliable antivirus program is a basic requirement of any cyber security system. Apart, anti-malware software is also essential. They work as ...
Culture and Risk Assessment in Business Area As we know the risks are part of any business area, and this could be understood as the uncertainty that occurs during what......
Words: 349
Pages: 1
Crowdsourcing as a citizen participation tool Introduction The following essay presents the analysis of the main models of crowdsourcing platforms as tools that can contribute to c...
Words: 2942
Pages: 11
Crowdfunding as a source of financing for entrepreneurs Introduction One of the main problems that entrepreneurs have, once they have already validated their idea of the business a...
Cross elasticity of fuel Due to the situation of the pandemic situation in recent months in Peru, the fuel price has been unstable since it was affected by the scan......
Words: 1435
Pages: 5
Cost systems in production and decision making Introduction Costing systems are an elementary part for the registration of the production cost, because they contribute to the way o...
Words: 1886
Pages: 7
Cost accounting in the development of activities produced and business profitability Summary The objective of this article is to determine the fundamental and essential role that c...
Words: 1648
Pages: 6
Corruption in the rotation of jobs Introduction This present research work entitled Corruption in the rotation of the jobs is the result of the curricular experience philosophy bel...
Words: 1701
Pages: 6
Correlation between culture and communication. Introduction. The term culture and communication are intertwined with each other, in this way society has an identity which makes the...
Words: 2161
Pages: 8
Corporate Social Responsibility Proposal of the Yanacocha Minera in Cajamarca Currently, companies are no longer seen as simple profit -producing entities for some, work for others...
Words: 1934
Pages: 7
Corporate Social Responsibility of the Company Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC), also called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or socially responsible investm...
Corporate Social Responsibility in medium and small companies The present investigation had as its main purpose to analyze corporate responsibility in medium and small businesses a...
Words: 1849
Pages: 7
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay We all depend on transnational companies. Of the 100 largest economies in the world 51 are companies and therefore states lose power. The stat...
Corporate governance as impulse to small and medium enterprises INTRODUCTION Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are responsible for the formation of more important jobs and income...
Words: 1646
Pages: 6
Contractual Law: Notion of 'Good Faith' A union is a United Workers Organization to protect their common interests and improve their working conditions. It serves as an intermediar...
Contract: Legal Agreement for a common benefit Introduction Personally, indicating that concurrent desires do not matter this legal fact, but a different class that he calls 'colle...
Contract: Assume rights and obligations Introduction In what corresponds to the link with the third parties and responsibilities, article 447 indicates that “each member of the c...
Consumerism and types of consumer: bought happiness Consumption. A action so natural that, from babies and even before, we perform while generating waste in the process. But is con...
Words: 1492
Pages: 5
Consumer behavior in different places Introduction Marketing managers study consumer buying behavior to know the needs, desires and demands of the consumer with the aim of providin...
Consequences and types of migration in Venezuela Introduction In all its existence, humanity has been in constant movement and displacement from one place to another in search of o...
Words: 1105
Pages: 4
Concordances of the Electronic Commerce Law Summary The Electronic Commerce Law regulates the forms of commerce that, due to its criteria, are part of this type of trade, so it.....
Concept of donation and different laws according to the country Introduction This essay will seek to analyze the concept generates from the donation, because as we know this is a.....
Words: 1567
Pages: 6
Computer security in SMEs (small and medium -sized company) Computer security in SMEs is increasingly important because our devices and mobiles are exposed to the Internet, where w...
Words: 885
Pages: 3
Computer security and problems facing SMEs Introduction Computer security (Wikipedia, Computer Security, 2019) encompasses the safety of computer equipment and also information sec...
Computer piracy and how to prevent it Introduction The Internet and intelligent devices, without a doubt, have changed, for good, the way of communicating, working and doing busine...
Words: 1544
Pages: 6
Computer Management Processes of a company Introduction Currently no company can work without computer science, is that, through it, its use transforms the administration of resour...
Words: 1908
Pages: 7
Comprehensive SWOT ANALYSIS IN COMPANIES Introduction Through this task, I will develop the situation analysis of the proposal of a proposed business. I will prepare the SWOT study...
Words: 995
Pages: 4
Competitive advantages of Santander Bank Introduction The present work includes the sources of competitive advantages of the Santander Bank based on the competitive advantages for ...
Words: 1557
Pages: 6
Comparative analysis of unfair competition between the laws of Colombia and Peru Summary The various behavior modalities that some subjects of a certain state exercise against the ...
Company relationship with the economic problem and production structure Introduction The company is a central institution in the operation of any economic system where people meet ...
Words: 1123
Pages: 4
Company, its environment and its relations with production Companies are entities of utmost importance in social and economic life in them people and resources participate as the m...
Words: 379
Pages: 1
Company cost management center Over time any organization that carries an economic activity, has always tried to have systems in which its different financial movements are reflect...
Words: 966
Pages: 4
Company and SWOT management Introduction Globalization every day is constantly changing, thus generating that the creation of electronic shops is popular in the national market, ca...
Words: 1543
Pages: 6
Companies with a sense of humor Introduction The sense of humor is an antidote of many problems. A good laugh from time to time relaxes, releases negative energy and decreases......
Words: 825
Pages: 3
Communication, Key to Business Success Communication is the guide for the fulfillment of objectives, being the main key for a successful administration, focused on innovating or im...
Words: 426
Pages: 2
Communication in politics Introduction. It is a discipline of political science and communication refers to the growing of mass media, the media, politicians' speeches and their wa...
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