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Cañar-Ecuador Pneumonia


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Cañar-Ecuador pneumonia


Pneumonia is defined as a pathology of the respiratory system in which there will be an acute inflammation of pulmonary alveoli may also have an interstitial pattern. There are multiple causes of this pathology but the most frequent among the population is the infectious the same that can be caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi, although the last ones in smaller quantity.

The most frequent cause of pneumonia is pneumococcus, mycoplasma followed by viral pneumonies is found behind. Pathophysiology is based on a decrease in the dilation of the lungs and their volume The gaseous exchange will be affected, so the main symptoms presented by the patient are coughing, dyspnea, expectoration and hemoptysis that can also heal with systemic signs and symptoms such as fever, asthenia, anorexia, headache or myalgias.

The most important risk factors for a person to acquire The years these risk factors are getting more serious. It is important to highlight other irrigation factors such as asthma and bronchial hyperactivity as well as recurring respiratory infections and congenital abnormalities.

According to the article pneumonia in children in Peru: epidemiological trends, interventions and advances have presented around 120,000,000 cases of pneumonia in 2010 worldwide in children under 5 years of age in addition to these cases 14,000,000 have acquired gravity and 1.3 million have died. The incidence of pneumonia is higher in infants also around 81% of deaths due to this pathology have occurred in children under 2 years old.

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It should be noted that countries with a higher index are those on development.

In Latin America around 80.000 children with an average age of less than 5 years die annually due to respiratory diseases and about 85% per pneumonia. The mortality rate of pneumonia in Latin America is 6% that places it among the top three most frequent death in adults. According to data obtained from the INEC in 2016 in Ecuador there were a total of 9,837 deaths due to pneumonia of which 5,197 were in women and 4,633 men.


The present investigation that will be carried out will focus on the analysis of the number of cases reported pneumonia in the province of Cañar in Ecuador in the 2014-2019 period. Pneumonia is a very frequent disease worldwide, in Ecuador it has become one of the diseases that have the most incidence in the country, according to records of the World Health Organization (WHO) causing death to many people.


Endemic channel or endemic corridor

Epidemiologically in the field of health is a tool that serves to determine the incidence values ​​of a disease in relation to time, through frequencies in a graphic representation trying to evaluate whether or not there is risks of epidemics, in order to develop plans of appropriate control to treat the disease.


  • Epidemic curve: also called as an endemic level is the observed frequency, that is, the central line demonstrating an average limit in the graphic.
  • Endemic channel: It is the expected frequency, that is, the strip that is formed between the upper and lower limit demonstrating the behavior of said disease.
  • Upper limit: It is the epidemic threshold that is formed due to the structure of the data, in the graph it is represented as the upper line that refers as the expected maximum frequency.
  • Lower limit: It is the level of safety, represented the lower line in the graph that refers as the minimum frequency of expected cases, depending on the structure of the data as in the upper limit.


  • Success zone: corresponds to the lower limit found in the basal line that is to the zero frequency line that there is no case report report.
  • Security zone: It is the space between the lower limit and the endemic curve.
  • Alarm zone: It is the space between the upper limit and the epidemic curve, it is said of the situation in which actions can be taken to develop contingency plans on the disease.
  • Epidemic zone: It is the space that is free is to say above the upper or epidemic threshold.


For the elaboration of the endemic channel or endemic corridor, the repetition of the disease is needed, that is, the frequency in which it happens in a period of time in years, either for months or weeks, it is recommended that the period be 7 years by that presents greater consistency in the corridor. Keep in mind that the number of years can vary to what depends on how the disease occurs, considering that if it is irregular it is less period of time.

Development factors:

  •  Entity selection
  •  Population
  •  The period of years to be studied
  •  It must be endemic
  •  Brief incubation period
  •  Of acute type its evolution


Trends and epidemic curve


It is a current that allows us to observe the behavior of a disease taking into account time, place and person, considering determining the seasonality of the pathology depending on its incidence being greater or lesser, in order to intervene immediately trying to reduce and prevent futurely the same.


  •  Upward
  •  Falling
  •  Mixed
  •  Sustained
  •  Seasonal
  •  Epidemic curve

It is the number of cases in an outbreak, epidemic or pandemic, represented graphically, considering the date that the condition appears, resulting in the type of pattern it has when propagating, the cases that are isolated, the exposure period or incubation of the disease, taking into account the time and space where it has been presented.

Its elements are:

  • Ascending curve
  •  Maximum point or plateau
  • Descending curve


Place of occurrence

The province of Cañar knows it for being the archaeological capital of Ecuador, since it has the most important archaeological wealth of Ecuador, on January 26, 2001, it achieved the title of Archaeological Capital of Ecuador, has as its main site the archaeological complex of Ingapirca, Converted into the center of attraction, Cañar is one of the 24 provinces of Ecuador, it is located in the south of the country, in the geographical region known as Sierra, it is limited to the north by Chimborazo, south by the province of Azuay, to the This by Azuay and Morona Santiago and to the west by Guayas, is divided into 7 cantons which are: Azogues, Biblián, Cañar, Déleg, Tambo, La Troncal and Subcal, has an extension of 3908 kilometers and a population of 225.184 Inhabitants, its climate is established just like the other provinces of the Sierra, that is, moor in the high plateaus, is usually wet inside the province and tropical in the lower parts.

In its hydrography we can emphasize something very important to Cañar that is its mountainous relief, some of the elevations are the colorado with 4518m, Cerro Molobog with 3838m, it consists with several rivers, among the most main is the Molobog and the Chicales. With regard to the Flora and Fauna Cañar is a very rich province in these, such as in the production of taking out, cedar, pine and orchids and the protective forest of doubts Mazar low is the home of 15 species of mammals being more Outstanding Tapir and Bear.

Trending line and curve

ANALYSIS: The present graph shows the line and curve of pneumonia in 2019 in Cañar Ecuador, taking into account that an observation of this is made from January to June of this year, representing an ascending type trend , so we can say that the behavior of the disease has been increasing considerably during these months, we have to have measures I have intervened immediately trying to reduce and prevent the same.

Endemic corridor

Analysis: According to the graph that represents the endemic corridor of pneumonia in 2019 in the Cañar-Ecuador, the months of January and February were within the successful area, March, April present changes located in the security zone. May, June and July are within the successful area. The greatest number of cases, 71, was presented in the month of April followed by March, June and May. So we can conclude that the disease in this territory of Ecuador has been quite controlled since it does not exceed the security zone.

Control strategies

  • Maintain good hydration and healthy feed.
  • Have good coat coverage with respect to cold, also avoid toxic habits such as smoking.
  • At the time of presenting cold or flu, go to the nearest health house to avoid possible complications.
  • Perform vaccination campaigns to prevent possible infections that can cause pneumonia such as: Haemophilus influenzae type B, influenza, pneumococcus, coughing, chickenpox and measles.
  • Isolate people who are sick of health.



Pneumonia is presented as a disease that affects worldwide. Based on the data thrown by WHO, Ecuador is a country which presents a high level of incidence. As for the province of Cañar, an analysis of the incidence of this disease was made from 2014 to 2019, where a high number of cases reported in the first years was obtained and in the last years the level of incidence reduced notoriously, which makes it clear that in this province it was possible to have positive, but not definitive control, since cases of pneumonia continue to present, although in a smaller amount. It should be noted that in all years there is a greater number of cases in specific months, so it is necessary to take into account the factors that in those months cause the increase in incidence. Likewise, control strategies will be presented to prevent the development of pneumonia disease.


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