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Drugs, Cocaina and Marijuana Introduction International scope: The dynamics of synthetic drugs in the international order presents characteristics that make it considerably differe...
Words: 1014
Pages: 4
Drug addiction and excessive abuse in young people Introduction In most countries in the world for a long time, drug use and dependence on narcotics by young people have been......
Drinking water scarcity in Mexico Introduction In Mexico, the population reaches 125.9 million inhabitants, we talk about an overpopulation in the country. 10% of Mexicans do not h...
Words: 1406
Pages: 5
Disneyland amusement park for the family Introduction Walter Elías Disney was born on December 5, 1901. His dad was called Elías Disney and was a carpenter and his mother Flora.....
Words: 586
Pages: 2
DISCUSSION ON THE AMPIATION OF THE MATERNITY LICENSE IN COLOMBIA The work to be observed is carried out in order to express the knowledge acquired regarding the subject concerning ...
Words: 975
Pages: 4
Disability problem in Mental Health Throughout time accordingly to the milestones in the control of infections and other innovative health measures that have managed to improve the...
Words: 1696
Pages: 6
Disability - EDUCATION FOR ALL Summary This article explains the origin of disability and develops what are the causes of some disabilities and how could it be avoided, having time...
Disability as an impediment to falling in love In the film, it shows us that love is for all people, it comes in a very strange way, but a disability......
Direct discrimination against society migrants Introduction Today, discrimination is a phenomenon that occurs in most societies today. For physical, social or political ideals, the...
Differences of social work with other social works Introduction Social work was developed at the end of the 18th century in the United States after having acquired the knowledge ar...
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Differences in the role of Spanish women if not for the Francoist dictatorship From 1936 to 1939, the Civil War spread for Spain. Generalissimo Francisco Franco had risen to defeat...
Words: 1378
Pages: 5
Differences between self-concept and self - esteem in children Children, over the years, must learn to form a positive image of themselves and value themselves as people. That is, ...
Words: 819
Pages: 3
Difference HIV and AIDS INTRODUCTION Dear reader in the following trial I will announce about a disease that is still a very important issue and that most people ignore since......
Words: 2064
Pages: 8
Difference between being a boss or being a leader Summary In the following article, the issues of what a boss is and what is a leading boss will be touched......
Words: 2039
Pages: 7
Die or continue Introduction Wanting to die is one of the escape routes after having tried everything. It is a feeling of despair, of frustration, of lack of understanding towards....
Words: 721
Pages: 3
Diabetes mellitus (hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma) Diabetes is a union of very chronic diseases characterized by a high concentration of blood glucose as resulting from a defect i...
Words: 2765
Pages: 10
Desiree's baby and his syndrome Introduction The shaking syndrome known in English as Shaken Baby is a form of child physical abuse in which a cranial trauma occurs that as......
Desiree baby and the dentist Introduction Dentition can cause many insomnia nights and sore and swollen gums for your baby. The pain is caused by the movement within the bone......
Desiree and Vajillas Baby Introduction The harmonic presentation of food is fundamental at this stage where the child is discovering the world around him. Show different colors and...
Desire and need for customer satisfaction The objective or function of any company will be to seek the satisfaction of the desires and needs of customers through products or servic...
Words: 2190
Pages: 8
Descartes's error: The reason for emotions Descartes's error The reason for emotions is written by Antonio Damasio who explores the relationship between the brain, reason and emoti...
Dental health and false myths Introduction There is a phrase that I love and it is: "Everyone smiles in the same language". The smile has always been a sign of......
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Pages: 2
Dental care tips in Cambridge patients Introduction. Nothing gives a better first impression than a healthy smile that shows shiny white teeth. With modern social and professional ...
Dengue in Tamaulipas, Mexico Background In Mexico in 2002, Navarrete and collaborators reported for the first time a predisposition in the increase in children's and youth dengue i...
Words: 1750
Pages: 6
Demographic growth in Iran Introduction Demographic or population growth is called the change that is recorded in a population in a specific period. The quantification of this chan...
Democratic leadership in the 21st century Introduction Leadership allows us, mainly, to maximize the skills of the people we work with, rescue the best of each and apply it to......
Words: 1100
Pages: 4
Democracy and citizenship in Mexico today In this essay, he intends to expose the "democracy" and the "citizenship" that we exercise in today. I will start from...
Words: 1364
Pages: 5
Dementia and patient's quality of life Dementia leads to disability and dependence between older people and has a great impact both affected by this disease and families, caregiver...
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Definition and characteristics of the Food Supply Chain It is well known that the food we consume have always carried out some conservation process, sometimes it is minimal and in....
Words: 883
Pages: 3
Defining gender discrimination Introduction. To talk about gender discrimination we must first define both terms to understand what the subject is about. According to the Royal Spa...
Define freedom is depriving yourself of liberty itself If I have to choose a definition of freedom, I adopt this that says that "it is the ability I have to......
Words: 851
Pages: 3
Death, assume the process with the help of psychotherapy Death within the life cycle of the human being is an irreversible process and every human being has a very......
Words: 2077
Pages: 8
Current social comparison and Greek mythology In Greek mythology, in ancient times men abused women psychologically and manually. The woman has always been one of the main themes o...
Crohn's disease, intestinal tract pathology Crohn's disease is a pathology that is related to inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract whose ethiopathogenesis is unknown, it is a...
Words: 971
Pages: 4
Critics review of Gabriel García Márquez's book Let's talk about our beloved Colombian writer of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982, that is, he is the renowned character Gab...
Criticism about the book 'Latest afternoons with Teresa' "Last afternoons with Teresa" is a novel written by Juan Marsé aimed at the Spanish population of the twentieth ...
Words: 759
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Critical opinion and definition of masculinity Masculinity is a series of trends or rules that men must follow to authenticate their manhood. These rules are made up of a series......
Critical essay on the concept of national security and its manifestation and evolution over time Remotely when integrating with an impendingly folded comparison why having executed...
Words: 951
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Critical analysis: the eBay commercial market Ebay was one of the most appreciated companies during the Puntocom boom, and although it has reached huge success since then, it has n...
Words: 688
Pages: 3
Criminal Law against Homicide Developing Homicide is a crime of killing a person intentionally in which in Coip Art 144. Homicide, it indicates that it will be sanctioned with a......
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