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Organizational Resilience
DatePlanning for Adverse Events
Preparing for adverse events involves outlining of activities to handle threats and opportunities to an organization. Mc Donald’s one of an organization in fast food industry requires a proper plan in preparation to manage such adverse events to ensure its continuity in the business. Therefore, Mc Donald established several policies in anticipation of the threats and opportunities in the market and from within the organization. Mc Donald took on a plan to involve all of its stakeholders to prevent and minimize any effects of adverse events. More so, as part of the planning, it developed a business strategy that would raise corporate income which has seen it experience high profits.
Mc Donald laid down a strategic shift to becoming a fast food restaurant and to provide healthy choices to its customers and address their health concerns. It achieved this by identifying and addressing its social responsibility mostly on childhood obesity among other health-related issues. Another plan involved ensuring that all its franchises align with its investment strategy and operation practices. All the above programs developed by Mc Donald aimed at winning customers, achieving individual responsibility, simplicity, and continuation in perfection (Carden 26).
Identifying Adverse Events
Mc Donald took to identify adverse events by use of a work breakdown structure (WBS) and identified various unfavorable activities which include; competition, food safety, nutritional content, environment and social impacts, economic issues, regulations, Information Technology, and change in operation and contractual matters.
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With such developed WBS, Mc Donald Corporation took to the implementation of information gained after analysis of the events (Carden 27).
Analyzing Adverse Events
Analyzing involves prioritization based on the likelihood of an activity responding to the adverse events. A technique and tool for analyzing adverse events include qualitative methods. For example, agency assessment and activity rank under low, medium, or high probability of the activity leading to sustainability and adaptability of the organization. McDonald’s regarded adverse event of failure not including healthy foods on its menu. It was as a result of analysis on the food trends to more nutritional foods. More so, the corporation assessed reports from customers on their dissatisfaction with food choices. McDonald’s further conducted additional analysis on interview results quantified by expert judgment, modeling, and scale. It achieved this through the inclusion of nutritional labels and quality food and calculators based on information it obtained from customers and experts to offer more dietary foods (Carden 28).
Implementation of the Plans for Adverse Events
Implementation phase involves the use of the obtained information from analysis to develop opinions in minimizing threats while maximizing opportunities. Implementation of strategies to handle adverse events matters a lot to any company existence. Therefore, Mc Donald Corporation took on a journey to offer what the customers desired to ensure that it won many customers and also begun operating large restaurants. It also implemented the plan to involve its stakeholders by allowing customer involvement in modern restaurant experiences. Mc Donald has continuously improved on marketing and nutritional content of its menu items which has enabled easy access to information on nutrition to support customer choices.
Mc Donald Corporation restraining from advertising of some of its unhealthy food options has helped reduce health issues such as childhood obesity. More so, it includes fruits and vegetables in its menu choices. Such activities aim at ensuring that the corporation offers safe and nutritional food to its customers. Another essential implementation Mc Donald undertook was to change its marketing technique by utilizing television platform. The primary focus of the change of marketing strategy was on packaging and reaching out to children and teaching them about the importance of healthy eating (Carden 29).
Monitoring/ Control Activities of Adverse Events
In effort ensure proper implementation of plans to prevent and overcome adverse events, Mc Donald Corporation established an environmental and a social indicator. More so, Mc Donald has continued to assess performance metrics. Performance metrics assessment has enabled the corporation to monitor improvements and transparency among its stakeholders. For example, the amount a customer spends per visit. Another monitoring and control undertaking by Mc Donald has been an enhancement in reporting and tracking mechanism to ensure that individual’s performance gets controlled and monitored at all time (Carden 31).
Work Cited
Carden, Lila L., et al. “Organizational resilience.” Organizational Dynamics, vol. 47, no. 1, 2017, pp. 25–31., doi:10.1016/j.orgdyn.2017.07.002.
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