Causes And Consequences Of Anorexia In Adolescence
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DownloadCauses and consequences of anorexia in adolescence
There are currently several emotional psychological disorders, one of these is anorexia, considered as an eating disorder, which arises as a consequence of the influence of body image stereotypes. Which has had considerable growth in the young population, having preponderance in women, since they are more vulnerable to influences of technological media and their social environment. It is considered a multifactorial disease since through it various physical and psychological imbalances are acquired, the time being a determining factor since if adequate attention is not given one of the paths that it takes is death is death.
Anorexia is a psychological disease, it consists of an eating disorder (CT), which is a weight loss caused by the patient himself and leads to a state of starvation. According to García-Camba, "Anorexia is characterized by the rejection of maintaining body weight in normal minimum values and is accompanied by an alteration of the perception of body shape and weight" (2001).
It consists of considerable weight loss, caused by the patient himself using vomiting methods, abuse of diuretics, laxatives and excessive exercise.
How it affects and who is more prone to suffering from it
Anorexia is a disease which is characterized by the fear of gaining weight, and by a perception of the body itself that makes the affected one look fat even when its weight is below what is recommended.
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Therefore, the reduction of food intake begins, affecting its defenses since not having enough nutrients the body cannot develop correctly, evidencing the remarkable and excessive loss of weight.
Teenagers are the most concerned with highlighting their physical appearance, because they live a stage in which they seek the constant acceptance of their environment. They are very susceptible and easily executed what the media sell him at all times, especially the idea of a thin figure means beauty.
Causes and consequences
It is not known exactly what its cause is, but they can be due to a variety of factors, the most common is the influence of the media thanks to the globalization and facilism of entering them, so that
Patients mostly come from the urban area, with adequate years of schooling for age, these being important factors for access to information and social beauty models (…). Globalization and facilities for access to social networks have a lot to do with the appearance of this disorder (…). Teenagers reported that the media impose an aesthetic pattern and feel dissatisfied with themselves for being different from stereotyped beauty patterns and wish to have similar figures to show stars or models (…) Ortiz et al, as cited in (Godoy, Albretch and Mesquita, 2012).
Thus generalizing the idea of standardized women either on a magazine cover, on social networks or on television, which have a lot to do, because they impose a stereotyped aesthetic style of beauty, thus giving people a wrong image of their appearance of their appearancephysical causing the desire to be thinner, so they come to fear being obese.
- A low self – esteem that causes distrust in themselves, thus being more vulnerable to any mockery or comment that your social circle performs on it. Another reason is to try to fit into a group in which they get carried away by the tastes, desires and ways of acting trying to imitate their friends to be equal to them or better establishing simple superficial relationships.
- Another cause, although not 100 percent proven is the biological and genetic factor since there is a chemical and hormonal imbalance or suffering from changes in genes lead to people presenting a greater risk of suffering from anorexia compared to others, they have a genetic tendency of perfectionism linked to the characteristics of anorexia.
- Another of the most concurrent causes is that these people seek to perform physical activities such as gymnastics, cardio, or any other exercise that helps them to be thin, exceeding and getting worn as long as it obeys fashions and seasonal trends in order to impose their style and highlightbefore society.
The thin body is a symbol of triumph and the equation "thin woman equal to winning woman" is accepted by some as incontestable truth. On the contrary, obesity is a symbol of neglect, negligence and idleness, of little spirit of struggle or overcoming and carelessness. These equivalences are hypothetically moved to the workplace, although correlation is not real, since professional efficiency and body volume do not have to be related. (J Ortiz, 2010)
Among the most common consequences presented by this disorder are:
- BBone is already very weak in the human body.
- Weakening of the immune system, because due to the lack of nutrients it weakens. It is common for people to suffer from this disease acquire other psychopathological disorders such as depression, alcohol abuse or even have aggressive behaviors with people in their environment.
- Infertility is also reflected as one of the consequences that this eating disorder presents, this can be caused by the amenorrhea that is the loss of the menstrual cycle, on the other hand the poor nutrition that these people present can make impossible a successful pregnancy being thus beingThat at the moment the child is born, it is born with defects.
- The inflammation of the kidneys is also given as a consequence of anorexia, since the lack of vitamins, produce permanent damage in them, affecting their operation.
In addition to amenorrhea, there may be constipation, cold intolerance, hypotension, hypothermia, bradycardia, dry skin. Lanugo, peripheral edemas (especially when recovering the weight or stopping laxatives), anemia, leukopenia can also occur. Petechiae are observed very rarely, usually in the limbs. Sometimes skin color is yellowish. Mammary atrophy may also appear, reduction of axillary and pubic hair, decreased basal metabolism (…). (Calvo, Perpiña and Feldman, 2000, P.303)
All the consequences that we have already mentioned are really very tedious situations, because not only the person who possesses this imbalance suffers it, but also the people around it, mainly their relatives.
Within the consequences we can appreciate different problems that the disease brings in people’s lives (Campos and Zuñiga, 2014, p.14)
- They stop eating in company.
- They do not go to appointments for not being able to give a "binge"
- They consume hypercaloric food.
- Hide food or eat hidden.
- They are binge recurrently.
- They eat abnormally, losing control.
- They have depressive thoughts.
- Lower its level of self – esteem (in schoolchildren of reducing the qualifications).
- His only pleasure is summarized in eating.
- They obsess food and have a panic to gain weight.
- They end up with abdominal dollars, sleep or vomiting.
- They usually ingest 5.000 to 10.000 kcal in a single binge.
- Hours are eating and then purging with the use of diuretics, laxatives or vomiting.
- His status is chronic weakness, with stomach pain and bloody eyes.
- Weight fluctuations above 4 kg per year.
- Weigh daily.
- They come from chaotic or unstructured families.
- Low self-esteem.
Society plays a fundamental role in maintaining this disorder, because through the media, thinness is idealized as a synonym for beauty. Advertising, media and social pressure contribute to destroying people’s physical and psychic health in our society.
"Ads sell more than products. To a large extent, he tells us who we are and who we.
Our work focuses on a more perceptible group of society such as adolescents since they are in a stage of development of their personality and self – esteem, thus being more vulnerable to falling into illogical stereotypes.
The female sex is more prone to get this syndrome since most women prioritize their external beauty and physical attractiveness, for which in many cases the help of the Internet but not of an experience with experience is sought.
The Internet is a tool that has given us countless advantages, but also many disadvantages because the information is at the order of any person and many times this information is not the most appropriate because there is no restriction due when loading information in anyWebsite, thus giving rise to confusion and errors that seriously harm the person.
As we know, anorexia is a disease that does not distinguish race, sex, religion. Within the statistics, we find:
The most vulnerable sex is female but is more prone to emerge from 14 and 18 years.
Anorexia affects a 0.5% to 3% of adolescents in the world. Thus becoming the third most common chronic disease in youth.
Within the group of adolescents who are in diet, it is necessary that only 20% suffer from overweight, the rest practices without the need to do so.
If a study between men and women is carried out, we reach the point that 5% and 95% suffer from anorexia respectively.
The anorexia mortality rate is 3% to 15%.
Anorexia prevention
At present, people must change the way we think and neglect perfection so that new generations have a good perception of themselves and love them as they are, regardless of any defect since in life nobodyit is perfect.
The objective of prevention is to avoid suffering. The disorganization of personal life, considerable emotional suffering and the impact on an irreversible sometimes suffered by families and communities in which those who suffer from some mental disorder live forces us as a society to dedicate substantial resources to prevent them. (Muñoz et al., 1995)
In conclusion, anorexia is a global problem that currently does not distinguish sex or age, affecting not only to those who suffer from it, but also its environment, despite all the awareness campaigns that have been made worldwide, theCup of percentage of people affected by this disorder continues to increase more every day, since in the world weigh more social stigmas than self – esteem.
- Campos, Z. (June 2014). Recovered from: https: //
- J Ortiz, R. P. (2010). Elsevier, 72-77.
- others, m. Y. (nineteen ninety five ). Recovered from: https: // books.Google.It is/Books?hl = es & lr = & id = dltfehdzviqc & oi = FND & pg = pa9 & dq = prevention+for+anorexia & otes = x0edygzq & sig = bjwf2jrn2e7w9xjrdbk2bhq3kug#v = onepage & q = prevention%20para%20
- Zuñiga, c. Y. (June 2014). Recovered from: https: //
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