Causes Of Ovar Cancer
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This essay is carried out with the purpose of raising awareness of the population about the polycystic ovary syndrome (SOP), it is an endocrine-methabolic disorder that causes frequent hormonal imbalances in young women of reproductive age of 5 to 10% in Latin America and worldwideapproximately 20%, since there are few people who take care of their health carrying a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables to improve or maintain a life in good physical health and why not say mental.
The (SOP) is mainly acquired by having poor diet such as excess foods rich in fats, scrap meals and sugar intake, all these badly called food causes obesity and therefore diseases that present these pathology such as (sop), showing as a consequence certain conditions in the body of women, although this disease is also presented as a hereditary in some cases.
Obesity is one of the main causes of polycystic ovar syndrome that can affect both adolescent girls and young women in their fertile age, can cause acute pains that would even lead to fainting, irregularities in menstruation or even disappearance of the same.
It could also cause spots on the body in the areas of the neck, axilas and thickening of the skin, the excessive amount of fat in the body makes many organs do not due function and all this is closely linked to other diseases such as dyslipidemia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, chronic anovulation, type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance.
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The Polyquisical Ovarian Syndrome amenorrhea, Hirsutism, Obesity and Polycystic Ovaries. that force us to change our eating habits to improve our quality of life.
It is necessary that we take corrective measures with regard to our lifestyle, know that we have the decision to get our body sick or not to improve our eating habits in addition to physical exercise. To achieve a balance between the external and internal environment, it is necessary to investigate and read more about the serious consequences that our incorrect way of living can lead to.
An improvement in our diet can change the quality of life of women who present it, and in other cases these complications can be avoided, although it also occurs in women with normal weight, obesity causes more complications.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (SOP)
According to investigations carried out, polycystic ovary syndrome is an common endocrine-metabolic disorder that occurs during reproductive age in women with a prevalence of 6 to 10%. A study in Venezuela indicates that polycystic ovar syndrome (SOPQ) is a common endocrine disorder that affects 4-8% of women of reproductive age and is associated with alterations in the menstrual cycle, infertility, hyperandrogenism and an increase inprevalence of general and abdominal obesity.
In the European continent in the year 1721 a communication of Vallisneri was known in Italy in which a moderately obese, sterile patient, with large, whitish and bright ovaries, which looked like paloma eggs, also Chereau in France in 1884 found during aLaparotomy some ovaries called "female testicles".
In 1935 Stein and Leventhal first described patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (SOP), in women with amenorrhea, hirsutism, obesity and histology of polycystic ovary (Lince García, Pérez Palacio, Molina Valencia, & Martínez Sánchez, 2015). Honoring the last two aforementioned authors, it was called Stein Leventhal syndrome, which is also known as functional ovarian hyperandrogenism.
From this, it has greatly investigated the subject, highlighting what refers to pathogenic mechanisms and diagnostic criteria, however, it is not until 1990 that the Nachional Institute of Health proposed a way to state the SOP, in which it was madeagreements and defined it as a syndrome that presents characteristics of hyperandrogenism and chronic anovulation in women without a specific cause of adrenal or pituitary dysfunction.
This syndrome occurs more frequently in obese and diabetic women with insulin resistance. Like all this syndrome does not have a unique cause, and a predominant mechanism in women who suffer from it cannot be set so far, however, several disorders related to each other have been demonstrated that predispose at the beginning and advance of the syndrome, where they originateA vicious circle in which there is a constant elevation of androgens.
A family aggregation has been observed, although in most cases there is no genetic predisposition. The studies that have sought genes involved with the syndrome support that it is an oligogenic disorder in which a small number of genes that manifest together with environmental factors, mainly with obesity and insulin resistance (Franks S, and others, 1997).
The impact of obesity on the clinical expression of the SOP has great influence on the metabolic disorders that accompany it. Aging increases insulin resistance (RI) in obese women with syndrome, however, this does not happen in thin and overweight women.
The polycystic ovaries present in the syndrome
These are ovaries that when they do not produce the hormones necessary for ovulation and the normal functioning of the menstrual cycle, they tend to believe in size and develop small cysts around them, which produce androgens and vice versa, since androgens can interfere with ovulation in ovulationand in the menstrual cycle. In addition, it is important to clarify that not all women suffering from SOP suffer from oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, that is, abnormal menstrual cycles.
Diseases that occur in the clinical picture
- Hyperandrogenism
According to the Endocrinology Society, it is an increase in the level of androgens which typically includes high values in total testosterone, bioavailable or free, but does not refer to other androgens and their importance in diagnosis or implications.
Testosterone has been the most studied androgen, it has been shown that it keeps a direct relationship with the seriousness of the metabolic syndrome regardless of the presence of SOP;Obesas women with hyperandrogenism are more risk of developing metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia and alterations in glycemia (Valderhaug TG, and others, 2015). SOP patients have higher androgen levels than women who do not suffer from syndrome, regardless of the presence of metabolic syndrome.
A greater number of obese women with SOP present hirsutism, fatty skin or acne and masculine pattern alopecia, it is also usually associated with the irregular menstrual cycle, comparing with women with SOP but with normal weight. Hirsutism, is when, especially in women, excessive hair development occurs, which is shown in areas such as above the upper lip, chin, chest, abdomen, it also results as a consequence of insulin resistance.
- Metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is the association of several disorders that intensify the risk of acquiring heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. In Europe and North America, metabolic syndrome has increased by 25% which increases the possibility of contracting type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, associating (SM) and (SOP) there is a smaller amount in women in the east Asian and a greater in women in womenAfrican, Hispanic and southern Asia, when patients have hyperandrogenism they have worse metabolic states with high levels of free testosterone and associated with high Androstene.
50% of women with obesity suffer from SOP and increase the severity of metabolic syndrome since fat growth is linked to insulin resistance. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome has been linked to vascular cardio diseases in women but at their fertile age and as hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia have previously been mentioned are the main causes of vascular alterations such as the calcification of coronary arteries (CAC)And another disease is the middle carotid thickness (CIMT)
- Aovulation
It is known as menstrual irregularities, present as oligomenorrhea that occurs when menstrual cycles take to present in an interval of 36 to 90 days still in the first post Menarca (first menstruation), because a normal cycle occurs with an interval of 2135 days. Another menstrual irregularity is the so -called amenorrhea, it is diagnosed when a woman in three months has not presented menstruation, also at intervals greater than 45 days at 2 or more years after the menarca.
When girls at 15 present lack of menstrual cycles, breast development has already elapsed 2 or 3 years ago. In addition, anovulation should be considered in cycle disorders with excessive menstrual bleeding. The absence of menstrual periods is not only a cause of a disease, but also occur for the use of contraceptives, during or after pregnancy, by menopause, even stress.
The pathologies described, are the risk factors in the polycystic ovary syndrome, although it is true for many years it has not been unanimously determined by the diagnostic criteria of the SOP and continues to be investigated, however, these mentioned are the alterations to highlight .
This set of risk factors also affects mental health, although research focuses more on biological and physiological factors, it is important to deal with psychological condition on patients suffering from SOP, since women who suffer from it may feel thatThey lose female identity and aesthetics due to hirsutism, acne, infertility, obesity and other long -term health risks.
This can negatively influence the quality of life, since these factors can affect humor and psychological well -being. These patients suffer greater emotional anxiety paintings, depression than the rest of the population with good health.
The purpose of describing each of the complications that arise in the SOP, is to show how everything is related, and is shown as a vicious circle where excessively ingesting fatty foods and as a consequence obesity or overweight, brings many complicationsTo pathologies, although obesity is not the specific cause of each one, they are, in women who have obesity or overweight, more prone.
Obesity is a worldwide health problem, in Mexico and in developing countries (Ime & Burke, 2014; Swinburn et al., 2011;WHO, 2018).Obesity is the most common risk factor in adults of morbidity and mortality, which means that it causes a decrease in hope and quality of life.
Polycystic Ovar Syndrome in Ecuador.
Only in Guayaquil in the motherhood of the South Guasmo Matilde Hidalgo de Procel an investigation was conducted where 500 women surveyed between 20 and 35 among them 28 women suffered from (SOP), it could be determined by means of a test that of these 28 womenthat more than 15 were surveyed from an insufficient heart, they did not have a good physical condition from having a sedentary lifestyle that could be a cause of this disease, they also propose to improve the cardiovascular effects caused by the (SOP) withAn exercise manual carried out by the researchers.
High Foods in Fats
Quick meals are high in saturated fats, cholesterol and sugars. As the name implies, by eating them quickly and in greater quantity their digestion becomes slow and heavy, making the stomach work much more, these meals cause obesity and other pathologies such as diabetes, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, fatty liver and evenCancer, associating it with obesity, causes insulin resistance, it is true that the body needs insulin to use nutrients, but by ingesting too many refined carbohydrates such as:
Bread, flour, pizzas, rice, ice cream, mantecados, chocolate, the excess of these will become glucose, excess glucose causes the pancreas to be forced to produce a large amount of insulin, which is an anabolic hormone that builds, and for this reason the cysts occur in the ovaries, but if the excess insult in the body would be lowered the cysts in the ovaries (Suárez, 2017) would disappear (2017).
SOP symptoms
- Irregular menstruations is a symptom of (SOP) girls and old.
- Another symptom is hyperandrogenism, with or without cutaneous manifestations that are excesses in the production of androgens (male sex hormones).
- Hirsutism is another symptom that is presented by this syndrome characterized by the presence of acne or fatty skin.
- Polycystic ovaries are presented, augmented in size with small cysts.
- Overweight or obesity can be presented, often around the waist (called central obesity) and abdomen.
- Acanthosis nigricans is a skin condition as dark spots on the skin of the neck, armpits and under the breasts, although this can occur when there are carcinogenic tumors in the stomach or in the liver.
- The loss of known hair with the name of Alopecia.
Procedures for the diagnosis of (SOP)
The procedures to diagnose the SOP, to others of the physical exam and the complete medical background (clinical history), are the following:
- It is necessary to go to a specialist (gynecologist, obstetrician, endocrinologist), for the realization of a pelvic exam: physical examination of the internal and external female reproductive organs, by means of an ultrasound: image diagnosis technique, a blood test: a blood analysis:To detect high levels of androgens and other hormones, glucose tolerance test to assess glucose levels in the blood and also an exam to measure triglycerid levels and blood cholesterol.
- With regard to obesity, the body mass index (BMI) is a useful method, although with limitations, to define it. Calculated as the weight in kg divided by height in meters squared. The reference values are between 18.5 and 24.9. Between 25 and 29.9 it is overweight and above 30 kg it is considered that the person is obesa.
Treatments for (SOP)
The treatments or measures to reduce physical symptoms, and thus, to relieve the burden of having to live with this syndrome, it will also depend if the patient has the desire or not to get pregnant, since the treatment will focus on reducing the levels ofHormones high by hyperandrogenism, reduce weight to avoid more complications and handle aesthetic aspects.
Among the most common treatments there are: contraceptive, which after a complete study made by a gynecologist or obstetrician, will be recommended to treat;Diabetes medications. It is usually recommended a treatment used in type 2 diabetes, metformin, to reduce insult resistance in patients;weight reduction;medications to stimulate ovulation.
They help the stimulation of the follicles of the ovaries so that the ovule can be fertilized;physical exercises accompanied by a healthy diet. It is very important to investigate more about the selection of food, some controlled and randomized studies have shown that the limitation in the amount of carbohydrates produce a decrease in weight greater than the limitation of fat content in the diet.
The ketogenic diet is characterized by a reduction in carbohydrate content at 50 g or less per day and by an increase in other fatty and protein macronutrients. It has various effects, one of the main ones for the treatment of obesity is appetite reduction. Other therapeutic effects of ketogenic diet are: in epilepsy therapy, a decrease in crisis;In diabetes, reduction of blood glucose, risk reduction in respiratory diseases and cardiovascular risks.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is an endocrine-metabolic disorder, which includes various risk factors that most prevail in reproductive age. It is currently recognized that it is also a condition that can cause metabolic alterations with implications of cardiovascular disease,
Obean women who have the syndrome have greater complications such as hyperandrogenism, chronic anovulation, amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases compared to normal or overweight weights, since they have greater resistance toinsulin and this influences other diseases already mentioned.
It is important to attend regularly where a specialist, perform the corresponding exams and carry adequate treatment, accompanied by physical exercise daily avoiding sedentary lifestyle.
We should inform ourselves more to know about the serious consequences when ingesting foods that cause long or short term consequences;If the prevalence increases in women suffering from the syndrome, what will happen to reproduction?, since every time foods are more chemical than nutrients. While in our country, apparently, food does not seem to be so prosecuted, or people sow, we do not realize everything we buy in supermarkets.
Apart from the seeds, they already come with chemicals. You have to take corrective measures with everything that is happening, since the foods that the nutrients bring are vital, and if we consume harmful things, we will be exposed or exposed to contracting cancer and with it death, if it does not do it immediately.
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