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Romanticism, Artistic and Cultural Revolution   Romanticism is a cultural, artistic and literary movement that occurs in Europe from the end of the 18th century until the first ha...

Recognition of rights, economic and social in the International Order The recognition of rights, economic and social in the international order, has been the product of a long succ...

Post -traumatic stress disorder review Introduction. In this essay there will be a review of the post -traumatic stress disorder, due to the frequency with which it can be found......

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Participation of women in the abolition of slavery in the nineteenth century Introduction This work is intended to link to what extent feminist women participated in abolitionist m...

Paranormal activity and their periods Introduction The paranormal is something that occurs outside of reality or what cannot be explained with science as its name indicates is some...

Origin and history of feminism and its relationship with Marxism Feminism is a political and social movement that begins at the end of the 18th century. The French Revolution was.....

Nationalism: beginnings, political interests Since the creation of the concept of nationalism, this meant a sense of belonging by citizens to their nation. Each individual belongs ...

Nationalism and its arrival in Catalonia, Spain Nationalism, according to British encyclopedia, is an ideology based on the premise that the loyalty and devotion of an individual t...

Monarchical absolutism in European history The absolutist state Explain when the State appears and many other questions related to that question is still profitable questions, beca...

Man and impact on society Introduction To be able to understand this work we will define the contemporary man who is between the French revolution and the present, as the......

Madame Bovary: A love and punishment story Introduction How Madame Bovary is related to the current social context? "In life there are no prizes or punishments, but consequenc...

Language origin: Language and Society Introduction 1. Origin of the feminist movement  To begin, we will place briefly how the feminist movement began, in order to understand in a...

Labor relationship and satisfaction Introduction Labor Law is a part of the right, in which, there are guarantees for both the worker and the employer, it is a construction of......

John Marshall: Constitutional Supreme Court Introduction It is proposed to enter into everything that we now call constitutional supremacy, taking into account that it is the forma...

It was romantic: Rima 41 of Bécquer "La Rima 41" by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer The text which I proceed to comment is a romantic era work called "La Rima 41"......

Influence of the French Revolution and the American Revolution on the Constitutions of America Introduction The influence of the French Revolution on the independence of Latin Amer...

Importance of modern history in art history As a reflection on the course, the Modern History Professor Jacinto Juan de Vega Domínguez of the University of Salamanca exposes us, s...

Impact of Roman architecture today Introduction Roman architecture has had a great impact on architecture from its creations to this day, its architectural style is used so far as ...

Immanuel Kant Philosophy Introduction During the years that Kant lived, some of the events (seven -year war) that made Europe and the world the plurinational field that we now know...

Immanuel Kant Criticism of Reason Introduction The text that is going to be discussed is a fragment of the introduction of the criticism of pure reason that the illustrated philoso...

Illustration of the thirteen colonies Introduction The illustration, also known as the time of the lights was a movement that highlighted the intellectual, cultural and political r...

HIV/AIDS, Stigma, Discrimination and Human Rights Despite the vast federal regulations, as well as the federal entities of the country and the different institutions;Stigma and dis...

Historical history of women's human rights At present, most of the constitutions of the world proclaim equal rights and duties for citizens, but we must remember that it was not......

Haiti: The cost of an independent nation Introduction On a small Caribbean island, a heroic and surprising revolution was imposed. The Haitian revolution was the only triumphant sl...

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Globalization and World Capitalist Development   Globalization constitutes the current stage of world capitalist development, which economically implies the expansion of the marke...

Foreign policy: parliamentary diplomacy Introduction By tradition, diplomacy has been an exclusive space reserved for the government executive branch. However, the growing blurred ...

First stage of the Industrial Revolution Between 1760 and 1870 it was the period marked by the continuous inventions, thus given the development of the first stage of the industria...

Feminism over the centuries, specifically in the mid -nineteenth century Feminism takes centuries, it is not something new, much less a fashion, it has taken strength at different ...

Feats of the French Revolution Introduction Napoleon was one of the characters that caused the greatest controversy in the nineteenth century, since their acts and exploits marked ...

Equality in Athens vs. The idea of ​​equality in the French Revolution Introduction This essay compares the polytheía model raised by Aristotle in the city of Athens, during t...

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Emergence of Darwin's evolution theory Darwin's theory of evolution is probably one of the most famous and representative of the history of science. The postulates of natural selec...

Eiffel Tower: Most famous metal structures in the world Introduction Without a doubt, steel is one of the most versatile, useful and durable materials that can be implemented in pr...

DEFINITION OF SOCIOLOGY IN THE STUDY OF MAN The definition of sociology is not based on the unique study of man in community, or the problems or phenomena that arise......

Declaration of Independence and the North American Constitution Introduction The independence of the settlers in North America began not with the proclamation of the independence o...

Cultural and Social Identity in Canadian Introduction Canada is a sovereign country belonging to the North America block that is formed by ten provinces and three territories. His ...

Contemporary History and Human Rights Introduction At the beginning of history there were no human rights, around the year 3000 A of C. In ancient Egypt, everything was based on......

Concept of feminism, waves and stigmas Feminism is a social movement that seeks gender equity, it was born in the 18It tells the woman for what they had to organize......

Citizenship in the Self Society The purpose of the present work is to propose a context of the concept of citizenship, landing it at the social level and seeing everything......

Church position in the face of Darwin's theory From the Enlightenment, there is a strong movement of intellectual rebellion before the Church to which it is accused of opposing pro...

Chronology of torture and animal abuse Introduction. The records of abuse towards animals throughout the country are increasing day by day which practically forces to reflect on th...

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