Causes Of Unemployment In Colombia And Poverty
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Unemployment is an issue that for Colombia has been growing in recent years, this is caused after the little offer that companies can offer to people who are in capacity to do a work, the rate that has become increasingseen higher in Colombia and this contradictions that can generate as is the affectation of the economy or the advancement of poverty. Thus we can enter the subject and understand unemployment as the situation in which people who have capacity, age and in turn have the desire to work, but that are whether social, political or economic have not been able toExercise your activity seeing a situation of forced unemployment. Tenjo Jaime (2018) states: (a short conclusion of the previous text is the little capacity that companies or independent people have to open a new job, which is due to structural problems of production and the growth model that we havechosen one. Tenjo J (March 19, 2019).
In Colombia, the unemployment rate grew from 9.2% to 9.4% between 2016 and 2017. This increase has been registered since the 2015 period, this thanks to the data that the DANE throws us, the city unemployment rate and 8.9% are the national unemployment rate;During the last quarter of 2017, 438.200 Bogota were unemployed, 30.000 more over the same period in 2016. Of the 4’170.000 capitalists who were employed, 1’201.000 worked in the tourism and hotel sector.A little more than 880.000 were linked to the textile and social services sector.
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When comparing the last quarter of 2016 with the 2017 period, the DANE figures declare loss of jobs in the financial sector (around 30.000 people went from being used to be unemployed), followed by the hotels and restaurant market (25 reduction.000 jobs less) and the work and construction sector (approximately 25.150 jobs less).
Causes of this event
This article reports the results of an investigation into causes or determinants of unemployment in Colombia in the 21st century, an increase in the participation rate is a cause of the increase in unemployment, we could affirm that this rate increased due to the migration ofVenezuelans and Colombians who resided in that country, although this hypothesis cannot be affirmed in its entirety.
Another cause to take into account and that produces a growing unemployment is the demand for qualified workers who have quality studies, which is called qualified labor as Zuluaga and Ocampo (2018) ” The little education, or theBad quality education decreases the possibilities of getting jobs or accessing information that can contribute to improving the quality of life ”(Pag 17). In Colombia, increasing unemployment is presented in young people which in turn is attributed by the aforementioned. Zuluaga V & Ocampo, D (S.f) Poverty and unemployment: Interest of socioeconomic study (undergraduate essay) University Foundation of the Andean Area, Pereira.
Unemployment in Colombia 2014
In the quarter February-2014, Bogotá was the third city with the lowest unemployment, after Montería (7.3%) and Bucaramanga (8.5%) according to the National Administrative Department of Statistics, the unemployment rate fell0.5 percentage points, compared to the previous year, when it was 9.6%. ‘We are winning the battle to unemployment, we have not won it but there are,’ were some words of the administrative director where it is a little encouraged by the results obtained, however, despite these results, unemployment later would be firing againA very high rate for reasons already mentioned.
Identify and publicize the causes of unemployment currently analyzing some of the past years and using indicators that will help us understand in exact figures the increase in unemployment and how to give a possible solution obtaining as a result the decline of the unemployment indicator inColombia, we can also identify what the problems are in our country that lead not only to there is such a high unemployment rate but that this generates an increase in poverty, the data that the Dane throws us in recent years always goIncrease, and these data are results that the country is not in progress.
A small analysis of the recovered information is made for this workshop, it is clear that poverty goes hand in hand with the entire issue of economy, unemployment, lack of income, results of social exclusion processes, social segregation or marginalization,Taking into account that it is a fairly broad topic and that doing the search is a lot of information in Internet search engines, we explore the concept of poverty. (The last report published by the DNP is reviewed, about poverty). Also, some of the social policies implemented in Colombia are reviewed, aimed at reducing poverty levels in the country, from the Virgilio Barco government.
- Determinants of unemployment in Colombia (2001 – 2014): Analysis from a macroeconomic and market perspective available at: https: // repository.Javeriana.Edu.CO/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/10554/18882/GARCIALARGOJANEKRUPSKA2016.PDF?sequence = 1 & isalowed = y
- Unemployment grows in Bogotá available at: http: // www.Bogotacomovamos.Org/Blog/Increase-the-Deempleo-in-Bogota/
- Why did unemployment shot in Colombia? Available at: https: // www.the
- Causes of unemployment in Colombia in the 21st century: evidence from a coubred var-x model available at: https: //
- Causes of unemployment in Colombia in the 21st century evidence from a counting var-x model available at: http: //
- Causes of unemployment in Colombia in the 21st century evidence from a coubred var-x model available at: https: //
- As seen in the following table, the growth rates of the gross domestic product before 2015 were above 4.5%.Available at: https: //.com/index.PHP/Econom-Y-Society-Themes-29/11824-POR-WHAT-SE-DISPARO-THE-DESEMPLEO.HTML
- [Bookmark: _b7zjorczo3jk] macroeconomic politics available at: https: //
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