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Cell Phones Affect Teenagers


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Cell phones affect teenagers


Communication has always played a very important role in society, before the communication was very different, it was very slow and it was not certain that the information that was wanted came, but over time it improved in such a way that now people needOf this, whether the need to communicate quickly with a relative or friend, this technological evolution causes people especially adolescents to see communication as a custom, since being so easy and everyday, it is done unconsciously, it is done unconsciously,A clear example is when a message is sent to a friend, it is something that is done so much that it is already done without thinking.


Now teenagers think they always need to be up to date, from news to personal relationships, this generates the need to always have a device with which you are able to communicate, today you can see how people can no longer live withoutthese. Social networks like Facebook play a very important role in this, since they are the cause of people being dependent on communication, since thanks to social networks people find out about everything that happens.

A point arrives in the adolescent’s life where, you simply want to feel a bit away from everything and begin to get lost on your cell phone, but, at the time a device is already being used indiscriminately, so much addiction is created thatThe person cohifies from society, this refers to the beginning to move, suppress, or disconnect from their surroundings.

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The use of the cell phone has been of such magnitude that a large number of young people have developed various disorders because of them, these include a change in decision making, thoughts, feelings and emotions, due to the change in the neurotransmitters of our brain. You can be in discussion what causes these discomforts in the life of a person, but, one of the most studied is the lack of human relationships because it is all the time on the cell phone, which leads to a disorder.

The typical behavior of adolescents is difficult to describe, since, it has been known over time that they always have isolation behaviors towards the elderly, try to change the norms or how society is constituted and also live subject to changesemotional. All these aspects lead to a behavior of violence in the personality of the young man, although, although it is true that they go through complicated phases, they are not the only. As Summer mentions:

During the adolescence period it usually happens that they are too focused on themselves: they believe they are the only person in the world who feels like him, or that only things happen to him, or that it is so special that no one can understand it(And less your family). This focusing on itself can lead to moments of loneliness and isolation, or the way of relating to family and friends.

In recent years, studies have been carried out mainly 3 disorders created by dependence on a device in adolescents. Nomophobia, which is the fear of not being ableYoung people hide from the world for being inserted in their world online. The above refers to the fact that new psychological problems for adolescents are created every day, which could mean something serious, since they are addictions.


Cell phones are not the problem in the lives of young people, the only problem that can be taken into account is the misuse of this, and this is due to the lack of education, so that young people learn how to useThe phone correctly, without abusing the use of this, so that they do not affect themselves or others. In a nutshell, the cell phone is already common at this time, it is not bad to use it or take advantage of the benefits it gives us, but like everything in this life, if you use the cell phone in excess, it is most likely to adopt inappropriate behaviors or inclusivesome disorder.

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