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Cerebral Paralysis In Childhood, An Informed Society


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Cerebral paralysis in childhood, an informed society

Child -cerebral palsy affects many children in our society. Having a child with these characteristics can be very hard for parents, especially at the beginning. Since they must assimilate the situation.

But, as good citizens, we must all be informed on this issue. To be able to help and understand these children and their families.

What is child cerebral palsy?

Child cerebral palsy is a movement disorder, muscle tone or posture, which implies a persistent motor disorder. It occurs due to a non -progressive neurological lesion that interferes with brain development.

In general, it could be said that cerebral palsy is characterized by:

  • Presence of a non -progressive neurological lesion that interferes in the central nervous system.
  • Appearance of a motor disorder that manifests itself early, before three years. 
  • Persistence of symptoms throughout life.
  • Presence of other associated disorders, such as language disorders, sensitive, cognitive, perceptive, personality, epileptic crises, etc. 


Therefore, these children have a disorders in psychomotor development (postural control, wandering, manipulation, etc.). Thus, they tend to maintain primary reflexes, which appear from birth and normally disappear as the child grows.  And do not obtain secondary reflexes, those that appear throughout the first months of life. 

On the other hand, in relation to alterations that affect muscle tone, this can be:

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  • Hypertonic: increased tone.
  • Hypotonic: Decreased tone.
  • Dysonic: inconsistent tone between hypertonia and hypotonia.


In addition, the digestive, respiratory and postural problems presented by children with cerebral palsy, hinder their diet. As the difficulties in the oral zone (excessive salivation, hypersensitivity, etc.).

Therefore, it can be said that people with child cerebral palsy are very heterogeneous to each other. Both in the symptoms that manifest, as in the severity of them. Since they depend on the brain zone where the injury is.

What are the causes of child cerebral palsy?

Among the most frequent causes of the appearance of child cerebral palsy, are: 

  • Prenatals: When brain injury occurs during the gestation period. Thus, before the fourth month of pregnancy they are considered embryopathies. And if it appears after the fourth month they are considered fetopathies.
  • The perinatals: when the lesion occurs at the time of childbirth due to anoxias, trauma or complications at birth.
  • Postnatals: when the injury is caused after birth. Due to infections, cranial trauma, metabolic diseases, vascular accidents, eating problems, etc.

The importance of intervention

In order to detect and treat the specific problems of each child with child cerebral palsy, it is necessary to make a detailed evaluation. This must be done to elaborate a diagnosis and at the beginning and at the end of the intervention. So that the changes produced are recorded thanks the treatment.

These evaluations must be carried out by a multidisciplinary team. Which must be formed by:

  • Doctors-neonatologists.
  • Neurologists.
  • Pediatricians.
  • Rehabilitative doctors.
  • Physiotherapists.
  • Speech therapists.
  • Psychologists.
  • Pedagogues.
  • Occupational therapists.

All of them must work as a team. In order to give a global response to the needs detected or at risk that the child may suffer them.

Thus, the intervention must be based on the characteristics of each child. Looking for tools and methodologies that best adapt to their development.

In addition, we must bear in mind that in child cerebral palsy, it is essential to work stimulation. Through basal stimulation programs, children’s massages, multisensory stimulation rooms, etc.

It is also convenient to perform adequate treatment as soon as possible. So, the child goes to an early care service during early childhood, between 0 and 6 years. To achieve a better prognosis and evolutionary development.  

In conclusion

Finally, it should be noted that child cerebral palsy has no cure. But you can get the little one with certain skills to adapt to society.

Likewise, society must also adapt to these people. So that, awareness about the problem and make sure they offer accessible environments. In which, barriers are broken that do not allow these children to enjoy a dignified and inclusive life.

In short, we must strive to develop a sense of community and mutual support, based on social justice and solidarity. Well, as the doctor in Pedagogy Yadiar Julián affirms:

"It is not disability that makes these people difficult, but the thoughts and actions of others"


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