Ch 10 Assignment
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Physical evidence is an essential aspect of any business that shapes a consumer’s experience in general. According to Wilson et al. when designed appropriately, physical evidence influences the customer’s perception on the quality of the services offered and boosts the consumer’s relationship and loyalty to the company by building an emotional connection between the customer and the firm (1).
Question 2
The significant difference in the types of servicescapes is predicated upon the nature of the customer-company interaction. There are physical and virtual servicescapes. Physical servicescapes may be lean. These are used in business environments that have few spaces but whose core functions require physical interactions between customers and employees. Example are those found in fast food shops. On the other hand, examples of bigger business environments and multiple servicescapes include hospitals. These types are more complicated and often have different designs and elements. Despite their differences, these servicescapes serve the same role, which is to convey the expectations that the consumer should have, and facilitate the process of service delivery such as by ordering and paying. Furthermore, the servicescapes also facilitate interactions between consumers and employees and even amongst consumers. Finally, and most importantly, these servicescapes differentiate service providers in the eyes of their consumers.
Question 3
The servicescape facilitates both the employee and consumer with a forum for communication by initially making the consumer aware of the product or the message and thus triggering interest from the consumer.
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Additionally, the servicescape enables proximity between the employee and consumer that ensures secure communication.
Question 4
An efficient physical evidence strategy must be holistic in that it addresses all core factors of a business, which means that first, it has to take cognizance of the strategic impact of the physical evidence by ensuring that it is linked to the organization’s goals and plans. Second, the strategy must be aware of the roles of the physical evidence. For instance, if the servicescape’s import is to communicate with the consumer, its strategy should be different as to that whose import is to facilitate services such as ordering or payment. The strategy must also provide opportunities for innovation, improvement and change. Even if the organization’s goals are static, the servicescapes should be regularly changed to ensure that they adapt to any advancement in the industry. The strategy should also be holistic by evaluating different opportunities for the physical space.
Works Cited
Wilson, Alan, et al. Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus across the Firm. No. 2nd Eu. McGraw Hill, 2012.
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