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Challenges faced by canadian’s immigrant famillies


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Challenges Faced by Canadian Immigrant Families
Immigration has rapidly become a vital global issue. Numerous circumstances contribute to the prevalent mass migration of people, especially towards western developments. The chief reasons are however economic differences and political instability. Stronger economies attract many individuals who are looking for better employment and an opportunity for upward social mobility. (Ball 8) There is also massive forced migration occasioned by political instability especially in the Middle East, the Horn of Africa as well as South America and the Far East where insecurity is still a major concern. Other reasons causing movement of people are cultural and socials factors that force individuals to migrate from politically and culturally intolerant states to democracies where their freedom and difference can be respected. (Ball 10)
Canada thrives in the maxims of equality, fairness, and generosity. (“150 Years Of Immigration In Canada”) As such, it is acclaimed by world bodies such as UNHCR as one of the countries with best integration practices for migrants. As a result, the country attracts considerable numbers of migrants. (“The Refugee System In Canada”) Since 1991, Canada has taken in an average of 250,000 immigrants annually. This figure is expected to rise to 300000 by the end of 2016 due to the rising cases of insecurity around the globe that are resulting in increased forced immigration. In 2012, there were about half a million temporary foreign workers in Canada with the figure expected to be higher than that today.

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This is about a twentieth of the global estimated of 30-40million undocumented workers globally. Additionally, there is an average 25000 annual intake of refugees globally as well as more than 300000 international students. Evidently, there is a very broad spectrum of foreigners in Canada.
The breadth and diversity of this demographical segment make its welfare of primary significance to Canada. Immigrants exist in a country in two categories which are either documented or undocumented immigrants. Documented immigrants are those who enter the country legally and possess legal permits to reside in the state. Undocumented immigrants are smuggled across the border and live in the country illegally. Each of these categories has varied challenges. However, there are common problems that are likely to afflict every foreigner. Among the significant challenges facing immigrant families is access to basic amenities such as housing, health facilities, and educations as well as limited access to employment possibilities. Quality housing is above the reach for a majority of the immigrants mainly because most of them are locked out of lucrative job opportunities. Most immigrants, especially the undocumented ones, therefore, reside in low-income areas that are susceptible to crime and poor sanitation. Health challenges can be classified either as challenges arising from the mental challenges that are associated with immigrations, inadequate access to the services or women and children heath difficulties. (Magalhaes, Carrasco and Gastaldo 135) There are numerous barriers to access to educational facilities especially higher education. These challenges are either structural or occasioned by the economic hardships of the immigrants.
Social acceptance is a major problem for the immigrants too. (Tastsoglou et al. 68)A large number of immigrants in Canada arouses suspicion and hostility among a segment of local people who feel that immigration functions as a state experiment that disadvantages the Canadian citizen especially during times of economic hardships. According to the immigration watch organization in Canada, immigration costs Canada estimated 30billion dollars annually and an additional 24billion in remittances to ‘home’ countries by the refugees. These facts can lead to rejection by the local society which can result in psychosocial challenges as well as insecurity challenges. (Diab 51)
The Canadian refugee integration system has done a remarkable job in ensuring that it the country offers a permanent solution to the afflicted people from every part of the world. However, there are still many areas that require improvement and which unnecessarily increase the difficulties of the Canadian refugees. With proper structural and legal framework review, these challenges can be eliminated to ensure ease of access to resources by every individual residing inside Canada.

Works Cited
“150 Years Of Immigration In Canada”. Statcan.gc.ca. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Nov. 2016.
Ball, Michelle. “THE SHIFTING BORDERS OF INTERDICTION AND ASYLUM: A CANADIAN CASE STUDY OF SAFE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN POLICIES BY MICHELLE BALL.” Refugee Review: Re-conceptualizing Refugees and Forced Migration in the 21st Century 2.1 (2015): 8-25. Print.
Diab, Suha. “Fear And (In)Security: The Canadian Government’S Response To The Chilean Refugees.” Refuge 31.2 (2015): 51-62. Print.
Magalhaes, Lilian, Christine Carrasco, and Denise Gastaldo. “Undocumented Migrants In Canada: A Scope Literature Review On Health, Access To Services, And Working Conditions.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 12.1 (2010): 132-151. Web. 6 Nov. 2016.
Tastsoglou, Evangelia et al. “(En)Gendering Vulnerability: Immigrant Service Providers’ Perceptions Of Needs, Policies, And Practices Related To Gender And Women Refugee Claimants In Atlantic Canada.” Refuge 30.2 (2015): 68-78. Print.
“The Refugee System In Canada.” Cic.gc.ca. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Nov. 2016.

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