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Characteristics And Background Of The Industrial Revolution


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Characteristics and background of the Industrial Revolution

What was the Industrial Revolution?

It is a process of technological advances that helped to high degree to humanity, the industrial revolution originates in Britain in 1760, this eventuality had great impact on the lifestyle of people because some social groups migrated from the countryside to the city and others dedicated themselves to agriculture but integrated new products, and inventions that help with production. More raw material was also discovered that helped favorably in the discovery of new energy sources such as coal and iron. The inventions and changes that are coming from the age in which there have been several innovations that have been perfected.

“You are very strange humans, everything you think you use it to destroy.”(Jovovinch, 2013) In this appoint. In the beginning, people created new machines, industries that are necessary for life are, but they do not realize that they are destroying people as in labor to build their inventions did not care about them and die in their workplace.

"The Industrial Revolution involved not only the transformation of industrial activities but also simultaneous changes in the rest of the productive branches and in the social sphere" (Delgado, 2005). With the arrival of this revolution in England there were various changes not only in machinery, but in transport, in the way of working of people even in the way of thinking, since they began to have a more futuristic vision; which helped with the progress of inventions and that people begin to claim their rights as workers.

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People sought a better life to the migra from the country to the city and with this the work in the cities was increased, which caused an accelerated increase of that of the urban population, while in the field the agricultural production system was favored thanks to the insertion of machinery because efforts were spared and the work was no longer grotesque.

Background of the Industrial Revolution 

Once the manual work and human energy began to be replaced by the use of machines and the implementation of new technical equipment, a considerable change in society was noticed, among which the increase of the population can be mentioned and therefore , the growth of cities (Morales, 2019). In ancient times, the basic activities of the human being were based on agriculture and livestock, and with the appearance of industries people changed simultaneously, began a change in their lifestyle.

This was a benefit for people and more in industries on the other hand there began to exist the migration of the countryside to the city, but it also brought repercussions, since more factories, industries, cities and inequality began to be created, since People at that time were mistreated and did not have a good salary, even the workplaces had the lack of health were dirty places they also had no protection for themselves as gloves masks; In these factories men, women and children worked who, because of the people of the upper class they took advantage of them even some of them died.

England in the first industrial revolution

This was the first place where the first industrial revolution arose where there was both economic and technological change in this also new social classes such as capitalism also emerged. England before the Industrial Revolution had another revolution called the Agrarian Revolution, it also meant a change for England, but the one that had the most boom was the industrial revolution, since when time passed, humanity continues to make changes. The need for expansion of the English empire that will accelerate the production of goods for its trade.

Mechanized production is thus introduced into factories to obtain less production time and more product quantity. In this way, manufacturing production was progressively replaced by mechanized serial production. (Cruz, Britania for You, 2019). This country was a place where it had more technological advances by which the industrial revolution began and introduced new inventions in order to replace people’s work with machines; When time passed this extended to other countries that perfected inventions and created others.

General characteristics

England was the first country in which the first industrial revolution was given, first inventions for both the transport of people or to use those inventions in factories and industries These inventions also served for the people of the field and the machine to plow this artifact It was very useful for those people like that ended their work faster without inconvenience, the primary sources that were used for machines are coal and iron. Coal used it for steam machines where it was transformed into fuel, while iron was used as material for the manufacture of ships.

Capitalism was configured as the system in which production elements (land, factories and machinery) and what occurs with them are private property. This focuses on just a part of the population called capitalists, while most, the proletarians, have only their capacity for work in exchange for a salary. (Moreno, 2018). Capitalism is a part of the change in which people begin to fight for their rights and see for themselves as it is in private property begins to have their own interest for both them or their family.

In order to move raw materials and goods, the roads were improved and many channels were built to enable river navigation. But it was the railroad that caused a true revolution in transportation. (Moreno, characteristics of the first industrial revolution, 2018). Already with transport people finally had transport with more comfort and that this is faster, since with the ship and the railroad the products could be transferred from one place to another without the need to use animals or boats, sailboats than these these They also helped, but they were not as efficient as the new innovations. Just as these there were more inventions that perfected the world and gave them a life opportunity to also have the same rights the same opportunities to learn new things even to create them.

In this there were demographic transformations, food was improved thanks to the exports that began to be carried out, also in this the improvement of the birth rate; Technical innovations such as textile, energy, metallurgy, and transport; commercial expansion in which by population growth the demand for goods and improved roads and improved roads.


England’s economy before the Industrial Revolution was not very encouraging, and with the beginning of the industrial revolution had an incredible boom increased considerably its wealth. The industrial, capitalist economic system, having as an essential purpose the profitable desire and the constant increase in capital, gave rise to human work being considered as a merchandise that could be purchased with the payment of a salary. (Delgado, the modern and contemporary world of the modern era to the Imperialist century, 2005). It can be seen that there was a new economic system that is capitalism, which gave way to mercantilism that was based only on precious wealth and metals.

With the work of people and factories and industries that existed in England I improved a lot in their economy, but it also had problems, since people were not satisfied and that is why there were stoppages by workers, that is, people that worked in mining and industries.     

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